I sympathize with the merchants and their plight but don't blame the Police for not doing anything. Blame the Mayor (in title only) for not allowing the Police to retake control. "It'll work it self out" says he. He should work himself right out of office, the city, the state and the Country, but only after he and the Mrs. fork up the billions they supposedly put towards some "do-gooder" charity. Oh, don't hold your breath for any of the fore mentioned things to happen.
Good article but business owners should be angry at the politicians & mayor. They're to blame you dnt want cops to do their job well thank your politicians & politicians only they voted for them. And the best answer the mayor can give is " it'll work it self out"! Time to get a mayor in there with just simple common sense, right & wrong even if doesn't make everyone all happy & cuddly inside. Might as well call NYC San Francisco East.
$1250 a month the City suddenly can afford, but, the City retirees on Medicare are being forced to go with a Medicare Advantage Plan because the City cannot afford to have us on Medicare. Am I missing something here or just being senile?
That's the thanks for your hard work. Another slap in the face to the working man. Disgraceful.
Since his term is nearly up he and the old lady have to sock away more of our dollars to maintain a flamboyant lifestyle on some beach somewhere. What a pair of shysters and a blind eye is turned by other City officials.
Totally outrageous! What's more disgusting is that no one came to her aid. You can't tell me that at that time of day and at that location NO ONE saw or heard anything? Shows you what we have today, the Hurray For Me and The Hell With You syndrome.
Although my vote doesn't count, here is a newspaper article that just appeared in our local newspaper. It kind of scares anybody who has any hopes or plans on visiting the Big Apple.

It also concerns me that I have some very good friends who live in NYC and I must admit, "I wish they didn't".

Our liberal hipster society is partially to blame for this. DON'T let the Police do their job to enforce the laws. DON'T let Judges do their job by incarcerating violent offenders. This society is just so liberal that people can do what they want, when they want and how they want with no fear of
reprisal from any type of authority. Of course, if there is outcry from the decent, law abiding citizenry and Law Enforcement takes action the "Libs" cry foul and say whomever the target is/was is being offended, harassed, profiled and all the rest of their blah, blah. Oh did I mention that every "activity" is ok as long as it's not in the Liberal Hipster's neighborhood.
Willy, your concerns are genuine I'm sorry to report but until some leader with balls says enough is enough and does something about it, well, what you see is what you get only worse each day.
The preceding has been produced by one damn angry and disgusted person and is just my opinion.
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I can NOT believe that the mayor of our largest city is leaving it at such a terrible time. People across the country have seen what happened to a member of the NYPD just for wearing the uniform and sitting in her police vehicle. She was assigned there to protect the good people in one of the highest crime areas of the city.

The people of this country also saw when two other members of the NYPD were shot and killed in the same manner in Brooklyn. And some of us remember how the mayor had told his young son to stay away from the police and not trust them. Some of us also remember when the members of the NYPD, as well as thousands of other police officers turned their back when this mayor spoke at that funeral. He deserved what he got and I know if I was one of those officers, I'd turn my back on him too.

To every one of those newest members of the NYPD, you have the respect from all the GOOD, DECENT People of this country for the job that you are about to begin. I wish you all a happy and safe career. THANK YOU for your willingness to put your lives on the line for each and every one of us.
Well said brother.
You just can't make this (Insert words of choice) up! Let's reward the mutts nationwide that make living in fear a daily ritual of the decent, law abiding citizens of this once great land. Other Countries must be laughing themselves silly. What a disgrace which grows more each day.