For anyone interested in a fire service career, many career firefighters began their careers as firefighters in the military:

US Army Firefighters

Army Firefighters (MOS 12M) are comparable to civilian career firefighters - full time, paid, trained, benefits.
The same responsibility of protecting property and lives from fire.
Army Firefighters (MOS 12M) work in a variety of environments.
There is also a need to conduct and supervise firefighting rescue, salvage, and fire protection operations.

US Air Force Firefighters​

Air Force firefighters are called fire protection specialists. Their work assignments are on Air Force bases around the world. The U.S. Air Force explains that they are trained to combat a variety of blazes, from forest fires to rocket-fuel fires. When the need arises, Air Force fire protection specialists may assist civilian agencies to suppress fires. They are also trained in basic first aid and CPR.

US Navy Firefighters​

In the Navy, emergency, fire and rescue specialists conduct rescue operations, extinguish and help prevent fires, provide emergency medical aid, and handle shipboard damage-control functions. They may specialize in the equipment needed to defend against radiological, biological or chemical attacks. Although duty stations can be at naval air stations or ports around the world, many Navy firefighters serve aboard submarines or ships.

US Coast Guard

A damage controlman (DC) assigned to cutters is responsible for watertight integrity, emergency equipment associated with firefighting and flooding, plumbing repairs, welding fabrication and repairs, chemical, biological and nuclear-warfare detection, and decontamination.
Is this really surprising? I admit I am skeptical about studies to begin with and believe that researchers can frequently achieve the conclusions they want to by using analytics they select. But although I am very concerned and supportive of our Servicemembers and Veterans, doesn't it make sense that a population of young people - Veterans - who have been exposed to all the physical and mental harmful impacts of war, and training for war, should have more serious health issues than the general population who have lived a relatively comfortable and normal life?

If you have spent 5 or 6 years or more with repeated deployments during which you faced bullets, IEDs, unknown threats - if you have seen fellow servicemembers get wounded and killed, if you have seen death often - how can you possibly be healthier than others in your age group who may have only faced the disappointment of not getting their latest IPhone on time?

Honestly, this really makes me angry. I believe the general population of Americans take for granted young people who are dedicated and patriotic enough to risk their lives serving in our military. I have witnessed employers who complain about Veterans preference. I have heard educators making statements which arrogantly demean our military personnel. I have had to help young Veterans who have returned to their former places of employment and were no longer trusted or accepted because of their military experience. I saw politicians fighting to get media publicity when military units departed for overseas duty but then didn't think it was appropriate to welcome those same soldiers and Marines back, or visit them recuperating in military hospitals, or visiting prosthetic and mental health VA clinics.

I feel the same way about firefighters and first responders - honored when popular and convenient but then taken for granted and forgotten. Remember the appreciation and respect after the WTC 21 years ago? Who cares now? Who remembers other than us?

Too bad our society, our media, academia, our politicians and most of the general public don't care. Those of us who do care need to work even harder to raise awareness and demonstrate appreciation for those who selflessly serve performing dangerous duties as soldiers, Marines, sailors, airmen, Coasties, Veterans as well as our brother and sister firefighters, police officers, EMS members and retired personnel.

It should be no surprise if we die sooner, have more suicides, suffer more medical injuries and illnesses, or live with dreams they can't share whith anyone else.

I don't think we can do enough to take care of those who need help. Let's not be surprised. Never forget.
Is this really surprising? I admit I am skeptical about studies to begin with and believe that researchers can frequently achieve the conclusions they want to by using analytics they select. But although I am very concerned and supportive of our Servicemembers and Veterans, doesn't it make sense that a population of young people - Veterans - who have been exposed to all the physical and mental harmful impacts of war, and training for war, should have more serious health issues than the general population who have lived a relatively comfortable and normal life?

If you have spent 5 or 6 years or more with repeated deployments during which you faced bullets, IEDs, unknown threats - if you have seen fellow servicemembers get wounded and killed, if you have seen death often - how can you possibly be healthier than others in your age group who may have only faced the disappointment of not getting their latest IPhone on time?

Honestly, this really makes me angry. I believe the general population of Americans take for granted young people who are dedicated and patriotic enough to risk their lives serving in our military. I have witnessed employers who complain about Veterans preference. I have heard educators making statements which arrogantly demean our military personnel. I have had to help young Veterans who have returned to their former places of employment and were no longer trusted or accepted because of their military experience. I saw politicians fighting to get media publicity when military units departed for overseas duty but then didn't think it was appropriate to welcome those same soldiers and Marines back, or visit them recuperating in military hospitals, or visiting prosthetic and mental health VA clinics.

I feel the same way about firefighters and first responders - honored when popular and convenient but then taken for granted and forgotten. Remember the appreciation and respect after the WTC 21 years ago? Who cares now? Who remembers other than us?

Too bad our society, our media, academia, our politicians and most of the general public don't care. Those of us who do care need to work even harder to raise awareness and demonstrate appreciation for those who selflessly serve performing dangerous duties as soldiers, Marines, sailors, airmen, Coasties, Veterans as well as our brother and sister firefighters, police officers, EMS members and retired personnel.

