New Seagraves

i noticed one of the new rigs hard painted the front grill numbers white with red outlines that poped out and looked real god...same with 257 black with white outlines....
... red with white outlines, l forget what company.
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They do keep changing the warning lights. lt seems like they have 4 - 5 different warning light types since 2008 ish.

lam wondering whats with the different scene lights on the newest ones though. 245, 88, 40, have the newest style and the bottom photo with everything covered, even the company number, has the older style.
Manufacturers are constantly upgrad I ng technology in warning light and discontinue older and less popular units pretty quickly, so what was available a few years ago may be discontinued.
i noticed one of the new rigs har painted the front grill numbers white with red outlines that poped out and looked real god...same with 257 black with white outlines....
290 has black with white outline too, yes looks good.