old school leather helmets

Jun 22, 2007
I have to agree with the above. I know I"m getting away from the Old Leather Helmet discussion, But first things first. If you do get called and do get through Probie School, you"ll have a tough time working in a firehouse, FDNY or other, telling everybody who you know. It comes down to ONE THING, doing the job. I believe you said that you are a firefighter in NJ. Be Thankful for having the firefighters job already. A lot of people wish they were in your shoes.
  I retired from a small dept in Connecticut. Even there, nobody cares who you know. As a Probie in ANY Dept, I suggest you just become familiar with the mops and buckets etc., and when the bell rings, its time to perform. If you get the FDNY job, I certainly wish you the best of luck, but I think you may be in for a surprise when you walk through the firehouse doors. Just an opinion from an old retired guy from a small dept.
Apr 9, 2007
nfd2004 said:
I have to agree with the above. I know I"m getting away from the Old Leather Helmet discussion, But first things first. If you do get called and do get through Probie School, you"ll have a tough time working in a firehouse, FDNY or other, telling everybody who you know. It comes down to ONE THING, doing the job. I believe you said that you are a firefighter in NJ. Be Thankful for having the firefighters job already. A lot of people wish they were in your shoes.
   I retired from a small dept in Connecticut. Even there, nobody cares who you know. As a Probie in ANY Dept, I suggest you just become familiar with the mops and buckets etc., and when the bell rings, its time to perform. If you get the FDNY job, I certainly wish you the best of luck, but I think you may be in for a surprise when you walk through the firehouse doors. Just an opinion from an old retired guy from a small dept.

Well said BROTHER. Enjoy your retirement, you've earned it
Nov 24, 2008
eng1aux415 said:
i was in the number 1549, 2 years ago so i got moved up sence then. also i hate the commisioner and what he is doing to the department, i just need the extra push to get onto a company in manhattan. I'm trying for Engine 59 (Harlem), Engine 34 (Mid-Town), or Engine 7 (Downtown) i real dont care as long as im in manhattan. Also can you get put on a truck company right out of proby school or do you have to take extra training? Cause other wise I would like to be on Ladder 30 (Harlem), Ladder 2 (Mid-Town) or Ladder 8 (Downtown)

my friend,

Although im from across the pond, i have spent 10 years as a firefighter, split half and half between a very large county brigade and the London Fire brigade, and one thing i can be sure of, regardless of where we are from, generally firefighters, and in particular 'big city' firefighters share one passion, and that is what is known in your land as 'ball busting'...

My watch is notorious across our huge brigade as been a problem watch, in so much as officers find it very hard to manage the watch, we are not a particularly busy station in the great scheme of things in London, there are far busier stations than us, we are in a high profile area and always throw that around when ribbing other stations. We tend to work hard when we have to, and play twice as hard every moment we can...and we dont take authority too well around the station... on the fireground yes, where authority and discipline belongs...

On our watch, three kinds of people dont last long, the weak, the ones that take life too seriously, and the ones that dont think and open their mouths too quick and dont listen whem they should be.....

you fall into the latter category mate, and in the world of firefighting, if you manage to get to the place you want to be, and no doubt have had to work hard to get there, (or should have), dont mess it up or make it any more harder for yourself than it needs to be...

Enjoy it, its the best job in the world!!!!!

Jul 23, 2008
34 engine or 59 engine --- oh boy!!!!  you must have split personalities
how about getting through the first week of proby school
i love life- mr positive
Nov 24, 2008
squarewheels said:
34 engine or 59 engine --- oh boy!!!!  you must have split personalities
how about getting through the first week of proby school
i love life- mr positive

For what i know as a 'pond hopper' (maybe i should change my name to that!!! i like it!) 2 very, very differnet companies and first due areas, i know where i would prefer to be... ;D ;)


eng1aux415 said:
i was in the number 1549, 2 years ago so i got moved up sence then.

Would you care to explain how you got moved up??

I'm on the list, and my number has not changed since I took it. They don't just "move" you up on the list, so, please, humor me and explain how you got your list number moved up?
I anxiously await your response so that I may know how I can move my list number up.
Thank you.

Feb 28, 2007
You can be assigned to a ladder right out of the Rock. My brother graduated in Aug of 07 and is on Lad 154. He had a hook that helped with that.
May 31, 2008
eng1aux415 said:
North Hudson Fire Regional, NJ, I'm trying to transfer over to FDNY

No your not..... Stop trying to be someone you are not... Impersonating a NHRFR personnell member.. Maybe I should forward this to a couple of guys ON the job.. Then how will you feel....

Your 18/19 years old at the MOST...

Guys this KID is not on NHRFR...as I said KID....

Jul 23, 2008
hey its ok to dream... we are the best of the best...some guys have the biggest hardones to be us and sometimes forget who they are...remember when you were 18...i wasnt thinking about 1970 helmets and putting out fires in harlem rather i was trying to get laid and drunk
Apr 1, 2008
I dont think you need any hooks to get into a ladder out of proby school.  I have no family members on the job or hooks, and I was assigned to a ladder out of the rock.
Feb 28, 2007
Plus impersonating a firefighter is a misdermeanor in NYS. Your off to a bad start kid.
Apr 8, 2007
just to add to ja488,  i have never heard of getting moved up on a list... even if he did some how i would not let anyone no. if you were in the 1500's and they are close to 1000 right now your closer now than you would be if the list was at 0. is that what he meant? personally i think he was talking out of his a$$... reason is, i dont think its possible because you got to remember its dcas not fire dept that makes the lists.  you dont go to fire until dcas hands you over to them.. someone correct me if im wrong but i believe thats right


eng1aux415 said:
I know i took the FDNY test in 07 and am on the very large waiting list but, My chief and the FDNY commisioner are very close so he said he would put in a good word for me. Also i have family on the FDNY, my uncle is on 30 truck, my cousin's on Squad 270, and my other cousin is on Rescue 4 just tranfered over from Ladder 154 in Queens. He said the test is easy, but when you want to transfer over to a SOC company or raise your rank the test is hard as h*ll
SOC tests?

Rescue are by INTERVIEWS and the others I like Squads are transfers. Not sure where you get your info... dont think the rules changed that much
Jun 30, 2008
eng1aux415 is a big bag of bullsh*t.

I doubt his uncle is from 30 truck. If that is his uncle he would know to keep his mouth shut. The guy who he says is his uncle is a good senior man. He would be embarressed by this kids posts.
Jun 30, 2008
dillondotcom said:
I dont think you need any hooks to get into a ladder out of proby school.  I have no family members on the job or hooks, and I was assigned to a ladder out of the rock.

Assigned to a truck but which one?
Jul 22, 2008
Wow i just read this thread unbelievable what people post. I hate to say this but people like the original poster will make the job become a joke. People like him only want to join the fdny because its the cool thing to do. Anyway even if he really was a member of the north hudson department which i doubt why leave? They are a extremely busy and is a department full of great guys(judging by the few i met on buffing trips) im even sure the pay is better. Anyway to me firefighting is firefighting whether its for a big department like the fdny or the smallest vollie department out there you do it out of passion and love of your work not because its the hip thing to do. Anyway this is coming from a person who isnt a firefighter and never will be one.


your right, we're fighting about stuff that is probly lie's. I ask the guy...Kieth, he knows so many kids it could be anyone. Just leave it at that, were can this fight go??? Nowhere....
Jan 20, 2008
I think the kids back... but with a new name... just from other posts I've seen with the same bad spelling, and the new name was created only a couple days after the other name was deleted.


Apr 16, 2008
What is his new member name?  We all need to look out for him. 