FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies

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fdhistorian said:
mack said:
Engine 6 was relocated here, March 6, 1970, from 113 Liberty Street, when those quarters were torn down for the World Trade Center. This was a temporary move but, became permanent when Engine 32 was disbanded on November 25, 1972. This is the only station to have the original engine company disbanded and not the relocating engine company."               
There have been several stories about why Engine 32 was disbanded in their own quarters and replaced by relocated Engine 6.  Most involve politics and personalities.  Would anyone like to post the version that they heard?

Also, Engine 56 was disbanded in their own quarters and replaced by Engine 74, whose original quarters remained open.  Probably some interesting stories on those moves too.

Some things are better off NOT being talked about.!!!
Engine 330/Ladder 172  firehouse  2318 65th Street  Bensonhurst, Brooklyn

    Engine 330 organized 2318 65th Street w/Ladder 172                  1965

    Ladder 172 organized 2318 65th Street w/Engine 330                  1965

    Satellite 3 located 2318 65th Street at Engine 330            1975-1991, 1998

    Division12 located 2318 65th Street at Engine 330                  1991-1995

    Thawing Unit 4 moved to 2318 65th Street at Engine 330            2004

Engine 330/Ladder 172 in service April 28, 1965:


2318 65th Street firehouse:









Engine 330:








Ladder 172:








Satellite 3:


Engine 330 Thawing Unit:



1987 - Brooklyn Box 44-2533 - explosion in Borough Park plumbing supply store:



    PP John Fassari Engine 330 and FF Brian Foley Ladder 172:


Ladder 172 LODD:

    Lt Robert Niedling, Ladder 172, Brooklyn box 2912, died from injuries, October 22, 1965



    Never forget.


    Town was originally settled by the Dutch in 1661 as part of the town of New Utrecht.  The name comes from the late 1880s when the Benson farm was parceled into small lots and sold to newly arrived immigrants.



nfd2004 said:
I think Ladder 172 was one of the first 95 foot Mack Tower Ladders

Willy D - follow-up:

"Apparatus Updates by Jack Lerch

The three 1999 Seagrave/Aerialscope 95-foot tower-ladders have been delivered for assignment to Ladder Companies 9,12, and 172. They differ somewhat in cabinet configuration and basket design from the later model 75-foot Aerialscope towers in FDNY service. The overall length from front bumper to end of basket is 45 fees, 5 inches, making them virtually identical in length to the 1989 and 1991 Mack/Baker /Saulsbury 95-foot tower-ladders now in service. The overall length of the body is 43 feet, 2 inches. The two assigned to Ladders 12 and 172 have replaced the only two 1985 Mack/Baker 95-foot models, both of which are slated for disposal. They were the first 95-foot Mack/Baker towers in service. The one assigned to Ladder 9 replaces a 1989 Mack/Baker/Saulsbury which will be kept as a spare. FDNY currently has seventeen 95 foot tower-ladders in first line service. Besides the three new ones, there are four 1989 models at Ladders 119,131,152,163 and ten 1991 models at Ladders 14,33,44,50,58,85,107,117,121, 153. All are built on Mack CF chassis, using Baker booms and body work by Saulsbury. No additional 95-foot towers are currently on order."

- Fire Apparatus Journal January-February 2000
Engine 314  firehouse  142-04 Brookville Boulevard  Rosedale, Queens

    Engine 314 organized 142-04 Brookville Boulevard          1929

142-04 Brookville Boulevard firehouse:











Engine 314:









Engine 314:






When i was a kid living in Manhattan my Parents would send me on a "Summer vacation" for a week  to an Aunt who lived a few blocks from 314...it was thought of as "country" compared to Manhattan.
Which Queens firehouse?

Caption with above picture identified this as Engine 314 when dedicated September 1929.  I do not believe it is correct - note houses to right of firehouse and commercial building to left do not match Engine 314 location.  Several Queens firehouses were built with similar design in 1929. 

Similar designs - firehouses constructed during 1920s-1930s:

Similar design constructed 1924-1926:

Engine 254 /Ladder 153  BK  1924

Engine 304/Ladder 162  QN  1927

Engine 306  QN  1924

Engine 307/Ladder 154  QN  1924

Similar design constructed 1926-1927:

Engine 89/Ladder 50  BX  1926

Engine 308  QN  1926

Engine 309/Ladder 159  BK  1927

Engine 310/Ladder 174  BK  1927

Engine 311/Bn 51  1927

Similar design constructed 1928-1931:

Ladder 3/Bn 6  MN  1929

Engine 38/ladder 51  BX  1928

Squad 61/Bn 20  BX  1929

Engine 151/Ladder 76  SI  1929

Engine 152/Bn 22  SI 1930

Engine 157/Ladder 80  SI  1930

Engine 159/Satellite 5  SI  1930

Engine 162/Ladder 82/Bn 23  SI  1928

Engine 163/Ladder 183  SI  1931

Engine 205/Ladder 118  BK  1929

Engine 250  BK  1928

Engine 321  BK  1930

Engine 312/Bn 49  QN 1929

Engine 313/Ladder 164  QN 1929

Engine 314  QN  1929

Engine 315/Ladder 125  QN  1929

Engine 316  QN  1929

Engine 317/Ladder 165/Bn 54  QN  1929

Engine 319 QN  1930

Similar design constructed 1929:

