FDNY Marathon Sunday

Jun 2, 2009
Hey, just a quick question on how the FDNY works the NYC marathon in Staten Island. I understand that they bring in extra units and stage them over at Engine 160 on Clove Road. The question is, how many units do they bring in and what is usually brought in (number of engines, ladders, and chiefs). Also do they bring a squad to the island? Finally, how long are the units kept on the island (from how early to how late)?

Finally, in the event that there is something that happens on Staten Island, can the FDNY actually get any units over the Verrazano Bridge?

Thanks for all your help in advance!
Three engines, two ladders, one BC, no squad;  held until released by the Division.
HCO said:
Three engines, two ladders, one BC, no squad;  held until released by the Division.

Wow I really would have thought a few more than that. Thanks for the response. Are they usually units in the 8th division that would normally relocate into SI if there was a fire or are they just randomly selected from all the other boroughs?
There are plans already in place that the TBTA will closed down the lower level Brooklyn bound of the VZ Bridge so that fire apparatus can travel into S.I. without any problems. This can still be used during the race in case of only if serious problems develope. If not, FDNY units from Manhattan can travel either by ferry or through the Lincoln Tunnel & via the NJ Turnpike to Staten Is. to support there requirements.

Under normal conditions, FDNY Units are not to cross the race route, so some companies are relocated to cover both sides of the route. Fire units who are quartered along the route are reassigned to street locations during the race.
Wow thank you so much for all the information. I really appreciate it!
Is there is a protocol in place for responding to incidents reported to be on the parade route itself?
I did not see the 2010 plan for FDNY, nowever they did not change plans from year to year unless a problem is discovered.
So the 2009 plan called for the following:
1 - Dispatchers shall avoid dispatching units to locations that will require units to cross the Marathon route.
2-  At 0600 hrs. the Staten Is. Task Force is established @ the qtrs. of Eng 160.
    Leader was Batt 42, along with Eng-245, 330, 247, Lad 166 & 169 (L-172 to relocate to L-77)
    Div 8 & Res 5 not to be dispatch off S.I. until after 1230.
    Additional fire units to respond to S.I. via Holland Tunnel & Bayonne Bridge (Box # 300)
    L-706(reserve apparatus) to be established at E-160 qtrs.
    Establish Batt # 71 in Staten Is.
    Relocate Eng 240 to E-247  & Eng 276 to Eng 330.
3 - At 0730 hrs - TL-77 Special called to V.Z. Bridge toll plaza to act as a control tower for the event.
    Special call Eng 154 with Foam 154, & Eng 163 with Purple K 163 to Ft. Wasdworth baseball field to
    provice coverage for incoming landing of two helicopters.
4 - At 0900 hrs. establish Bklyn Task Force # . Leader Batt 40 dedicated to responses west of route (4th Ave)
    @ 51 St / West side - Batt 40, Eng 201, & Lad 114; @ 52 St / East side - Eng 202 with Lad 113. @ 39 St
    Eng 228; @ 92 Westside Eng 242; @ 7th St Westside - Eng 239.
In the Greepoint area Eng 238  with Lad 106 made up Bklyn Task Force 2 there were at Manhattan Ave & Greenpoint Ave.

Manhattan becomes a nightmare for FDNY since the event uses two streets. First Ave northbound from 59 St. upto 125 St.
Then Fifth Ave down to Central Park. So the plan calls for the following:
Manhattan Task Force # 1 responds east of 1st Ave. Station at 79 St were Batt 2, Eng 4, 14, & Lad 18.
Task Force # 2 @ East 116 St. & Pleasant Ave & East 116 St - Batt 26, Eng 80, 263, & Lad 42.
Task Force # 3 @ Qtrs, Respond East of 5th Ave - Eng 35 with Lad 14.
Task Force # 4 @ Qtrs, Respond West of 5th Ave - Eng 59 with Lad 30.

Those were just some of the details.  Sometimes from the outside looking in, one never knowns how much planning goes into
an event of this size. FDNY can handle this event without too much trouble because of there resourses.
If SI gets slammed, we are recommended to send Manhattan Units through the Holland Tunnel and down the Turnpike into SI to cover. We also have to be mindful of cross town responses and who we can and can't relocate in Manhattan. Fun stuff.
Thats just the Fire Side of things, you should see the EMS side. 