Article: Baltimore's Steadman Station Busiest in Nation


Mar 1, 2007
Nice article from The Baltimore Sun. Ran as the cover story. Also a video:,0,1993879,full.story

Truck 2 ran out of Steadman until it was cut.
I'm glad they can claim that distinction of the busiest house but in reality that kind of a questionable statement.  Yes, the sum of the units total runs is huge but because they combine fire and EMS it's an unfair comparison.  Take FDNY for example which works to disburse everything throughout the city instead of concentrating its resources.  All but a few houses have 2 units at most.  And EMS is never housed is never housed with fire units!  Obviously if they combined units into a new big house it would far surpass the totals of this station.  Only busiest unit comparisons are really valid.
Not to take anything away from a busy firehouse in a busy department, but one unit doing 60 runs a day is almost 22,000 by itself.  Seems like an EMS supervisor rolling from EMS call to EMS call. 
I think 168 in Staten Island and a firehouse in Rockaway have FDNY EMS with them
That the Baltmore house does the most runs is a factual statement, assuming all the numbers are correct. (No reason to believe they are not.)'s apples and oranges.

Put 75/33 back in their old house, now the Bronx hub EMS station, combine all the runs, and see what you get.

How many engines/trucks in the Steadman quarters?

Engine, Ladder, Battalion, Ambulance, Rescue, Air Unit (MSU) ? Not sure of the rest.

They have another monster firehouse in the Old Town section with 10 bays housing an Engine , Ladder, Air Unit, Ambulance, Battalion, Shift Commander, Safety, Arson...
EMS is quartered with E-168 on SI, and E-265/TL-121/BN-47 in Rockaway.
I think it's safe to say that all the runs combined make them the busiest in the nation. That's Fire and EMS. However, if I am not mistaken, R-1 responds on every Box Alarm in the city. It's a big house though, Engine 23, R-1, HM-1, a couple of Medic Units, Squad Medic 47 being one of them(That's like our Haz Tac or Rescue Medics), EMS Supervisor, Dive Unit, and some other support units. For anyone that's been there, it is a massive building.
VB, must be a lot of stew cookin there...

150, is HM1 a ladder?...a little confused is there a ladder company in the house as vb said earlier?

I notice the Baltimore engine companies  lack lower numbers..2, 6, 8, 14...all the way up to 57, but lots of gaps in between. Were these closed compaanies or are the missing #'s part of Baltinore County...or a local numbering system?

Great info guys.

  All those low number engines were disbanded or consolidated with truck companies that got Sutphen towers, those truck companies got new numbers in the 100's. eg: E1/L11(Tower111), E10/L28(T128), E11/L24(T124), and E42/L14(T114).  E38 was disbanded at Steadman.
Almost forgot.  The truck was disbanded. Several years ago they bought a 1980 Mack Tiller from us to use as a spare.  When it got to Ballimer (Local pronunciation), it was better than what they were running and it became Ladder 2.  The truck that replaced the Mack had a cameo part in ladder 49.  During the funeral scene, if you look down the street on the right, you'll see he front end of our Spartan//LTI sticking out of a firehouse.  That was our Ladder 1.  That truck is now in Annapolis.
Ill jump in here since I work in Baltimore.  Steadman station houses E23, R1, Airflex 1, Haz-Mat 1, BC 6, M1, M22, M23, MAC 23, EMS 2.  Also in the house, but unmanned are 2 SRO (SOC) trucks, the dive team unit, and at least 1 zodiac boat... Over the years Steadman has lost several suppression companies to closings...

The rescue company is the only one in the city and only responds on box alarms in their "first due" area, but they respond city wide on all second alarms and rescue alarms (MVA w/ pin).  They also run medic standbys but those are few and far between.  The ems officer (EMS 2) are EMS Lt or Capt that respond in a chase car, but only respond on certain calls like shootings, stabbings, or non breathing pts.  Gman is right, city engine and truck numbers that are missing are closed companies.  2 Truck used to be at Steadman but have been closed (2 times actually).  Here are the station unit run numbers with their rank (rank for unit type) with the exception of the MAC unit which I couldnt find (in the thousands though Im sure)

8- E23 - 3097, 3- BC 6- 1023, 8- M22- 6385, 10- M1- 6140, 11- M23- 5731, 2- EMS2- 1355, R1- 2087, Airflex 1- 263, HM 1- 202, Scuba 1- 18