"cut em loose bruce"...
his legacy caused that term in the 70s to go citywide in describing a liberal judge
that term was used frequently in the Brooklyn courts system also
68jk09 said:

The comments in the above article SAY IT ALL. The NYPD has NO BACKING from their Leadership. The mayor has turned his back on the NYPD. Every citizen in the City of New York needs to be VERY Grateful and Thankful for the job that the members of the NYPD do for them. If NOT for them, there would be total chaos in that City.

The Mayor, who I like to refer to as "Mayor DeBozo" needs to personally THANK the members of the NYPD for doing a GREAT JOB in protecting him. They are there for him wherever he goes.

It wasn't too long ago, I believe, where the members of the NYPD turned their backs as the mayor talked at a funeral service for one of their own killed in the line of duty. They probably should have kept it that way. Because without a doubt, "he has turned his back on them", as we have seen recently.

The current leader of the NYPD has also turned his back on them as well. Apparently in his effort to appease this mayor and make gains for himself. The sign of poor leadership, not one who stands up for what is right when necessary and backs the members who he represents.

Of course sadly these days, New York City is NOT alone. Across the country, "politics run our police depts". Being a police officer today is without a doubt one of the TOUGHEST JOBS out there. Not only do you risk your life against our vicious criminal element, BUT you must deal with a society that puts politics ahead of the rights and safety of our Police Officers, as well as the GOOD Citizens of Our Society. 

"God Bless" and "Thank You" to the members of the NYPD for the job they do. As well as every other police officer spread out throughout Our Entire Country.
God Bless and keep safe the NYPD. It's a crying shame that O'Neil left part of his anatomy in the Testicle Storage Unit, located within the bowels of 1PP when he became PC.
68jk09 said:

God Bless America. Because we sure need it these days.
NYCs 2019 elections were a loss for law abiding NYC Citizens & a boost for the lawless.......wsj.com
New Queens, N.Y., Prosecutor Pledges Changes to a Law-and-Order Office
Corinne Ramey
6-8 minutes

Queens? next top prosecutor, Melinda Katz, has pledged to bring a left-leaning approach to criminal justice in her new job, a challenge in an office that has long been known for its traditional law-and-order policies.

Ms. Katz, a Democrat, was elected on Tuesday as the borough?s district attorney with 75% of the vote in a decisive victory over Republican candidate Joe Murray, a police-officer-turned-prosecutor who supported more traditional tough-on-crime policies.

She is set to take over an office where the last elected district attorney, Richard Brown, a Democrat who died in May after 28 years in office, publicly supported policies associated with quality-of-life enforcement, such as prosecuting subway fare beaters. By contrast, Ms. Katz has talked of importing progressive practices from other boroughs, such as a conviction-review unit, which would examine old cases for possible exonerations.

The victory gives Ms. Katz, the Queens borough president, a chance to implement her own law-enforcement vision after a bruising Democratic primary during which she was labeled a candidate of the establishment while vying with a self-described Democratic socialist public defender, Tiffany Cab?n.

Ms. Katz, who defeated Ms. Cab?n in the primary by 55 votes after a recount of about 90,000 ballots, bristled at the idea that her success wasn?t due to her own ideas and hard work.

She has spent the last few months studying criminal-justice initiatives in Philadelphia, New Jersey and California?places where local officials have experimented with progressive policy changes in recent years. She has had frequent conversations with Eric Gonzalez, Brooklyn?s left-leaning district attorney, and met with law-school deans to discuss recruiting.

?Now it?s on to really starting a job,? Ms. Katz said last week, sitting in her kitchen in the borough?s Forest Hills neighborhood. The home, where she lives with her 8- and 11-year-old sons, has been in her family for 75 years.

Ms. Katz, 54 years old, has never worked as a prosecutor. She spent four years as an associate at law firm Weil, Gotshal and Manges LLP after graduating from St. John?s University School of Law. She spent the bulk of her career in politics, as a member of the state Assembly beginning in 1994, and then the New York City Council from 2002 through 2009. She has been Queens borough president since 2014.

Ms. Katz joins the Queens district attorney?s office at a time when new state laws are requiring major changes.

During Mr. Brown?s tenure, and that of his deputy now in charge, the office followed a more conservative approach, with stricter requirements for guilty pleas, for instance. Mr. Brown was against legalizing recreational marijuana and criticized the plan to close the New York City jail complex on Rikers Island.

Ms. Katz said during her campaign that she would urge lawmakers to legalize recreational marijuana. She supported closing Rikers but criticized the process for building new jails.

The Queens office has also criticized changes to state law going into effect Jan. 1, including one that requires judges to set bail for fewer defendants. On its website, the office has posted a map that shows the locations of 363 crimes allegedly committed by people who are currently in jail awaiting trial but would be free under the new bail policies.

Ms. Katz said the new requirements would help ensure people get both fairness and justice. She said she supported a new law that requires prosecutors to turn over evidence sooner to defense attorneys, saying a good prosecutor could work effectively under those circumstances.

She said her priorities include starting a bureau for housing protection and worksite safety. She said some gun-possession cases could be addressed through alternatives to jail, a view embraced by left-leaning district attorneys.

?I do believe that part of lowering gun violence and lowering crime is to make sure that people never end up in the criminal-justice system in the first place,? she said. (? ? ?)

Still, she said she has a strong sense of justice for victims, citing a driver who killed her own mother when she was 3. ?My whole life was knowing that a criminal act killed my mom,? she said.

