May 6, 2010
Department Order No. 45/21
Communications Manual, Chapter 8, titled Radio Communications dated July 8, 2008, is amended, as follows:
Under Section 8.9.11 Insert: The following, to read:
Regardless of prior progress reports and previous duration incident announcements, structural fire incidents at the 20-minute mark, the borough dispatcher will notify the IC, via the Department radio of the following: “The incident duration is now 20 minutes”. After the IC acknowledges, the borough dispatcher will then announce over the borough frequency the following with an alert tone once:
Alert Tone - “Units into Box XXXX, the incident duration is now 20 minutes”. The borough dispatcher will then repeat this notification over the borough frequency, preceded by an alert tone.
The Incident Commander shall acknowledge this transmission and shall subsequently announce to all operating units on the scene “The duration of this fire is now 20 minutes” on each radio channel in use at the operation.
This notification does not mandate a change in tactics or procedures if the IC does not feel a change is warranted. However, it should serve as a clear and definitive notification to all members of the length of time that units have been operating at the incident.
Affected pages 26-32 (Rev. 04/15/21) reflecting this change have been issued to all Bureaus and Divisions for equal distribution to all units under their command.
Department Order No. 45/21
Communications Manual, Chapter 8, titled Radio Communications dated July 8, 2008, is amended, as follows:
Under Section 8.9.11 Insert: The following, to read:
Regardless of prior progress reports and previous duration incident announcements, structural fire incidents at the 20-minute mark, the borough dispatcher will notify the IC, via the Department radio of the following: “The incident duration is now 20 minutes”. After the IC acknowledges, the borough dispatcher will then announce over the borough frequency the following with an alert tone once:
Alert Tone - “Units into Box XXXX, the incident duration is now 20 minutes”. The borough dispatcher will then repeat this notification over the borough frequency, preceded by an alert tone.
The Incident Commander shall acknowledge this transmission and shall subsequently announce to all operating units on the scene “The duration of this fire is now 20 minutes” on each radio channel in use at the operation.
This notification does not mandate a change in tactics or procedures if the IC does not feel a change is warranted. However, it should serve as a clear and definitive notification to all members of the length of time that units have been operating at the incident.
Affected pages 26-32 (Rev. 04/15/21) reflecting this change have been issued to all Bureaus and Divisions for equal distribution to all units under their command.
The other half of this policy is no more alarms above a 5-5.......back to old days of S/C above the 5-5 if additional units are needed. Feelings areound 7th and 8th floor are we cannot put out fires anymore and 7-7, 8-8 ans 9-9 are negative connotations....
Department Order No. 45/21
Communications Manual, Chapter 8, titled Radio Communications dated July 8, 2008, is amended, as follows:
Under Section 8.9.11 Insert: The following, to read:
Regardless of prior progress reports and previous duration incident announcements, structural fire incidents at the 20-minute mark, the borough dispatcher will notify the IC, via the Department radio of the following: “The incident duration is now 20 minutes”. After the IC acknowledges, the borough dispatcher will then announce over the borough frequency the following with an alert tone once:
Alert Tone - “Units into Box XXXX, the incident duration is now 20 minutes”. The borough dispatcher will then repeat this notification over the borough frequency, preceded by an alert tone.
The Incident Commander shall acknowledge this transmission and shall subsequently announce to all operating units on the scene “The duration of this fire is now 20 minutes” on each radio channel in use at the operation.
This notification does not mandate a change in tactics or procedures if the IC does not feel a change is warranted. However, it should serve as a clear and definitive notification to all members of the length of time that units have been operating at the incident.
Affected pages 26-32 (Rev. 04/15/21) reflecting this change have been issued to all Bureaus and Divisions for equal distribution to all units under their command.
As a former division aide notification (reminder) do you need more help ...extra engine maybe 2nd alarm BUT Deputy chiefs I had opportunity to work with already on point b4 for the dispatcher as well as all our Deputy Chiefs on the job but always gr8 to have our ace dispatchers right on point.
The other half of this policy is no more alarms above a 5-5.......back to old days of S/C above the 5-5 if additional units are needed. Feelings areound 7th and 8th floor are we cannot put out fires anymore and 7-7, 8-8 ans 9-9 are negative connotations....
whoa so that was the last 8th alarm... ever?
And remember that borough calls (or simultaneous alarms) were for the response of engine companies only.