Spare fleet

Aug 16, 2008
Does anyone think that the spare fleet will have issues when the only spares are KME pumpers and Ferrara rear mounts?
Which tells me KME pumpers really aren’t meant for running a lit..
Out of the KMEs the ones with the most problems are the 2016s that was the bigger order but most of those are out a lot
They had problems with E289 E47 and they where both delivered back to back
Out of the KMEs the ones with the most problems are the 2016s that was the bigger order but most of those are out a lot
They had problems with E289 E47 and they where both delivered back to back
47s pumper was out most of the last 2 years, they just got it back a few days ago.
Feel like the spare fleet is usually pretty rough and there are always issues with maintaining a healthy spare pools for any fleet (not just FDNY). Squads, Tillers, etc only have like one or two spares. The 75' towers should finally be seeing some relief as the 2010s are being replaced and should immediately enter as spares. There have been some 2002-2004s still floating around in the spare pool and for some reason are usually seen operating at a big job. Think there are a few 2001-2002 era Rearmounts in the spare fleet.

With that said; the shops does an amazing job at keeping it going. FDNY has one of if not the largest fleets of fire and EMS vehicles.
Spares are usually kept at the shops.

This is a list of reserved rigs that I made up few years ago

Corrections always welcomed)

Reserved Rig & Where it is

E500 L18
E505 E54
E507 E53
L701 E91
L703 E59

Da Bronx
E508 E42
E509 E68
E510 E63
E511 E90
L706 L44

E522 E329
E523 E314
E524 E291
L702 ??
L707 E258

E514 E242
E515 ??
E516 E206
E517 ??
E518 E238
E520 E253
L708 E211

Staten Island
E512 E158
E513 E168
L704 Seaview

Gov. Island & SOC Island
E519 Governors Island
E521 Soc Island
E525 Governors Island
L709 Governors Island
L710 Governors Island
R6 Soc Island
R7 Soc Island
Sq800 Soc Island
HM-2 Soc Island
HMSU-2 Soc Island
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Interesting that L20 has a reserve engine and truck. Reserves are stocked and ready to go correct?
Reserve Engines and Reserve Trucks are fully equipped at all times and are quartered with regular companies citywide. They are put into service on short-term basis when needed and operate as a regular company when in-service. Spare apparatus by contrast are rigs kept at the Shops, not equipped with tools that are assigned to companies when their rigs are at the shops, usually on a long-term basis. When a company receives a spare they must move all their tools over to the spare. Spare units are usually identified by markings in sticker/duct-tape form, or at times not at all. Usually a company will receive a specific type of spare based on their apparatus (i.e. rearmount to rearmount, tower to tower).

BUT most recently a few reserved rigs have been used as spares
Brad didn't mention it, but the policy is different for the 5 Rescue companies. R2 through R5 have a fully equipped, ready to go dedicated spare located with them. R1 will have a dedicated, fully equipped spare when it receives its new rig, but there's no room in their house for it, so it will be quartered elsewhere. These spares will be the 2011 Ferraras that are in the process of being replaced as first line apparatus by 2020 Ferraras.
L706 quartered with L44 has not been moved in close to a year. Who is responsible for making sure these rigs run and are functional?
L702 was kept at soc island for awhile. and the engine.
The hazmat 2s and squad 800 were not there. unless they moved them there resently.
There is not that much room