Continued R.I.P...

-Robert C. Beddia, Engine Co. 24
-Joseph P. Graffagnino, Ladder Co. 5
Here is a rundown of the job from the Late ExChief84 RIP

Continued R.I.P...

Robert Beddia Engine 24
Joseph Graffagnino Ladder 5

To  all  readers  of  this  report:   
The  run  down  of  companies  is  based  on  a  printed  sheet  I  received  by  an  e-mail.
Source  unknown.

Verbal  Quotes;    are  based  upon  radio  audio  transmissions  from  ?live?  scanner.
Some  assignments  designations  may  not  be  correct,  ie,  C.F.R.D.,    Lobby  Control  Co,   
Safety Officer,    Resource  Unit  Leader,    FAST  Group  Supervisor,    F/F  Locator  Officer.   
Some  Units  on  the  10-66  were  assigned  at  a  later  time,
but  meet  the  required  response  request.    Designated  by  (10-66) 
Also,  certain  times  may  be  the  request  time,  and  not  the  actual  unit  assign  time.

In  respect  to  our  two  lost  Brothers,  may  they  rest  in  peace  from  their  last  alarm.
Keep  them  in  our  prayers.

Thank  you,
Ex Chief 84

Manhattan,  N. Y.  08/18/07  @  15:45 hrs.

World  Trade  Center

Box  47

address:              130  Liberty  St.

between:            Washington  St.    &    Greenwich  St.

Fire  Building:

38  Story  Class  1    210  x  320  ( Under  Demolition )

Deutsche  Bank  Bldg.

47  @  15:36

Engs.  10,  4,  6,  7*

Lad.  10,    T. Lad.  15

Batt.  1

Rescue Co. #1*

Squad  Co. #18*

Haz. Mat. #1*

Haz. Mat.  Batt.*

*  4  Engs.  /  2  Tks.  /  Rescue  &  Sqd.  with  Haz.  Mat. #1  &  Haz.  Mat.  Batt.

due  to  the  Bldg.  in  question  and  receiving  numerous  calls.

? Ladder  10  to  Manhattan  K,  Give  a  10 ? 75  for  the  Box. 

I  got    heavy  smoke  coming  out  from  about  20  floors  up.

Can?t  give  you  the  exact  floor  the  fire  is  on.

The  Deutsche  Bank,        Bldg.    under  demolition. 

Corrected  address  is,    One  Three  Zero  Liberty  St.      K ?

10 ? 75 ? 47  @  15:40

TowerLadder  1  is  designated  as  the  ?FAST?  Truck

Batt.  2

Division  1

Manhattan:  C. I. D.?s  Information  reads  as  follows  for  130  Liberty  Street.

Major  alterations,    38  Story,  210 x 320,  unoccupied.    Holes  in  floor  and 

exterior  walls  from  the  #1  floor  to  the  30th.  floor.    Sprinkler?s  are  out  of 

service,  Stand ? Pipe  dry.    Enter  via  loading  dock  on  the  Washington  St.

side.    There?s  Asbestos  and  Hazardous  Materials  on  all  floors.

? Ladder  10  to  Manhattan,  Transmit  a  2nd.  Alarm  on  my  authority,

for  have  heavy  fire  coming  thru  the  skin    K  ?

2 ? 2 ? 47  @  15:42

Engs.  55,  24,  15,  33

Lad.  8,    Lad.  6

Eng.  9  w /  Satellite  1

Sqd. Co. #1  assigned  w /  TRV-1

Batt.  4    ?Safety  Officer?

Batt.  32  ?Resource  Unit  Leader?

Rescue  Battalion  /  Safety  Battalion  n/a

Fieldcom  1  /  Tac.  Support  Unit #1

R.A.C.  #1

Car  15:    Assist.  Chief  Thomas  Galvin

? Ladder  10  to  Manhattan,  Urgent,    Advise  all  in  coming  units  be  especially  careful, 

we  have  scaffolding  possibly  coming  down,    and  fire  involving  numerous  floors,    K ?

? Division  1  to  Manhattan,  Transmit  a  10 ? 76  for  this  Box  also. ?

10 ? 76 ? 2 ? 2  ? 47  @  15:47

Lad.  20,    Lad.  5

Eng.  202  C. F. R. D.

Eng.  14    ?Lobby  Control  Co.?

Eng.  3  w /  High Rise  Unit #1

Rescue Co. #2

Batt.  31, 8

Batt.  58  ?Air  Re Con  Chief?

Division  11

Mask  Service  Unit #1

@  15:56

Special  Call  ( 2 )  additional  Chief?s

Batt. 7,    Batt.  45

@  16:08

Fieldcom  1  on  scene

@  16:13

Car  15:    Assist.  Chief  Galvin  on  scene

@  16:15

Special  Call  a  ?Decon  Task  Force?

