FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies

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Aug 8, 2009
April 5, 1962:  Engine 165 operating at a multiple alarm fire involving seven passenger cars of the Staten Island Rapid Transit and railroad buildings in the Clifton rail yard. Maybe Chief of 21st Battalion.


Engine 165 operating at another multiple alarm fire in early 1960s:


Because of it's central location and large response area, Engine 165 was SI's busiest engine company and picked up a lot of SI multiples.
May 6, 2010
lucky said:
It was interesting to see ladder 165 receive one of the very few 110 foot aerials several years ago, considering that most of their district is one family homes.
Yes there were only 4 of them LADs*4...38...49...& 165 ....& the fact that one was in 165 was questioned since there was another QNS area at the time that was getting large hotels & MDs built left & right at the time where the extra 10 ft of the Aerial may have made a difference .....those in authority for lack of a better answer responded with "well 165 has a lot of dwellings set back from the curb line & the heavy duty Aerial is useful there" ...??? still scratching my head over that....not taking anything away from 165 a great Firefighting Unit.....i had worked OT there many times as a CPT back when they had that Rig but i remember one Saturday night in particular....as was the norm back then run after run & the streets were in a sad state of repairs .....i don't know why but on one run we hit a bump & the heavy duty Aerial bounces up & then drives the right side of the front Aerial cradle right thru the right hand side of the cab roof right over my head ! 
May 6, 2010
mack said:
nfd2004 said:
Going back on this page to Reply # 1832, Engine 165/Ladder 85, I remember making the trip out to this Staten Island Firehouse from Ct for the sole purpose of getting a picture of Ladder 85s rig. As I remember it was the FIRST, Mack Tower Ladder to have a white over red color scheme, along with a white boom. Also one of the first Mack TLs to have tandem rear wheels.

This was also my first visit to the Boro of Staten Island. I had never been over the VZ Bridge before that. I think I got a picture of one the BFUs that day too.

Thanks to the guys that pulled that rig out for me and parked it for the best photo shoot. "You made my day".

Bill - They called TL 85 "The Big Vanilla" when first received because of the new white of red color scheme.
I do not remember the exact year but SQ*1's 1982 ALF Pumper was recalled & had the cab roof repainted white as an experiment.
Jun 22, 2007
Chief, I remember that as well.

I think there were a few more of those ALF Pumpers that had the red roof repainted white. I think Engine 50 was another.

That was before air conditioning in fire trucks and it was believed that painting some of the roofs white might help in an effort to reflect the summer heat from the cabs of those rigs. I know a few times I rode with a couple of companies and it got pretty hot inside those cabs. Especially with the hot engine compartment seating right next to those guys.


Aug 8, 2009
68jk09 said:
mack said:
nfd2004 said:
Going back on this page to Reply # 1832, Engine 165/Ladder 85, I remember making the trip out to this Staten Island Firehouse from Ct for the sole purpose of getting a picture of Ladder 85s rig. As I remember it was the FIRST, Mack Tower Ladder to have a white over red color scheme, along with a white boom. Also one of the first Mack TLs to have tandem rear wheels.

This was also my first visit to the Boro of Staten Island. I had never been over the VZ Bridge before that. I think I got a picture of one the BFUs that day too.

Thanks to the guys that pulled that rig out for me and parked it for the best photo shoot. "You made my day".

Bill - They called TL 85 "The Big Vanilla" when first received because of the new white of red color scheme.
I do not remember the exact year but SQ*1's 1982 ALF Pumper was recalled & had the cab roof repainted white as an experiment.

Chief - Squad 1, Engine 82, Engine 283 and Engine 227 (arriving at 5th alarm in 1993) ALFs with white roof:





Engine 75 with red roof:




Aug 8, 2009
68jk09 said:
lucky said:
It was interesting to see ladder 165 receive one of the very few 110 foot aerials several years ago, considering that most of their district is one family homes.
Yes there were only 4 of them LADs*4...38...49...& 165 ....& the fact that one was in 165 was questioned since there was another QNS area at the time that was getting large hotels & MDs built left & right at the time where the extra 10 ft of the Aerial may have made a difference .....those in authority for lack of a better answer responded with "well 165 has a lot of dwellings set back from the curb line & the heavy duty Aerial is useful there" ...??? still scratching my head over that....not taking anything away from 165 a great Firefighting Unit.....i had worked OT there many times as a CPT back when they had that Rig but i remember one Saturday night in particular....as was the norm back then run after run & the streets were in a sad state of repairs .....i don't know why but on one run we hit a bump & the heavy duty Aerial bounces up & then drives the right side of the front Aerial cradle right thru the right hand side of the cab roof right over my head !

