Remnants of Ida Updates/Incidents

Feb 26, 2019
Thought we could use a thread for all the current storm related incidents.

Numerous Flash Flood and Tornado warnings in the area.

Staten Island:
*L87 has numerous cars requiring water rescue on the West Shore Expressway.
*Flooding and down trees all over SI. Most of the SI units operating.
*Richmond Engine assisting L87 on a box with flooding rescues
* Forest ave... Richmond engine has car flooded to the roof with occupants. Sq8, L168 responding

*B9 has a flooded station
*flooding in subway system
*Multiple train evacuations

* Box 4034 roof collapse 793 cypress Ave
* Multiple train evacuations

* Dispatchers doing a great job! Most units operating across most boroughs and they are maintaining control on the radio and unit assignments.

Best exchange of the night:
BD to B43: Is it still raining in Coney island?

B43: Negative. It stopped.

BD: Thank God
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SI (as I’m sure all boroughs are) extremely busy so far as listed above. Much flooding of streets, up to 4-5’ I read.
My wife's friend near the mall sent video of cars with water up to the windows and running like a river.
SI definitely busy tonight. SI expressway flooded both directions (worse east bound) near south ave. Wouldn’t be surprised if Oceanic started taking up a few calls as well.

Anybody know if there was anything on the Verrazano? Upper level was closed and I thought I saw some activity on that level.
Anybody know if there was anything on the Verrazano? Upper level was closed and I thought I saw some activity on that level.
SI definitely busy tonight. SI expressway flooded both directions (worse east bound) near south ave. Wouldn’t be surprised if Oceanic started taking up a few calls as well.

Anybody know if there was anything on the Verrazano? Upper level was closed and I thought I saw some activity on that level.
Anybody know if there was anything on the Verrazano? Upper level was closed and I thought I saw some activity on that level.
Believe the bridge was closed due to the high winds
New Orleans Fire Alarm regular power restored about eight hours ago. Upper 90's in NOLA today with no power or water. 911 overwhelmed now with heat stroke calls. Old folks are really taking a beating.
Queens .... major roadway flooding in the usual low lying areas as well as some homes with poor drainage & some that had sewer water backup into cellars.
Also heard tonight:

FC to QNS: We’re 10-8. Great job by everyone tonight.

QNS to FC: Thank you I appreciate that. I see you 10-8 and available.
Heard on BK
"Is it still coming down out there?"
"The rain seems to have let up"
"Thank god"

Also just heard E299 and L152 House Out of service, the firehouse is flooded. B52 is with us. QD "Is there anything we can do for you?" E229 responded not at this time but they appreciate it
Any one catching the dispatch number for queens? Brooklyn is 214 one of the best
Unknown SI Unit “10-4 responding to another water leak”
SI “10-4 that’s all we have today. There was a storm”
Is the NJ Task Force 1 still down south?
They were told to demobilize on Tuesday late morning /early afternoon. They had been staging in Alabama and proceeded immediately back to NJ. Not sure if they made it back before the storm hit us.