Ill jump in here since I work in Baltimore. Steadman station houses E23, R1, Airflex 1, Haz-Mat 1, BC 6, M1, M22, M23, MAC 23, EMS 2. Also in the house, but unmanned are 2 SRO (SOC) trucks, the dive team unit, and at least 1 zodiac boat... Over the years Steadman has lost several suppression companies to closings...
The rescue company is the only one in the city and only responds on box alarms in their "first due" area, but they respond city wide on all second alarms and rescue alarms (MVA w/ pin). They also run medic standbys but those are few and far between. The ems officer (EMS 2) are EMS Lt or Capt that respond in a chase car, but only respond on certain calls like shootings, stabbings, or non breathing pts. Gman is right, city engine and truck numbers that are missing are closed companies. 2 Truck used to be at Steadman but have been closed (2 times actually). Here are the station unit run numbers with their rank (rank for unit type) with the exception of the MAC unit which I couldnt find (in the thousands though Im sure)
8- E23 - 3097, 3- BC 6- 1023, 8- M22- 6385, 10- M1- 6140, 11- M23- 5731, 2- EMS2- 1355, R1- 2087, Airflex 1- 263, HM 1- 202, Scuba 1- 18