Ladders 4, 38, 49 and 165 - 1989 Seagrave 110' rearmount aerial:



Aug 8, 2009
Engine 276/Ladder 156/Battalion 33  Firehouse  1635 E 14th Street, Midwood/Sheepshead Bay,  Brooklyn  15th Division, 33rd Battalion  "The Highway"

    Combination Engine 176 organized 1635 E 14th Street                                                                                        1911
    Combination Engine 176 became Combination Engine 276                                                                                    1913
    Combination Engine 276 became Engine 276                                                                                                      1927
    Ladder 156 organized 1635 E 14th Street                                                                                                            1927

    District Engineer 13 Brooklyn Fire Department organized 1919 W 8th Street w/Engine 45 Brooklyn Fire Department  1895
    District Engineer 13 Brooklyn Fire Department became Battalion 13 FDNY                                                              1898
    Battalion 13 became Battalion 33                                                                                                                        1898
    Battalion new quarters 2929 W 8th Street w/Engine 145                                                                                      1904
    Battalion 33 moved to 409 State Street at Engine 126                                                                                          1906
    Battalion 33 disbanded                                                                                                                                      1922
    Battalion 33 reorganized 1635 at Engine 276                                                                                                      1930

Firehouse 1635 E 14th Street:









Engine 276:







Ladder 156:






Battalion 33:


Engine 276 - 1973 - Brooklyn Box 2-2-3252:


Engine 276/Ladder 156/Battalion 33:


Ladder 156 April 7, 2012 FF close call:


Battalion 33 responding:


Engine 276/Ladder 156 FDNY Medals:

    LT Henry B. Kramer, Engine 276,  December 11, 1946 awarded 1947 Stiefel Medal
    LT Joe A Siefring, Ladder 156, April 17, 1939 awarded 1940 McElligott Medal

          April 17, 1939 fire LT Siefring and FF Burns awarded medals for actions:


              FF John Lyons, Engine 250, LODD at fire.
    FF William J. Burns, Ladder 156, April 17, 1939, awarded 1940 Todd Medal
    LT Robert Howell, Ladder 156, January 16, 1985, awarded 1986 Brooklyn Citizens Medal

Engine 276/Ladder 156/Battalion 33  LODDs:

    BC Thomas S. Coppinger, Battalion 33, December 26, 1902


    FF John J. Henderson, Engine 276, December 8, 1929

          FF Henderson died of smoke inhalation while operating at a single-alarm fire.


    FF Bernard E. Meaney, Engine 276, February 19, 1952

          FF Meaney died as the result of severe smoke inhalation he suffered at a fire the previous day.

    FF George C. Zapf, Ladder 156, October 5, 1955

          FF Zapf died responding to Manhattan Box 1085.




    LT Engine R. Miller, Battalion 33, December 24, 1968

          LT Miller died December 24,1968 from injuries received at Brooklyn Box 1147 November 30, 1968.


    FF Harold R. Nelson, Ladder 156, January 3, 1970

    LT Edward C. Hackett, Battalion 33, March 2, 1970

          LT Hackett died as a result of the acute heart attack he suffered in quarters while on duty.

    LT James E. Cutillo, Battalion 33, August 2, 1978

          Waldbaums Fire, Box 3300 August 2, roof collapse


    FF William O'Connor, Ladder 156, August 2, 1978

          Waldbaums Fire, Box 3300 August 2, roof collapse

    FF Charles S. Bouton, Ladder 156, August 2, 1978

          Waldbaums Fire, Box 3300 August 2, roof collapse


    FF William R. Johnson, Engine 276, September 11, 2001

          World Trade Center


    RIP.  Never forget.

