FDNY Orders 12 More Ferrara Ladders

Oct 11, 2013
Press Release

Holden, LA ?FDNY has awarded Ferrara Fire Apparatus, America?s premier custom heavy duty fire apparatus manufacturer, a contract to build an additional twelve 100? aerial ladders. The FDNY 100? aerial ladders are built on the Ferrara Ultra custom chassis with a 3CR12 stainless steel split cab and feature a heavy duty stainless steel body, a quick 4-section 100? rear mount ladder, and an 8kW hydraulic generator.

Company President/CEO Chris Ferrara stated, ?It has and always will be an honor to be chosen by FDNY to supply such a critical product to protect the citizens of the City of New York?. Upon completion of the project, FDNY will have a total of seventy one Ferrara 100? aerial ladders operating in the City of New York.


Apr 16, 2008
This certainly is one of the cases where "mandating" placing the a contract with the lowest bidder isn't always the best thing to do!  It's the reason that many companies have gone to "best bidder" contracting instead of "lowest bidder" contracting.  It just shows how cheap the Ferrara apparatus really is if they can bid low enough to get the contract and cover the huge expenses they are having for warranty repairs!
Nov 16, 2008
I work for DSNY .... all I can say our crap is only of the highest quality from the lowest bidder. The hydraulics can't stand up to the amount of work and these crap 'clean diesel' engines have not yet been perfected to the point the exhaust filters clog daily to weekly and render the trucks useless.


Sep 30, 2011
Isnt this just an add on order ?? Or did it go out to bid again ?
Oct 8, 2014
This was a new bid won by Ferrara to replace the 12 oldest RM  in service, bur knowing the city there will probably be additional add ons
Feb 17, 2011
I was at a Boston Whaler dealership today......the place was flooded with FDNY Mechanics..... :p

Bring on more Ferrara P.O.S.'s!!!
Oct 18, 2011
Love how they call themselves Americas premier heavy duty fire apparatus manufacturer  That's a load of B.S


Sep 30, 2011
*HOPEFULLY* they learned a lot of hard lessons with there first FDNY contract; took a good look at themselves, there product, manufacturing practices, made some changes and invested in some better quality materials for this next round of bottom dollar truck company's.
May 10, 2008
Posted by: BCR
? on: December 17, 2014, 09:58:31 PM ? Insert Quote
*HOPEFULLY* they learned a lot of hard lessons with there first FDNY contract; took a good look at themselves, there product, manufacturing practices, made some changes and invested in some better quality materials for this next round of bottom dollar truck company's.

Is it the quality of materials or quality of workmanship? The build specs spell out what materials and brand names to use. If if the materials are failing, then it's a build spec issue. If the mounting or installion of materials is poor, then it's the manufacturer's issue. Poor quality of construction is the number one complaint of the low bid awards.

KME was getting bashed from day one, but as of right now, the engines are doing well minus some small adjustments and repairs.
Feb 17, 2011
bstan270 said:
Is it the quality of materials or quality of workmanship? The build specs spell out what materials and brand names to use. If if the materials are failing, then it's a build spec issue. If the mounting or installion of materials is poor, then it's the manufacturer's issue. Poor quality of construction is the number one complaint of the low bid awards.

KME was getting bashed from day one, but as of right now, the engines are doing well minus some small adjustments and repairs.

There has been a failure or two that has been related to a parts subcontractor, but in my experience the workmanship is just plain poor.  Hoses were run too close to heat sources.  Wires, cables and hoses were run sloppily in huge bundles (simply secured with plastic zip ties).  I'm no diesel mechanic, but just looking under the hood with the cab tilted would make you cringe.  There have been plenty of electrical gremlins and some has been attributed to how the wires were run.  Lastly, quality control seems weak.  A lot of these rigs had issues from day one, as in, never made it into service without needing some little correction, adjustment or repair.

As for those KME's, yes, the word on the street was bad news.  However, they're holding up well so far and performing beyond (what were low) expectations.  Time will tell, but they're hands and feet above Ferrara's junk.
Mar 1, 2009
Why only 12 rear mounts? If these are replacing the 2005 and 2006 seagraves  would the order be for 15 as there are 5 2005 and 10 2006 rearmounts that need replaced. Its sad to see that the city will continue to buy more junk from this company.
Mar 3, 2007
Has there been any improvement in the Ferrara's from the first batch to the latest replacements? Has Ferrara learned and applied anything that will/does improve the performance of their apparatus?


Sep 30, 2011
116ff60 said:
Why only 12 rear mounts? If these are replacing the 2005 and 2006 seagraves  would the order be for 15 as there are 5 2005 and 10 2006 rearmounts that need replaced. Its sad to see that the city will continue to buy more junk from this company.
My guess would be money, they probaly only have "X" amount of dollars in the truck replacement account, most likely when they shift some money around or the next budget year they will do an add on order