5/30/23 Bronx 3rd Alarm Box 2889

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Anyone have any idea what stream opened up just before the tower? Doesn't look like a deckngun, as it should be the same size stream as the tower. Looks too big for a handline also.
My guess is a deck gun.
Note in the short video of the Bronx 3-3 that the Tower Ladder is positioned on the "Apex" the 1-4 = A -D, Corner of the building the safest placement in case of a building collapse. The other advantage is that positioning on the corner of the fire building allows the Tower Ladder to attack the fire on at least. 2 sides of the building. If possible, try to position Tower Ladders on every corner of the building you can. I worked in some of the busiest Tower Ladders in the F.D.N.Y. INCLUDING TL-18 as a firefighter, T.L.-44 and TL-17 TL-18 Feather Factory Fire 1978 or 9.jpgCovering as a Lieutenant and a Lieutenant assigned in TL-21 and covering as a Captain in TL-7. At building Collapses a Tower Ladders belong on the corners and if possible, in front of the collapsed building belongs. Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
That is an interesting area where companies are 1 due & a block away could be 3rd due. Eng 61 would have been on the first alarm years back.
Depending upon the corner 64 should be 1 due with either 61, 90, or 96 second, third, or even forth due. It is also the border line between Div 6 & 7 boxes. This area also sees a heavy response of Tower Ladders - 54 - 41 - 58 - 50 - 31 on the first few alarms.

As for the relocation of Eng 22 to 82. With an ongoing 3th alarm it is a reasonable decision. The dispatcher is bringing a company in from outside the general area and not cris-crossing other relocations. Eng 35 was relocating to 94. Good move. So there are 91, 53, & 58 left to cover the area btw 22 & 35. Looks good to me.
'ongoing 3th alarm it is a reasonable decision'
I Didn't mean to imply it was Unreasonable; Just Sayin' it's a Nice Lil' bit O' Ride ;)