Waldbaums Fire, Box 3300, August 2, 1978:




Midwood/Sheepshead Bay:









Aug 8, 2009
Engine 276 - responding to alarm and blocked by NYC bus which refused to move:



Aug 8, 2009
mack said:
Engine 276/Ladder 156/Battalion 33  Firehouse  1635 E 14th Street, Midwood/Sheepshead Bay,  Brooklyn  15th Division, 33rd Battalion  "The Highway"

    District Engineer 13 Brooklyn Fire Department organized 1919 W 8th Street w/Engine 45 Brooklyn Fire Department  1895
    District Engineer 13 Brooklyn Fire Department became Battalion 13 FDNY                                                              1898
    Battalion 13 became Battalion 33                                                                                                                        1898
    Battalion new quarters 2929 W 8th Street w/Engine 145                                                                                      1904
    Battalion 33 moved to 409 State Street at Engine 126                                                                                          1906
    Battalion 33 disbanded                                                                                                                                      1922
    Battalion 33 reorganized 1635 at Engine 276                                                                                                      1930

Another timeline for the lineage of Battalion 33:

From the point of view of the 'South Downtown Brooklyn' Battalion, which had been in continuous existence since 1869 until 1922, then re-established at Engine 276 in the Midwood area 8 years later, here is an alternative timeline. 

Brooklyn District Engineer 13 organized at Brooklyn Engine 45 in 1895;
Brooklyn District Engineer 13 renumbered as FDNY Brooklyn Battalion 13 at FDNY Brooklyn Engine 45 in 1898;
FDNY Brooklyn Battalion 13 renumbered as FDNY Battalion 33 at FDNY Brooklyn Engine 45 in 1898, which became Engine 145 in 1899;
FDNY Battalion 33 renumbered as Battalion 43 at Engine 145 in 1906, which became Engine 245 in 1913.

From the point of view of the 'Downtown Brooklyn' Battalion, which has been in continuous existence since 1869, here is an alternative timeline.

Brooklyn District Engineer 2 organized at Brooklyn Engine 5 in 1869; then Brooklyn Engine 26 in 1896;
Brooklyn District Engineer 2 renumbered as FDNY Brooklyn Battalion 3 at FDNY Brooklyn Engine 26 in 1898, which became Engine 126 in 1899;
FDNY Brooklyn Battalion 3 renumbered as FDNY Battalion 23 at Engine 126 in 1898;
FDNY Battalion 23 renumbered as Battalion 33 at Engine 126 in 1906, which became Engine 226 in 1913;
Battalion 33 disbanded in 1922;
Battalion 33 reorganized at Engine 276 in 1930.

In both cases, the battalions were at Engine 245 and Engine 226 before, during, and after numbering changes.  When BC 33 moved to Engine 276 in 1930, it had already been closed for 8 years from Engine 226 in 1922.

    - thanks fdhistorian

Note:  It is often confusing and difficult to track unit histories which are discontinued then reorganized at other locations at later dates.  Example - FDNY Divisions.


Aug 8, 2009
Engine 12  Firehouse  261 William Street Manhattan  1st Division, 2nd and 4th Battalions            Disbanded 1959

    Engine 12 organized 261 William Street former quarters volunteer Eagle Engine 13      1865
    Engine 12 moved 257 William Street                                                                        1909
    Engine 12 returned 261 William Street                                                                      1909
    Engine 12 disbanded                                                                                              1959

    Engine 12-2 organized 261 William Street at Engine 12                                              1883
    Engine 12-2 disbanded                                                                                            1909

Engine 12:



Engine 12  Manhattan Box 2-2-69 March 22, 1915:


Engine 12 Medals:

    FF Michael Commerford, January 4, 1881, awarded James Gordon Bennett Medal

          FF Commerford and Foreman (Captain) William H. Fleming, Engine 12, rescued a young girl trapped on a fire escape of a burning tenament.  Both FF Commerford and CPT Fleming then rescued the child's mother from a rear window by entering an adjacent building and jumping across an alley.  FF Commerford entered the blazing apartment to rescue two trapped children.


