12/20/23 Staten Island All-Hands 10-86 Transformer Fire Box 1835

Apr 13, 2012
240 Dongan Hills Avenue off Hylan Blvd

Phone alarm reporting transformer fire

SI to E159: Getting the Con-Ed substation over there

E159 to SI: we have heavy smoke on approach

E159: Con-Ed is on scene. Looks like an outside transformer.

BC21: transformer fire inside 1-story con-Ed facility. Using 2&2 right now.

BC21: 266 Dongan Hills Avenue is corrected address. Precautionary line stretched awaiting Con-Ed supervisor.

BC21: S/C a purple-k unit for precaution (E163 Purple K)

BC21: Evacuating the nearby area

BC21: Still have heavy smoke and active fire waiting for the supervisor to get there. Precautionary lines stretched.

BC21: You’ll be getting a lot of smoke calls in the area still have heavy fire. Purple-K line stretched.

All-Hands transmitted

L81 FAST (replacing L83), BC23 AH chief, E152T SAT5

E161 going 10-8 from brush fire assigned to the AH

BC21: S/C HazMat battalion due to what we have on fire

DIV8: Transmit a 10-86 at Box 1835

BC21: Due to wind change, we changed our staging area to Hylan and Dongan Hills.

DIV8: Let the foam units meet us at Hylan and Buel.

Car 11F responding

SI to DIV8: Be advised, with the other boxes out, there’s no qualified engine to bring the super pumper at this time

20-minute ETA for HMB, 20-minute ETA for BC42Foam

Fallback step 2 has been implemented in SI

F-500? is being transported

E159, E165, E160, E161
T085, T077, L081F
R5, SQ08, SQ1
BC21, 23, 42Foam, 33Foam
E163T purple k, E229T purple k, E152T SAT5, E284T SAT
E247F, E321F

*other activity in area at the time, L81 was returning from relocation, E161 was on another run. E153 was heard on other runs at this time*

L168/TL77 (SI to L168/77: I’ll put you 10-8 in their area, you’re the nearest available truck to their area at the time)
BC9/23 (SI to BC9: Use Father Cap Blvd to Lincoln to get around this box)
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SOC availability getting tighter... R5, SQ8, SQ1 on this job, R4, SQ288 on the 5th in QNS, SQ252 going to an unstable roof. SQ41 relocating to SI. SOC Logistics and Compressor are at a dewatering job in Manhattan.

Not to mention roughly 40 engines and 25 trucks tied up between this job and the 5th

Fallback Step 3 in Brooklyn.
Google Maps has SQ41 relocating through New Jersey as the fastest route (1h20m), I assume they would take the longer route to remain in the city (?), if so it's a 1h40m relocation!
17:07 Div 8: One foam line stretched. Main body of fire knocked down extinguishing remaining pockets of fire.
17:21 Div 8 Fire Under Control. Duration 3 hrs and 1 minute.

Any ideas why the Purple K did not work and they had to use foam ?
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152 brought the Satellite and then 321 brought their foam?? Wierd
I think it was the timing. AH was transmitted so E152 took SAT because 159 couldn’t.

When the 10-86 was given they were already there with SAT as they would be on any AH.
159 would be on initial ticket. 152 would have bought the satellite on 10-75 or 7-5. 161 is back up to 152 for foam and also on initial ticket
Google Maps has SQ41 relocating through New Jersey as the fastest route (1h20m), I assume they would take the longer route to remain in the city (?), if so it's a 1h40m relocation!
Yeah but Google Maps doesn't take into consideration going Lights and Sirens.
SI to DIV8: Be advised, with the other boxes out, there’s no qualified engine to bring the super pumper at this time
Do the super pumpers not act like Collaspe Rescues, because any personal can bring a CR. Is the Super Pumper not the same way?