Tones and signals transmitted

Nov 24, 2008
Listening into Da Bronx, evrry now and again one hears tones or 'pips' been transmitted, are these EMS runs been transmitted or just random tones????


Thanks, i ask because you dont really hear it on Manhatten freq, just seems to be the bronx an brooklyn, mainly Da bronx

Yeah the beeping is a morse code transmission of the callsign of the licence holder, it's an FCC regulatory requirement
Way back when, in the Bronx,we used to transmit once each hour the following message: "This is KED962, the radio station of the NY Fire Department, operating on an assigned frequency of 154.25 Mz. Dispatcher XX." Needless to say, we missed a few of these announcements as things got busy on a hot summer night.
We used to announce the call sign by voice but for the last 10 years or so it's been done automatically, every 30 minutes, in Morse code.