Books on the "War Years"

Mar 13, 2010
Hello all,

I just cannot get enough of the "War Years". I would like to build a database on this thread listing books covering the era. Most will be on the FDNY but if any others exist from cities that also had their own period of civil unrest and arson please list them (which I think covers many US cities).

I'll start with the obvious:

Report from Engine Co. 82
20,000 Alarms
Cry Fire

Thank you
As a former Boston buff we also experienced our periods of multiple fire activity. One person who has done an excellent job of documenting this activity was William Billy Noonan. Three books that I recommend are Wooden Sticks and Iron Men, Jakes Under Fire, and Smoke Showing. These are black and white books. Another book by Patrick Smith is All Companies Working. This book is a full color book withGerman/English text :)
mgk110, I don't know if your interested or not, but there is a web site out there called . there are stories written on that under "General Forum", called "Bridgeport's War Years". It is about the very busy years of the Bridgeport, Ct Fire Dept.

  Also, I recently heard of a book called "We can see it from the Bridge". It is written about Harrisburg, Pa. I haven't seen it and I don't know if it is still available. But I believe it is based on their busy years. There were also a few books about Boston. I believe one was called "On the Line" by a retired chief named Leo Stapleton.

  Basically back in the 70s, and for some in the 80's, any decent size city, at least in the Northeast, like Yonkers, Hartford, or Jersey City was catching their share of work. For some guys on the job, they fought fires during their War Years for Most of their Career's. Those are the guys that you need to buy them a beer or two, and just sit down and listen to THEIR STORIES. What a Generation of Firefighters they were.

  Hope I didn't get too off track getting carried away with my B.S.
grumpy grizzly said:
As a former Boston buff we also experienced our periods of multiple fire activity. One person who has done an excellent job of documenting this activity was William Billy Noonan. Three books that I recommend are Wooden Sticks and Iron Men, Jakes Under Fire, and Smoke Showing. These are black and white books. Another book by Patrick Smith is All Companies Working. This book is a full color book withGerman/English text :)

Yeah Grump, I forgot about those other great Boston Books. (I was typing the same time you were too).
Here are a few that I Like.

First Due - Alex Donchin
Fire - Steven Scher
Where's The Fire - Warren Fuchs Jr.
F.D.N.Y.-In The Bravest Tradition - George S. Tufte
We've Got A Hit - Thomas W. McCarthy  (Firefighting in Chicago)
Smoke Showin - William F. Noonan  (Boston)
Mike, What about "Yours" called "New York City's Bravest", with by far, what I consider to be the Best War Years Photos out there. I'm quite sure others will agree.
This has turned into a very interesting post. I have 2 more "old school" books for you guys. Remember Yonkers NY, Tom Wanstall did an excellent book, Fire in Focus. And we all seem to forget the "left coast" but Hall/Burks did a great book Working Fire.. But guys remember one thing. Just because the War Years are over the phone still rings and the computer still spits out the info. Two great modern books from the Chicago are by Steve Redick,the are Chicago Fire Rigs @ Work and Suburban Chicago Fire Rigs @ Work.Te purchase site is a little non main-stream but I had no problems :)
I agree with NFD. The best photo's can be found in Mike's book.
Grump, I believe Tom Wanstall did Two Books. One On Yonkers, and another on FDNY. If need be, I'll check into my FDNY Books of Yesterday Years. Otherwise can somebody verify. I'm pretty sure he did Two.
Working Fire - Photography by George Hall, Text by John Burks. The San Francisco Fire Dept.

Sorry GG I did not read your whole post.
nfd2004 said:
Mike, What about "Yours" called "New York City's Bravest", with by far, what I consider to be the Best War Years Photos out there. I'm quite sure others will agree.

I own many of the books that have been listed thus far and I enjoyed all of them. That being said, I have to agree with N.F.D. ... Mike's work is excellent. I may be biased as I was fortunate to have worked in the area when many of his photos were taken. I worked with some of the firefighters in Mike's photos and operated at some of the fires also. Great memories all captured by a very talented photographer.

Thanks Mike.
Thanks for the kind words. Two other books I enjoyed but do not contain many photos are

Ghetto Fire Fighter - Harry J. Ahearn
Thirty Years On The Line - Leo D.Stapleton  (Boston)
grumpy grizzly said:
U R Correct 2 books, 1 on YFD, 1 on FDNY, have both :)

Bill, Tommy did 3-books: 1.FDNY New Yorks Bravest in conjunction w/George Hall, 2.Fire in Focus (Yonkers/FDNY/Etc), and 3.FIRE- At War with the Red Devil (Yonkers,FDNY,Etc) I knew Tom, he hung out at the Firehouse, moved to Carolinas and passed a few years back.
nfd2004 said:
Mike, What about "Yours" called "New York City's Bravest", with by far, what I consider to be the Best War Years Photos out there. I'm quite sure others will agree.

There's a copy of mike's book for sale on amazon. $ 1.122,35 and 3,99 for the shipping. Wonder how the seller came up with that exact price.

Mike; How about a reprint?
There's a copy of mike's book for sale on amazon. $ 1.122,35 and 3,99 for the shipping. Wonder how the seller came up with that exact price.

Mike; How about a reprint?

 Is that $1,122.35 for Mikes Book ???? WOW, Mike did you ever think that ? I think when I bought your book it was $20 or $25.00.

  Also on Amazon, the book "Fire Dept City of New York (FDNY) the Bravest. An Illustrated History 1865-2002" is selling "Used" for $999.00 . I think I paid $32.50 for it on Amazon.

  If Most of us only invested in those books instead of stocks, bonds, gold, and real estate. Our portfolio would be quite different today.
Hello everyone. Two of the best books on the wars years are When the Bronx burned and The Usual. both by ret Lt John Finucane. I think he was with 85 Engine. Go to and there is a good story line leading to the book. Thanks enjoy