What is this rig?????

Sep 7, 2020
Photo credit to unknown photographer.

So what is this? A PUMPERLANCE or an AMBULUMPER?? 32BA50B7-B67A-4786-9E30-A9596D85B2F8.jpegA44A3557-6B48-42FB-B577-E6B4414047B2.jpeg
many moons ago, while I was still otj, somone posted on the bullitin board of the firehouse a rig with a stretcher in it. Man, did some of the guys go ballistic!
I think its a great idea, I would even suggest putting a police officer on the rig and between runs they could patrol the neighborhood!
And maybe a lottery ticket machine on the pump panel . . . but the beer tap is probably a no-no. :rolleyes: 🤪:cool:
I saw a rig up several years ago, I'm not sure on what website, that had a stretcher and EMS equipment in the back half of the cab where the crew seating is in most rigs. I forget exactly what the department was but I believe it was in Minnesota or Wisconsin.
Not the same setup but stumbled upon this video a couple years ago of early 90's Cleveland Fire Squad 1 pulling a woman from a house fire and then transporting her themselves in the back of their rig, starts around 2:30.

Not the same setup but stumbled upon this video a couple years ago of early 90's Cleveland Fire Squad 1 pulling a woman from a house fire and then transporting her themselves in the back of their rig, starts around 2:30.

Great post. I enjoyed that.
Not the same setup but stumbled upon this video a couple years ago of early 90's Cleveland Fire Squad 1 pulling a woman from a house fire and then transporting her themselves in the back of their rig, starts around 2:30.

Cleveland has done this for years. Their rescues have had cots in them for years. It was always crazy to see them backed into the ER at University Hospital on the east side. They're down to two rescues now, from 4 but I'm pretty sure the cots remain. Their use has dropped dramatically though, basically members and kids, else CEMS (third service EMS) is usually on scene.