Blizzard activation?

DC20 had all the fires last Storm
Last storm Div. 20 saw 4 fires, 1 was a 2nd alarm. And even with Div. 8 staying on SI they saw a job too that night in the snow. All in all there were 5 jobs in Division 8 that blizzard. Woulda been a sleepless night for them if they were able to respond into BK.
Hi Axle 2, 3 and 4 are only units in service as of now. Who knows if and when additional units will be staffed. Different priorities nowadays.
No RRVs Staffed At This Time

5th Man Engines

High Axle 2 is at Rescue 2
High Axle 3 is at Rescue 3
High Axle 4 is at Fort Totten

Safety Battalion 2 covers Divisions 3,6,7,14
Rescue Battalion 2 for all Tactical Support 2 runs
Battalion 73 in service at Engine 168
Battalion 74 in service at Engine 329
No RRVs Staffed At This Time

5th Man Engines

High Axle 2 is at Rescue 2
High Axle 3 is at Rescue 3
High Axle 4 is at Fort Totten

Safety Battalion 2 covers Divisions 3,6,7,14
Rescue Battalion 2 for all Tactical Support 2 runs
Battalion 73 in service at Engine 168
Battalion 74 in service at Engine 329

Rescue Batt 2 at R2