It should be no surprise if we die sooner, have more suicides, suffer more medical injuries and illnesses, or live with dreams they can't share whith anyone else.

I don't think we can do enough to take care of those who need help. Let's not be surprised. Never forget.
Well said Mack.

FDNY Fire Service Line of Duty Deaths

March 8, 1945 - LODD
Fireman/ PVT. Thomas F. Shortell, 30 - Ladder 157

FDNY. Flatbush - Brooklyn, New York

Fireman/ PVT Shortell served with the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed on Iwo Jima on March 8th 1945. He was 6 year veteran of the fire department.



Pvt Thomas Francis Shortell​

BIRTH1 Dec 1914
Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, USA
DEATH8 Mar 1945 (aged 30)
Iwo Jima, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Thomas Francis Shortell (known to friends and family as Tommy or Tom), was the son of a New York City Firefighter. He was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1914. He was appointed to the Fire Department of New York City on June 6, 1938 and was assigned to Engine 316. On January 1st 1941 he was transferred to Ladder Company 157, where he worked until his enlistment in U.S. Marine Corps on June 27th 1944. Tom served with the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed on Iwo Jima on March 8th 1945. He was survived by his mother, Helen O'Mara Shortell, his brother John (Jack) Shortell, and four children: Thomas (Tom), Carol, Gerard (Jerry) and Hellen.


Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander, Pacific Fleet/Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas
said, "Among the Americans who served on Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

RIP. Never forget.
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6 Reasons Why the Battle of Iwo Jima Is So Important to Marines​

In this Feb. 23, 1945 photo, U.S. Marines of the 28th Regiment, 5th Division, raise an American flag atop Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, Japan. (AP Photo/Joe Rosenthal, File)

Military.com | By Blake Stilwell

No historical account of World War II would be complete without covering the Battle of Iwo Jima.
At first glance, it seems similar to many other battles that happened late in the Pacific War: American troops fiercely fought their way through booby traps, Banzai charges and surprise attacks while stalwart dug-in Japanese defenders struggled against overwhelming U.S. power in the air, on land and by sea.

For the United States Marine Corps, however, the Battle of Iwo Jima was more than one more island in a string of battles in an island-hopping campaign. The Pacific War was one of the most brutal in the history of mankind, and nowhere was that more apparent than on Iwo Jima in February 1945.

After three years of fighting, U.S. troops didn't know the end was near for the Japanese Empire. For them, every island was part of the preparation they needed to invade mainland Japan.

The 36-day fight for Iwo Jima led Adm. Chester Nimitz to give the now-immortal praise, "Uncommon valor was a common virtue."

Here are six reasons why the battle is so important to Marines:

1. It was the first invasion of the Japanese Home Islands.
The Japanese Empire controlled many islands in the Pacific area. Saipan, Peleliu and other islands were either sold to Japan after World War I or it was given control of them by the League of Nations. Then, it started invading others.
Iwo Jima was different. Though technically far from the Japanese Home Islands, it is considered to be part of Tokyo and is administered as part of its subprefecture.

Marines risk sniper fire atop Mount Suribachi as they gather to the great attraction of the day: 5th Division Marines raise the American flag. (National Archives/Pvt. Bob Campbell)

After three years of taking control of islands previously captured by the Japanese, the Marines were finally taking part of the Japanese capital.

2. Iwo Jima was strategically necessary for the United States' war effort.
Taking the island meant more than a symbolic capture of the Japanese homeland. It meant the U.S. could launch bombing runs from Iwo Jima's strategic airfields, as the tiny island was directly under the flight path of B-29 Superfortresses from Guam, Saipan and the Mariana Islands.
Now, the Army Air Forces would be able to make bombing runs without a Japanese garrison at Iwo Jima warning the mainland about the danger to come. It also meant American bombers could fly over Japan with fighter escorts.

3. It was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of the Marine Corps.
Iwo Jima is a small island, covering roughly eight square miles. It was defended by 20,000 Japanese soldiers who spent a year digging in, creating miles of tunnels beneath the volcanic rock, and who were ready to fight to the last man.
When the battle was over, 6,800 Americans were dead and a further 26,000 wounded or missing. This means 850 Americans died for every square mile of the island fortress. Only 216 Japanese troops were taken prisoner.

4. More gallantry was on display at Iwo Jima than any other battle before or since.
Hershel "Woody" Williams receives the Medal of Honor from President Harry S Truman at the White House in October 1945. (Hershel Williams Medal of Honor Foundation)

Iwo Jima saw more Medals of Honor awarded for actions there than any other single battle in American history. A total of 27 were awarded, 22 to Marines and five to Navy Corpsmen. In all of World War II, only 81 Marines and 57 sailors were awarded the medal.

To put it in a statistical perspective, 20% of all WWII Navy and Marine Corps Medals of Honor were earned at Iwo Jima.