    Captain John H. White, Engine 12, awarded 1893 Stephenson Medal

    FF Richard J. Condon, Engine 12, November 11, 1910, awarded James Gordon Bennett Medal

          FF Condon rescued young woman at 370 Manhattan Avenue fire.

    Lt Michael P. Cashman, Engine 12, January 16, 1941 rescue, awarded Thomas A. Kenny Medal 

Engine 12 LODD:

    FF Joshua A. Wallace, June 25, 1884


          FF Wallace had rescued an unconscious 58 year old woman November 22, 1881, from the top floor of a tenement fire and carried her down to safety when a member of Engine 31.  His bravery was recorded on the official department "Role of Merit", a system to honor extraordinary discharge of duties.

    RIP.  Never forget.


    Engine 12 of the Metropolitan Fire Department (later became FDNY) was organized in 1865 in the quarters of volunteer Eagle Engine 13 recently built in 1864.  Engine 12's Foreman (Captain) was James Oates.  Assistant Foreman was Joseph Williams.  Addition members were: William Allen; James O'Neill; Joseph Moran; Henry Murray; William Hern; Washington Montage; Malachi Haley; and John Pettit.  The company had a steamer and a hose tender which were pulled by horses. 

    Volunteer Eagle Engine 13 was organized in 1783 and had several different locations in its history (Maiden Lane, Burling Slip, Fulton Street, Dover Street, Duane Street and William Street).  Engine 13 was a highly thought of engine company in the volunteer era. 


    Volunteer Eagle Engine 13 lost two members in the Line Of Duty, on July 1, 1834 at a store fire at 173 Pearl Street.  Engineer Eugene Underhill and FF Frederick A. Ward were killed when a wall collapsed, just missing the rest of Engine 13's members.  A firefighter memorial was established by Engine 13 company members at their side-by-side grave sites which is located close to the FDNY Fire Museum.




Engine 12 and Engine 12-2      FDNY      1865-1959      Gone but not forgotten.



Aug 8, 2009
memory master said:
The photo of 12's '54Mack looks like it was taken at the Staten Island Fresh Kills Landfill.

Unknown location.  There is fencing, power line, some feint columns or posts.  It does look like a landfill type of location. 
Jun 15, 2012
mack said:
Engine 276 - responding to alarm and blocked by NYC bus which refused to move:


Ah, Kings Hwy ! When I lived 'down that way' that Crap went on Once or Twice a week .  ::)


Aug 8, 2009
STAjo said:
mack said:
Engine 276 - responding to alarm and blocked by NYC bus which refused to move:


Ah, Kings Hwy ! When I lived 'down that way' that Crap went on Once or Twice a week .  ::)

Squad 18 responding and blocked by a delivery truck and a very indifferent driver:



Aug 8, 2009
Firehouse cancer threat studies - Harvard and Dana Farber Cancer Institute researchers:

Older firehouse designs are be researched due to concern for higher firefighter cancer rates from carcinogen-producing apparatus diesel fumes.  Sleeping quarters, kitchens and workout rooms are typically directly above firehouse apparatus with poor barriers and insufficient exhaust systems.





Aug 8, 2009
Engine 316/LGA Hose Wagon 316  Firehouse    27-12 Kearney Street  East Elmhurst, Queens  14th Division, 49th Battalion  "Land, Sea & Air"

    Engine 316 organized 27-12 Kearney Street                                        1929

    Hydrant Service 14 located at 27-12 Kearney Street at Engine 316    1936-1949

    Battalion 49 located at 27-12 Kearney Street at Engine 316              2003-2004

    LGA Hose Wagon 316 organized 2003 at Engine 316                            2003

    Rescue 4 located at 27-12 Kearney Street at Engine 316                      2014

27-12 Kearney Street firehouse October 25, 1929:


27-12 Kearney Street firehouse:




Engine 316:








LGA Hose Wagon 316:


Engine 316:






Engine 316 Medals:

