FDNY dispatch policy

May 27, 2013
Can the FDNY fire alarm offices automatically upgrade the initial call for a fire (called a still alarm in Chicago) to a working fire response if multiple callers are reporting a fire at the same address? CFD and several suburban Chicago dispatch centers do this.
In essence, yes. Dispatchers are able to “Load Up the Box” based on information they receive (dispatcher signal 10-30) which assigns nearly the same response as the transmission of a 10-75.

In addition they are able to enhance other responses for collapses, water rescue incidents etc with a variety of response matrices, i.e. Major Technical Matrix & Water Rescue Matrix.

This is not nearly an exhaustive explanation to answer this question, but I’ll leave that to the other members of the site.
I think I read somewhere that technically the FDNY dispatcher is the IC until the arrival of the first unit and can upgrade a response as they see fit if they receive additional information