7/4/24*'Hot Dog Liaison'* !?!

Jun 15, 2012
11;35 BD: Brooklyn to the 'Hot Dog Liaison' ?

' Liaison k'

BD: .EMS is trying to Locate you k.'

Liaison; '
10-4 we'll take a walk over there - I think P.D. has the Patient' k.

Probably a Special Events Designation - Anyone w/ Info ?

[Nathan's ? ] :unsure:
11;35 BD: Brooklyn to the 'Hot Dog Liaison' ?

' Liaison k'

BD: .EMS is trying to Locate you k.'

Liaison; '10-4 we'll take a walk over there - I think P.D. has the Patient' k.

Probably a Special Events Designation - Anyone w/ Info ?

[Nathan's ? ] :unsure:
Might be E318 or 245 in the 43 lol. Kidding, probably an EMS fly car or something manned for the busy day in coney.
One of the classic radio transmissions of all times took place on the Brooklyn frequency many many years ago.
There was a pumper being returned to the city after a private contactor completed their work. The civilian driving the
rig got lost, long before GPS, and came on the radio asking for help. He identified himself as the lost fire engine.

After a few transmissions the staff chief called and the dispatcher was directed to keep the mixer off and not to use the term 'lost fire engine'.