Engine 265/Ladder 121 (former quarters) QN  1929

Engine 318/Ladder 166 BK  1929

Constructed 1930:

Engine 97  BX  1930

Engine 297  QN  1930

Engine 155/Ladder 78  SI 1930

Engine 158  SI  1930

Engine 161/Ladder 81  SI  1930

Engine 302/Ladder 155  QN  1930

Engine 320/Ladder 167  QN  1930

Engine303/Ladder 126  QN  1930

Similar design constructed 1937-1939:

Engine 70/Ladder 53  BX  1939

Engine 164/Ladder 84  SI  1937

Engine 274/Bn 52  QN  1939

Engine 324/Satellite 4/Division 14  QN  1939

Additional constructed 1929-1939:

Engine 10/Ladder 15 (former firehouse) MN  1929:

Engine 221  BK  1932

Engine 261  QN  1932

Engine 323  BK  1932

Engine 301/Ladder 150  QN 1933

Engine 34/Ladder 21  MN  1937

Engine 260  QN  1938

Engine 325/Ladder 163  QN  1939

Multiple companies constructed 1925 and 1939:

Eng 275/Eng 298/Eng 299/Ladder 127/Bn 50 (former firehouse)  QN  1925

Engine 264/Engine 328/Ladder 134  QN  1939

Engine 310/Ladder 174  firehouse  5105 Snyder Avenue  East Flatbush, Brooklyn

    Engine 310 organized 5105 Snyder Avenue                              1927
    Engine 310 moved 1361 Rockaway Boulevard at Engine 257      1994
    Engine 310 returned 5105 Snyder Avenue w/Ladder 174            1994

    Ladder 174 organized 5105 Snyder Avenue at Engine 310          1966
    Ladder 174 moved 885 Howard Avenue at Engine 283              1994
    Ladder 174 returned 5105 Snyder Avenue w/Engine 310            1994

    Battalion 58 organized 107 Watkins Street at Engine 231          1969
    Battalion 58 moved 5105 Snyder Avenue w/Ladder 174            1994
    Battalion 58 moved 1361 Rockaway Boulevard at Engine 257    1995

5105 Snyder Avenue firehouse:








Engine 310:





Engine 310 1970 Squirt:



Ladder 174:




Ladder 174 2004 McElligott Medal:

    FF Ryan G. Warnock, Ladder 174, awarded the 2004 Chief John J. McElligott Medal/Fitzpatrick and Frisby Award, Brooklyn box 22-2394, October 22, 2003:


Battalion 58 units 1973:


Engine 310 LODDs:

    Captain Hugh L. Hannigan, Engine 310, heart attack in quarters, June 22, 1940


    FF James J. Johnson, Engine 310, Brooklyn box 75-3735, overcome by smoke searching for occupants, December 22, 1963



    Never forget.

Engine 310 lost badge - found and returned by Florida brother firefighter:


East Flatbush:


Mack,  great post on 310/174. Prior to the forming of Ladder 174 Engine 310 ran with a Ward QUAD rig for a good number of years. I know it was there in the fifties. A real long rig with a bunch of ladders plus regular engine company equipment. Also, although I might be wrong, I do believe that they ran with an extra man or two above the normal engine compliment of riding crews. There should be pictures of that Ward some where on the net.
close, that is the rig and I think that is was called a cities service rig. The one at 310, as I remember it, over 60 years ago, did not have that big booster reel and had ladder supports above the hose bed with with a bunch of ladders on them. Thank for the post.
raybrag + Thanks a million for getting that Noonan picture up. As I said, I thought I remembered it having ladders up above the hose bed. shows you what age can do to ones memory system. I am still sure though that they rode with extra man power back then. C'VILLE 7111 again thanks for your photo. You can also see above the door of the fire house Engine 310 Ladder 160. That company was never formed there and the cities service quad was given to E310 in its place. Back then that area was all family homes, and not too many of them. Really no need for a full size ladder truck.
In regard to reply # 1453 on LAD*174....when 174 was organized in 1966 their budget line as well as  some of the Members came from SQ*8 which was disbanded at that time....174s 1st Rig if i remember was  a '55 FWD wooden aerial then later on they had a hand me down '68 or '69 ALF .
C'VILLE 7111 said:
Like this maybe?

  Looks like 267 is on building inspection....the old masonite sign on the rear side of the Rig & the Officer sitting in the Rig doing paperwork & the FFs off doing an inspection.....the sign explaining that the Unit was in service but performing inspections was later made out of vinyl then went by the wayside around the end of the '80s.

Photo from FAJ.
68jk09 said:
In regard to reply # 1453 on LAD*174....when 174 was organized in 1966 their budget line as well as  some of the Members came from SQ*8 which was disbanded at that time....174s 1st Rig if i remember was  a '55 FWD wooden aerial then later on they had a hand me down '68 or '69 ALF .

Ladder 174 1968 ALF tiller:

Manhattan 3rd alarm 160 W 125th Street  Harlem  August 23, 1971

Squirt operating - probably Engine 71 - the other Squirt company:

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