Eng.  263,    T.  Lad.  117,    Batt.  49    assigned

@  16:21

Eng.  283  w / DS-283  assigned  ( Decon  Shower  Unit )
SOC Decon Support Unit

@  16:30

Rescue Co. #3  assigned  w /  Rescue  Collapse  #3

@  16:31

Safety  Battalion  now  assigned

@  16:36

Fieldcom  1:    Progress  Report  for  the  2nd.  Alarm,  10 ? 76,  Box  47,  Car  15,  Assist.  Chief  Galvin  reports:

Bldg.  is  38  Story,  210 x 320,  under  demolition.    Fire  on  the  15th.  to  17th.  floors.    Currently  conducting 

a  ?roll  call?  for  a  missing  member.    A  ?may-day?  was  transmitted.    Trying  to  account  for  all  members.

Command  Channel  has  been  activated.    ? K ?

@  16:46

Fieldcom  1:    Progress  Report  for  the  2nd.  Alarm,  10 ? 76,  Box  47,  Car  15,  Assist.  Chief  Galvin  reports:

Lines  are  being  stretched  up  the  outside  of  the  Bldg.    Units  are  staging  on  the  floor  below  the  fire.

Fire  has  extended  down  to  the  14th.  floor.    Fire  has  extended  down  the  shaft  way  on  the  Exp. #3  side 

to  the  ground  level.      Still  in  the  process  of  conducting  a  ?roll  call?    A  ?may day?  was  transmitted.     

Attempting  to  account  for  all  members.        Doubtful.

@  16:52

Fieldcom  1:    By  order?s  of  Car  15,  Chief  Galvin,    Transmit  a  3rd.  Alarm.

3rd.  Alarm:

3 ? 3 ? 10 ? 76 ? 47  @  16:52

Engs.  224,    226,    5,    210

Lads. 3, 118

Batt.  35  act.  Batt.  2  s/c  assigned  ?Staging  Manager?

Batt.  3  act.  Batt.  6  s/c   

Staging  Area:    Trinity  St.  &  Cedar  St.

@  16:53

Fieldcom  1:    By  order?s  of  Car  15,  Special  Call  ( 2 )  additional  Battalion  Chief?s.

Also,      We?re  still  receiving  ?may-day?  messages.    Still  in  the  process  of  conducting 

Roll  Call.        We  have  water  to  the  fire  floor  at  this  time..

@  16:53 Specical Call 2 BC's

Batt.  42 

Batt.  46  act.  Batt.  28 

@  16:54

Fieldcom  1:    Special  Call  ( 2 )  additional  ?F.A.S.T.?  Trucks.

T. Lad.  18,    Lad.  11  s/c  as  additional  designated    ?F.A.S.T.?  Trucks

@  16:56

Fieldcom  1:    By  order?s  of  Car  15,  Chief  Galvin,    Transmit  a  10 ? 66,

We  have  members  unaccounted  for.

10 ? 66 ? 3 ? 3 ? 47  @  16:56
1 Deputy = ?
2 BC's = ?
1 FAST Truck = ?
Engine 28 CFRD
Collapse TF = RC2 / Rescue ?
Ladder 131 / Rescue Collapse 2
Soc Logistics / Soc Compressor Unit
Engine 93 / MCC 2
Lad 14 SOC Support / Rescue Collapse 1
Squad 41
Eng.  93  w /  Mobile  Command  Unit #2  assigned

4th.  Alarm:  ( automatic  up-grade  w/ 10-66  signal )

4 ? 4 ? 10 ? 66 ? 47  @  17:12

Eng.  73  act. 16,    Eng.  207,    Eng.  35  act. 26,    Eng.  21

T. Lad.  9,    T. Lad.  13  act. T. Lad.  7

Car  3:  Chief  Cassano

@  17:24

T. Lad.  12  acting  T. Lad.  1  is  assigned

@  17:32

Ladder  132  is  assigned  as  S.O.C.  Support  Truck  ( 10-66 )

@  17:27

Manhattan:    to    Fall  Back  Step  3:

@  17:50

Car  3:  Chief  Cassano  on  scene

@  18:09

Fieldcom  1:    By  order?s  of  Car  3,  Chief  Cassano,    Transmit  a  5th.  Alarm:

5th.  Alarm:

5 ? 5 ? 10 ? 66 ? 47  @  18:09

Eng.  71  act. 34,    Eng.  26,    Eng.  54,    Eng.  8

Lad.  4,  Lad.  24

Fieldcom  1:

Special  Instructions  for  the  5th.  Alarm  Engine  Co.?s.      Have  them  report  into  the  ?Command  Post?

with  Roll  Ups    &  Rope,    and  be  prepared  to  stretch  up  the  exterior  of  the  Bldg.

@  18:16

Special  Call  the  S.O.C.  ?Dewatering  Unit?  and  an  Engine  w/  a  dewatering  pump.

Eng.  152  s/c  with  a  dewatering  pump

@ 18:32

Batt.  27  acting  Batt.  52  is  assigned

@  18:40

Eng.  325 s/c with a dewatering pump

@  18:41

Fieldcom  1  reports:    Communications  is  transferring  to  Mobile  Command  2  from  Fieldcom  1  at  this  time.