    FF Anthony Q. Smalls, Engine 316,  July 29, 1982, awarded 1983 Conran Medal

    LT Adam J. Vilagos, Engine 316, November 17, 2015, Queens Box 7-5-9352, awarded 2016 Hugh Bonner Medal/Honor Legion Medal




East Elmhurst, Queens:







Aug 8, 2009
Engine 63/Ladder 39/Battalion 15 Firehouse  755 East 233rd Street  Wakefield and Woodhaven , Bronx  7th Division, 15th Battalion  "Top of da Bronx"

    Engine 63 organized White Plains Rd and St Ouen Place former volunteer firehouse                    1896
    Engine 63 moved to new firehouse 687 East 240th Street                                                        1896
    Engine 63 moved to new firehouse 4109 White Plains Road                                                      1909
    Engine 63 moved to new firehouse 755 East 233rd Street                                                        1971                   
    Engine 63 firehouse 755 E 233rd Street remodeled                                                          2011-2013
    Engine 63 returned to 755 East 233rd Street w/Ladder 39                                                        2013

    Ladder 39 organized 1799 1st Ave Manhattan w/Engine 89                                                      1909
    Ladder 39 moved to 243 E 233rd St former firehouse Combined Engine 69                                1916
    Ladder 39 moved to 755 E 233rd St at Engine 63                                                                    1981
    Ladder 39 moved to 243 E 233rd St former firehouse                                                              1982
    Ladder 39 moved to 755 E 233rd St at Engine 63                                                                    2006
    Ladder 39 firehouse 755 E 233rd St remodeled                                                                2011-2013
    Ladder 39 moved to 755 E 233rd St w/Engine 63                                                                    2013

    Battalion 15 organized 61 White Plains Road at Combined Engine 62                                          1898
    Battalion 15 moved to 2283 Jerome Avenue at Combined Engine 75                                          1902
    Battalion 15 moved to new firehouse 3431 White Plains Road at Combined Engine 62                1903
    Battalion 15 moved to 2283 Jerome Avenue at Combined Engine 75                                          1903
    Battalion 63 moved to 3431 White Plains Avenue at Combined Engine 62                                  1904
    Battalion 15 moved to 755 East 233rd Street at Engine 63                                                        1986
    Battalion 15 moved to 21 Asch Loop at Engine 66                                                                    2011
    Battalion 15 moved to 755 East 233rd Street at Engine 63                                                        2013

    Note - Wakefield Village volunteer fire companies were:  Americus Ladder, Empire Engine 1, Nereid Engine 1 (located White Plains Road and East 238th Street, 1889-1896), George Washington Hose and Laconia Hose

    Nereid Engine 1:


Wakefield 1900:

Engine 63 original firehouse White Plains Rd and E 240 St (formerly St Ouen Place and Bronx Place):


    Co-located with NYPD 39th Precinct


Engine 63 former firehouse 4109 White Plains Rd became EMS Station 15:





243 E 233 St firehouse - original firehouse of Combined Engine 89 and then Ladder 39:   


Ladder 39's firehouse 243 E 233rd St:



Fight to keep Ladder 39's Woodhaven firehouse open (last wood-framed FDNY firehouse):




Current EMS Station 27 built at 243 E 233 St (former location of Ladder 39's firehouse):



Engine 63/Ladder 39/Battalion 15 firehouse 755 East 233 Street (before remodeling):



Engine 63/Ladder 39/Battalion 15 755 East 233 St firehouse - current:











    Note:  Firehouse completely remodeled - new structure wrapped around existing building - double in size - new bay added for Battalion Chief.

Engine 63:








Ladder 39:









Battalion 15:



Engine 63/Ladder 39/Battalion 15 responding:





Quarters and apparatus:


Engine 63 Medals:

    FF Rudolph T. Klette, February 12, 1947, awarded Scott Medal


    LT John F. Manning, January 28, 1996, awarded Conran Medal


    LT John M. Flaherty, FF Jonas G. Adams, Jr., FF Anthony M. Cuozzo, FF Philip Marino, and FF Robert W. Painter, for their courage, skill, determination and teamwork displayed on July 4th 2008, at 708 East 243 street in the Bronx. awarded Lieutenant James Curran/New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal


Engine 63 LODD:

    FF Edward J. Curtin  7/17/54  Box 5-7-3874



    LT Edward A. McNulty, Ladder 39, April 17, 1968

          30-year veteran.  He died as a result of injuries sustained while on the job.