5. U.S. Marines were Marines and nothing else on Iwo Jima.

The U.S. has seen significant problems with race relations in its history. And though the armed forces weren't fully integrated until 1948, the U.S. military has always been on the forefront of racial and gender integration. The Marines at Iwo Jima came from every background.

Marines carrying a Japanese prisoner from stockade on Iwo Jima, 1945. (U.S. Navy)

While African Americans were still not allowed on frontline duty because of segregation, they piloted amphibious trucks full of White and Latino Marines to the beaches at Iwo Jima, moved ammunition and supplies to the front, buried the dead and fought off surprise attacks from Japanese defenders. Navajo Code Talkers were instrumental in taking the island. They were all Marines.

6. The iconic flag-raising became the symbol for all Marines who died in service.
Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal's photo of Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima's Mount Suribachi is perhaps one of the best-known war photos ever taken. Raising the American flag at the island's highest point sent a clear message to both the Marines below and the Japanese defenders. In the years that followed, the image took on a more important role.

It soon became the symbol of the Marine Corps itself. When the Marine Corps Memorial was dedicated in 1954, it was that image that became the symbol of the Corps' spirit, dedicated to every Marine who gave their life in service to the United States.

FDNY Fire Service Line of Duty Deaths

March 8, 1945 - LODD
Fireman/ PVT. Thomas F. Shortell, 30 - Ladder 157

FDNY. Flatbush - Brooklyn, New York

Fireman/ PVT Shortell served with the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed on Iwo Jima on March 8th 1945. He was 6 year veteran of the fire department.

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Pvt Thomas Francis Shortell​

BIRTH1 Dec 1914
Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, USA
DEATH8 Mar 1945 (aged 30)
Iwo Jima, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Thomas Francis Shortell (known to friends and family as Tommy or Tom), was the son of a New York City Firefighter. He was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1914. He was appointed to the Fire Department of New York City on June 6, 1938 and was assigned to Engine 316. On January 1st 1941 he was transferred to Ladder Company 157, where he worked until his enlistment in U.S. Marine Corps on June 27th 1944. Tom served with the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed on Iwo Jima on March 8th 1945. He was survived by his mother, Helen O'Mara Shortell, his brother John (Jack) Shortell, and four children: Thomas (Tom), Carol, Gerard (Jerry) and Hellen.

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RIP. Never forget.


FDNY Fire Service Line of Duty Deaths

March 8, 1945 - LODD
Fireman/ PVT. Thomas F. Shortell, 30 - Ladder 157

FDNY. Flatbush - Brooklyn, New York

Fireman/ PVT Shortell served with the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed on Iwo Jima on March 8th 1945. He was 6 year veteran of the fire department.

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Pvt Thomas Francis Shortell​

BIRTH1 Dec 1914
Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, USA
DEATH8 Mar 1945 (aged 30)
Iwo Jima, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Thomas Francis Shortell (known to friends and family as Tommy or Tom), was the son of a New York City Firefighter. He was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1914. He was appointed to the Fire Department of New York City on June 6, 1938 and was assigned to Engine 316. On January 1st 1941 he was transferred to Ladder Company 157, where he worked until his enlistment in U.S. Marine Corps on June 27th 1944. Tom served with the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed on Iwo Jima on March 8th 1945. He was survived by his mother, Helen O'Mara Shortell, his brother John (Jack) Shortell, and four children: Thomas (Tom), Carol, Gerard (Jerry) and Hellen.

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RIP. Never forget.
Shortell 3.gif

Shortell 2.gif

FDNY Fire Service Line of Duty Deaths

March 8, 1945 - LODD
Fireman/ PVT. Thomas F. Shortell, 30 - Ladder 157

FDNY. Flatbush - Brooklyn, New York

Fireman/ PVT Shortell served with the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed on Iwo Jima on March 8th 1945. He was 6 year veteran of the fire department.

View attachment 17307

View attachment 17308

Pvt Thomas Francis Shortell​

BIRTH1 Dec 1914
Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, USA
DEATH8 Mar 1945 (aged 30)
Iwo Jima, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan

Thomas Francis Shortell (known to friends and family as Tommy or Tom), was the son of a New York City Firefighter. He was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1914. He was appointed to the Fire Department of New York City on June 6, 1938 and was assigned to Engine 316. On January 1st 1941 he was transferred to Ladder Company 157, where he worked until his enlistment in U.S. Marine Corps on June 27th 1944. Tom served with the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he was killed on Iwo Jima on March 8th 1945. He was survived by his mother, Helen O'Mara Shortell, his brother John (Jack) Shortell, and four children: Thomas (Tom), Carol, Gerard (Jerry) and Hellen.

View attachment 17309

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander, Pacific Fleet/Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas
said, "Among the Americans who served on Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

RIP. Never forget.
^^^^^One of his Sons Jerry Shortell was Appt to ENG*216 in 1967 & worked on both Scholes St & on Union Ave in 216 & then LAD*159 then MSU.
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