@  18:48

R. A. C.  #4  is  assigned to 90 West Street.

@  19:10

Mobile  Command #2:    By  order?s  of  Chief  Cassano,    Transmit  a  6th.  Alarm:

6 ? 6 ? 10 ? 66 ? 47  @  19:10

Engs.  16,  1,  211,  219

Lad.  176  act. 110,    Lad.  2

@  19:41

Eng.  299  is  assigned Decon

@  19:44

Mobile  Command #2:    By  order?s  of  Chief  Cassano,    Transmit  a  7th.  Alarm:

7 ? 7 ? 10 ? 66 ? 47  @  19:44

Engs.  221,  315,  274,  39

T. Lad.  7,    T. Lad.  105

@  20:05

Special  Call  an  additional  ?Decon  Task  Force?  to  West  &  Liberty  St.

Eng.  257,    T. Lad.  170  &  Batt.  58  are  assigned

@  20:18

Mobile  Command  2:    Special  Call:    ( 3 )  Engs.    /    ( 2 )  Tks.    /    ( 1 )  Batt.  Chief.

Engines:  230,  40,  229

Lad.  104,    Lad.  147 act.  101

Batt.  6

@  20:22

Mobile  Command  2:    Special  Call  a  Squad  for  ?relief?

Squad  Co. #252  is  s/c

@  20:52

Mobile  Command  2:    Special  Call  a  Division  Chief  for  ?relief?

Division  13    s/c

@  21:07

Eng.  225  assigned Decon Engine

@  21:10

Mobile  Command  2:    Special  Call  another  RAC  Unit:      R. A. C.  #5  assigned

@  21:25

Mobile  Command  2:    Special  Call  ( 2 )  Truck  Co?s  for  ?relief?

Lad.  102    &    Lad.  37  are  s/c

@  21:27

Mobile  Command  2:    Special  Call  Tac.  Support  Unit #2  for  ?relief?

@  21:53

Mobile  Command  2:    Progress  Report  for  the  7th.  Alarm,  Box  47,    Car  4,  Chief  McNally,

Chief  of  Operations  reports:      Probably    Will  Hold.

@  22:39

Mobile  Command  2:    Progress  Report  for  the  7th.  Alarm,  Box  47,    Car  4,  Chief  McNally,

Chief  of  Operations,      Fire  UnderControl.

(  Job  Duration:    7  hrs.  /  3  mins.  )

@  22:52

Mobile  Command  2:    Special  Call  a  Satellite  Co.  for  ?relief?

Eng.  284  w /  Satellite  3  s/c
Continued RIP to the brothers. I remember seeing the smoke from this job from the VZ bridge. I was younger when this job had occurred but seeing black smoke in lower Manhattan was a creepy thing, and I knew that even back then.
CONTINUED REST IN PEACE TO ALL & MAY THOSE STILL SUFFERING FIND COMFORT .....NEVER FORGET ! & Also remember if the WTC was never attacked the Deutsche Bank Fire would not have happened.....NEVER FORGIVE !
Bobby Beddia was the ECC for E 24, he was the senior man and good cook that specialized in unique style of comfort style meals. Very classy, spoke in a low tone with charm and had a radiant smile. A real ladies man. He did an ad for a watch, the watch company liked his rugged features and flew him up to Maine to do a photo shoot. He wore a flannel shirt and jeans standing next to a canoe featuring the watch, he was proud of his experience. Bobby was also a popular bartender at Chumley's, L 5's favorite watering hole where many members worked on the side. Bobby was working overtime and assigned the nozzle position.

Joey Graffignino was my proby when he was detailed across the floor from E 24 to L 5 for a detail. He jumped right in and helped me clean the rig and portable ladders, always was enthusiastic and eager to learn . Young Joey was a stand up comic, he had a "rubbery face" and made funny faces that cracked up the guys, he had a good act going and loved to play it up in the firehouse kitchen. Joey was very into the job and had just transferred over to L 5.

Joey and Bobby died at the Deutsche Bank Building‚ 130 Liberty Street when E 24 & L 5 responded on 2nd Alarm. The fire would go to 7 alarms. The 40 story was heavily damaged from the September 11 attack and in the process of being demolished. Joey and Bobby died after their air tanks ran out while attempting to stretch a handline on the 14th floor, their brothers could not reach them in time‚ due to heavy plastic and wood barriers in stairwells and windows.

May these two brothers continue eternal peace.
Bobby (L), Joey (C), Deutsche Bank (R)

Last edited:
Continued Rest In Peace. Joey G. was a close friend of my former boss who grew up with him. He had nothing but good things to say about him and I know how tough it was on him to say goodbye.
CONTINUED REST IN PEACE TO ALL THREE & MAY THOSE STILL SUFFERING FIND COMFORT .....NEVER FORGET ! & Also remember if the WTC was never attacked the Deutsche Bank Fire would not have happened.....NEVER FORGIVE !
Continued Rest in Peace to those lost. Continued Comfort for their families and the members who responded to and operated at this incident.
As a fallout from this fire, (Retired / 2009) L 5 Lieutenant John Garcia, said "he felt powerless, his people needed help and he couldn't help them." John, the father of four children, 25 year veteran, and 9/11 suvivor committed suicide in May 2011. An FDNY adage; You never know how heavy that flashlight can become." Let's remember John as well.