    RIP.  Never Forget.

Engine 63/Ladder 39/Battalion 15 website:


Woodlawn Heights/Wakefield:



May 16, 2008
When the truck moved in with the engine- the Keep Ladder 39 in Woodlawn- banner was hung from the telephone pole directly across from the apparatus doors.  ;D


Aug 8, 2009
Engine 69 was organized in the Bronx as Combined Engine Company 69 at 243 East 233 St in 1899.  It was disbanded in 1916, and then reorganized as Engine 69 in 1917 at Ladder 28 in Harlem, in the boro of Manhattan. 

Ladder 39 was organized in Manhattan in 1909 with Engine 89, and then relocated to Combined Engine Company 69's former firehouse at 243 East 233rd Street in the Bronx before moving to Engine 63's quarters. 

Combined Engine Company 69 in the Bronx:





Aug 8, 2009
Ladder 79/Battalion 22  Firehouse 1189 Castleton Avenue  West Brighton, Staten Island  8th Division, 22nd Battalion  "North Shore Truckin"

    Ladder 104 organized 1189 Castleton Avenue former firehouse volunteer Medora H&L 3            1905
    Ladder 104 became Ladder 79                                                                                              1913

    Battalion 2 organized 51 Cottage Place w/Engine 207                                                              1905
    Battalion 2 became Battalion 22                                                                                            1906
    Battalion 22 moved to 1189 Castleton Avenue at Ladder 79                                                    1930
    Battalion 22 moved to 1573 Castleton Avenue at Engine 157                                                    1931
    Battalion 22 moved to 1189 Castleton Avenue at Ladder 79                                                      1932

    Engine 206 (became Engine 156) located 1189 Castleton Avenue                                  1907 and 2005

    Brush Fire Unit 3 located at 1189 Castleton Avenue at Ladder 79                                              2005

Pre-FDNY and L 79 Early History:

    Before FDNY expanded to Staten Island in 1905, West Brighton was protected by several volunteer fire companies which became part of the North Shore Fire Department organized in 1874:

          Cataract Engine 2                                    Operated 1844-1905
          Ellsworth Hose 5                                      Operated 1862-1905
          Medora H&L 3                                          Operated 1868-1905
          Wyandotte H&L 5                                      Operated 1885-1905                 
          Union Hose 8                                            Operated 1902-1905

    Medora H&L 3:






    Medora H&L 3 firehouse at 1189 Castleton Avenue was built in 1904 and became quarters of FDNY Ladder 104 when organized in 1905.  Ladder 104 became Ladder 79 when Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens FDNY companies were renumbered in 1913.

    Original members of Ladder 104 FDNY (later Ladder 79): CPT B. McDermott; LT J. Kelly; LT R. Frazier; FF D. Lynch; FF H Kush; FF G McDonald; FF P. Moran; FF D. McNamara; FF M. Mannix; FF W. Hale; FF P. Condon; FF C. Wade; FF J. McCue; and FF M. Farrell.

1189 Castleton Avenue firehouse - oldest FDNY firehouse on Staten Island:







Ladder 79:







Battalion 22:





Battalion 22 Responding:



Ladder 79 Medals:

    FF John J. Drennan, July 8, 1976, awarded Delehanty Medal

    LT James W. Fitzgerald, March 19, 1991, awarded Connell Medal


    LT Fred C. Zerilli, June 22, 1992, awarded FDR Medal

    FF John V. Picciano, July 21, 1993, awarded American Legion Medal

Battalion 22 LODD:

    BC Charles Kohlanberger  March 31, 1945 

          BC Kohlanberger, Battalion 22, while directing operations at a fire at Richmond Box 1385, 618 Jewett Avenue, was electrocuted when hit by a 2,000 volt power line. 

    RIP.  Never forget.

L 79 - News Hero of Month:


"Firehouse - In Quarters":


West Brighton, Staten Island:



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