Unofficial New Haven Fire Stats for 2022

Jan 20, 2014
Are Engine 4 and Truck 1 on every 73?
They are I guess you could say the most central fire house

So E4 normal ends up 4th due
T1 is the only Tower and is the 2nd due truck on every box in the city but maybe 5? I'll have to look
Jun 22, 2007
New Haven's Rescue 1, out of NHFD Headquarters - is no doubt one of the busiest pieces of fire apparatus within the entire State of Connecticut.

Not only did they respond to all 72 of the working fires and multiple alarms, but they also responded to many other serious incidents, including serious motor vehicle accidents along the city's I-91 and I-95 stretch.
They respond to water incidents as well along Long Island Sound, and I think last year they responded to a plane crash in the vicinity of Tweed/New Haven Airport.

New Haven, called "The Elm City" is also referred to as "The Gateway to New England" with it's 91/95 highways.
Jan 20, 2014
Rescue 1 response out of Whitney Station with Engine 8

Their total runs for the year was 1,182

Will post Official Total runs for new haven by the end of the Day