New ME224 Placed in Service
A new Kovatch Mobile Equipment (KME) Type-1 Fire Engine was placed in service on 9/13/2019 at Fire Station 224 in San Bernardino. Station 224 is located at 2641 North E Street in the City of San Bernardino. In 2018 ME224 responded to 6,678 calls and according to “Firehouse” magazines run survey, it was the 8th busiest in the nation.
The new engine, a 2019 KME, will replace an aging 2005 Engine. The engine carries 500 gallons of water, features a 1500 GPM pump & powered by a Cummins power plant. The engine also has a new digital dash, rear/side view cameras and contains interior materials easily cleaned to reduce carcinogen exposure to our fire crews. Each
#SBCoFD engine is similarly outfitted to ensure consistency throughout the fleet.
San Bernardino County Fire’s Apparatus Committee was intimately involved in the design, inspection & outfitting of the apparatus. Crews completed multiple inspection trips to KME’s factory to ensure the apparatus was up to NFPA Standards &
#SBCoFD’s spec. Once delivered to the
#SBCoFD shop, our fire mechanics completed outfitting, tool mounting, labeling & fabrication. ME224 is one of (6) new KME engines being placed in service this fall. The other apparatus will be placed in service in the City of Fontana, City of San Bernardino, Community of Crestline, City of Needles & the City of Twentynine Palms.
The crew outfitted the engine with new equipment, saws & loaded hose, placing the apparatus in service on 9/13/2019.
The first day the new engine responded to 24 calls including three working fires.