what rig is this?

This was supposed to be the design of all 6 of the new sattelites but it was shot down. No concrete plans yet but since the foam tender is gone 238 or 206 may be a good bet.
Interesting that it doesn't have the normal FDNY striping etc. I wonder if it was a demo unit or something like that that they had in stock?
The Ferrara Inferno 5500 GPM Industrial Pumper has been referred to by some, including Ferrara, as a “FDNY Super Pumper.” FDNY does not utilize that terminology
Word on the street from a reliable source who believes this Rig is for Haz Mat Ops for Foam & large water supply capability....... (sounds like a possibility to me).....just speculating that if it is a Haz Mat Unit i don't think it would fit i their Qtrs but could be kept down the road at 206 especially since the Foam Unit is supposedly out of there ?.... or maybe at SOC Island ?.... again just speculating on the location to Quarter it but i guess we will see.
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FDNY had a Super Pumper years a go it was a 3 piece company! My Dad was their the day they delivered it to FDNY


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This was supposed to be the design of all 6 of the new sattelites but it was shot down. No concrete plans yet but since the foam tender is gone 238 or 206 may be a good bet.

The foam tender is gone? For good? Since when?