These days the way things are, "I DON'T TRAVEL TO NYC VERY OFTEN".
I would sometimes ride the subways, but I never do that anymore.
It's a DANGEROUS CITY, certainly if you are elderly, because you are such an easy target.
Even places that were once considered "the better neighborhoods" are being hit.
I think I can say the same for many other cities as well.
Hartford, Ct has already surpassed last years number of homicides.
Convicted felony criminals are free and walking our streets.
Some who have been charged with several serious felonies over the years.
Only to be out there doing it again.
It seems there is little concern for the victims, who may never walk or talk again because of the serious injuries they received.
While we "cuddle" our felony criminals and provide them with whatever they need.
For me, one of the worst things about it is NO MORE OF THOSE FAMOUS WHITE CASTLE SLIDERS ! ! ! (LOL)
Have a good day and PLEASE Be SAFE Out There.