Ms. Katz rejected the moniker of establishment candidate and rebuffed the idea that Ms. Cab?n pushed her to embrace progressive policies. ?I?d like to think I pushed her to the left,? Ms. Katz said, adding that she didn?t think Ms. Cab?n, 32 years old, knew about her involvement with progressive ideas, like warrant forgiveness programs, decades ago.

Ms. Katz?s supporters say she is a hard worker with deep ties to the borough.

New York City Councilman Rory Lancman, a Democrat who ran against Ms. Katz in the primary and later supported her, described her as level-headed, even keeled and an experienced manager. In the midst of a heated primary, the two opponents calmly discussed local priorities.

?I was up in her office going over community-board appointments,? Mr. Lancman said.

Write to Corinne Ramey at Corinne.Ramey@wsj.com
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS....nypost.com
Man accused of killing EMT among violent inmates de Blasio wanted to release
By Larry Celona and Natalie Musumeci
4-5 minutes

March 31, 2020 | 1:30pm | Updated March 31, 2020 | 2:03pm

The violent inmates the de Blasio administration wanted freed amid the coronavirus crisis included the man accused of killing Bronx FDNY EMT Yadira Arroyo and the two men accused of taking part in a Queens robbery that led to the friendly-fire death of NYPD Detective Brian Simonsen, law enforcement sources and officials said.

Christopher Ransom, 28, Jagger Freeman, 26, and Jose Gonzalez, 28, were initially on a list of inmates ? compiled by the Mayor?s Office of Criminal Justice ? to be considered for release from Rikers Island in order to stem the spread of the virus there, sources and officials said.

The high-profile inmates were removed from the list after their names were rejected by both The Bronx and Queens district attorneys, sources said.

Ransom and Freeman were previously indicted on murder and robbery charges in connection with the Feb. 12, 2019, friendly-fire shooting death of Simonsen in Queens. Simonsen was fatally hit when he and other officers responded to reports of a robbery inside a T-Mobile store.

During the heist, Ransom allegedly pulled a fake gun, while Freeman kept watch.

A spokeswoman for Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz confirmed that Ransom and Freeman were on the list of inmates, but that the DA?s office ?objected and they are no longer on the list to be considered for release.?

?The District Attorney opposes the release of Christopher Ransom and Jagger Freeman. They are responsible for a string of robberies, the last of which, resulted in the murder of a New York City Police Detective,? the spokeswoman said.

?They both face potential life sentences if convicted. Both defendants are major flight risks. Releasing them would devastate the victim?s family, frustrate justice and have an extremely negative effect on the community?s faith in the protection provided by the criminal justice system,? the spokeswoman added.

Gonzalez was also slapped with murder charges for allegedly mowing down Arroyo, a 14-year FDNY medic, with her own ambulance in The Bronx on March 16, 2017.

De Blasio spokeswoman Avery Cohen denied to The Post that Ransom, Freeman or Gonzalez was ever on a list of inmates to be released from Rikers Island amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The mayor never asked for them to be released, nor did anyone in the de Blasio administration, Cohen claimed.

Viktoriya Nasyrova, 45, the Russian ?masseuse? accused of trying to murder a Queens woman with a poisoned cheesecake, was also on MOCJ?s list of inmates, sources said.

Law enforcement and EMT sources blasted the mayor for mulling the release of the notorious inmates.

?I can?t believe the mayor can be this stupid. He praises EMT workers as being on the front lines, then he tries to release someone who killed an EMT worker,? an EMT source said. ?There has never been a politician so out of touch and New Yorkers are suffering because of his ineptitude.?

A detective source asked, ?How insensitive can [de Blasio] be??

?I can?t believe he could disrespect cops like that,? the source said. ?Just when you think he can?t get dumber.?

Meanwhile, the city?s five district attorneys and the Big Apple?s special narcotics prosecutor sent a letter to de Blasio and his correction commissioner Monday slamming them for the planned release of violent inmates amid the COVID-19 epidemic.

The group of DAs said in the letter that they were ?assured? inmates to be released would not include those serving time for domestic violence or sex offenses, but that they ?later learned that such individuals were indeed included in the ranks of those to be released.?
DUMP THEM BOTH.....  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/01/business/media/deblasio-coronavirus-response.html
clown wilhelm wants to free criminals but also orders the NYPD (which he does not support) to risk their careers to enforce social distancing which he won't really hold the violators accountable for...... SBA President ED Mullins should run for clown wilhelms job........  https://lerant.proboards.com/thread/21008/nypd-sba-president-ed-mullins
Indeed Chief Indeed. However, unfortunately, he would not nearly gather that many votes as the good voters are outnumbered by the hipsters, liberals and the stupid.
https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/b ... rs-n388520

Cuomo Gives People Another Reason to Hate New York: He'll Tax Coronavirus Volunteers

By Bryan Preston May 06, 2020 9:14 AM EST

[https://media]AP Photo/John Minchillo

If you?re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.
That?s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.
He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.
?We?re not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit,? Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. ?So there?s a lot of good things I?d like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I?m gonna spend more money, when I can?t even pay the essential services.?

This man is?what?s the nice way to put this?
There isn?t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He?s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.
He?s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It?s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don?t live in New York.

New York has suffered more than any other state during the coronavirus pandemic.
The leadership it has elected ? Gov. Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio ? are why.
They?re immoral.

Even though the state government asked thousands of people to come to New York from out of state to help fight coronavirus, they will have to pay New York state taxes, even on income they might make from their home states that they?re paid while in New York.

Wrong answer, Gov.
I?m not a health care worker and didn?t set foot in New York to volunteer. But if I had, and then returned home to another state only to have Cuomo say he?s going to tax my income, I?d give him a blunt answer:
Come and take it.