8/25/22 Manhattan 3*Alarm Box 8321

Command Tac sent the drone into the basement this morning and Dewatering unit 2 feet or so water in basement trying to find a cause as it seemed gas fed but wasn’t gas to the building. Was a couple booms possible propane tanks
In 1900, the Randall's Island Special Building boxes were:
3-331 Child's Hospital
3-332 East Side of Island
3-334 Boy's House Refuge
3-335 Randall's Island

The running assignment was: Engines 16 & 51, Hook & Ladder 14, and Chief of the 12th Battalion
Engine 51 was a Fireboat. Can't recall the name of the vessel.
What Marine Company did that turn into? I met the widow of a member who was assigned there.
Marine Engine 51, Zophar Mills, was first moved to Staten Island in 1908. At the time, the Engine number remained with the boat, regardless of it's location, thus Engine 51 moved from Harlem to SI. Later, newer boats were assigned to berths, which retained the Engine number. The 1908 move to SI was the last relocation for Engine 51 until 1959 when it was re-designated as Marine 9. During that time, 6 different boats served as Engine 51 in SI.

The 99th Street berth served Engines 43, 51, and 78. Engine 78 was re-designated Marine 5.
ABRAHAM S. HEWITT the last coal fired Boat in the FDNY.......it's a shame they did not preserve any pieces off the Boat .....
Thanks for posting, Chief JK. That marine graveyard in Arthur Kill is amazing, but also very sad. It's a shame that so many pieces of New York's marine history end up like that. I'd rather see them completely dismantled instead of just left to rot.