New Seagraves

East New York. Brooklyn. USA
2100 Seagrave 2000gpm
Not to hide a known fact... E 332 has a special piece of my heart. When l was a Aux. Capt in 319 we interchanged with 332 from 1970 thru 1980. At first interchange was every third night and then when it went to the point system we interchanged every other night. I rode every night we interchanged and after getting to no the bosses and guys from 332, l rode with themduring day tours and on non- interchange nights allowing me to also meet the guys fromTCU 531 who also was there every 3rd opposite night. I will always remember those great WAR YEARS, and will take it to the grave with me aftermeeting the greatest Chiefs, Capt's, Lt's & Firefighters in the world going up and down Pennsylvania Ave or Pitkin Ave waving to reach other and of course at all those jobs.