I can see both sides of this and after getting over my knee jerk reaction this may be the lesser of all evils.  At least where they are being held is less apt to be vandalized by some of the sick folks out there.
svd385 said:
I can see both sides of this and after getting over my knee jerk reaction this may be the lesser of all evils.  At least where they are being held is less apt to be vandalized by some of the sick folks out there.

Im with you svd385. I remember when i visited there last year and did the tour with an Ex Port Authority member and someone in my group asked

why has it taken so long to rebuild here and get the memorial open etc? 

He answered - Im sure we all have families of 4 or 5 and larger extended families. Think of when an important family decision has to be made 9 out of 10 times there always someone in that family who'll disagree or want something else. You can be left with a really hard choice.

Now think of the amount of people we lost here over 2,000. Thats over 2,000 families that you have to get to try agree with each other. Its impossible. Every family has there own way they want to remember their lost loved one and they are entitled to that way
THIS IS AN AWESOME & HEARTFELT REVIEW & REFLECTION OF THE MUSEUM FROM AN NYPD BROTHER (He also has an excellent suggestion that all future NYPD & FDNY recruit classes be taken through the Museum)...... QUOTE..
9-11 MUSEUM Review & Reflections

So there is now a museum dedicated to a horror I witnessed , An event I directly participated in . These were my thoughts as I made my way downtown .

In a small way I can understand now how a veteran feels as he makes a pilgrimage to Pearl Harbor or the beaches of Normandy .

As I exit my vehicle and start the trek towards the site it occurs to be I have chosen the same path I took that morning as the Towers were burning . I think about stopping at the spot I was when the 1st Tower fell , Perhaps sharing this with My guest . But I don?t I keep these thoughts to myself

The museum is located below ground , buried beneath the street above . As I start to make the decent . I feel this is a very appropriate setting , for some many perhaps perished this way .

There is display on the wall marking the flight paths of the planes . It appears as if one of the Jets flew in the sky within view of my home . I wonder now when I left that morning perhaps I saw it , but dismissed the sight as I made my way to work .

There is a silence to this place , as if you?ve entered a great cathedral . Those in attendance are whispering to each other , Some have chosen to dress formally suit and tie . Some firemen are wearing there dress jackets over there street clothes .

There appears to be members of a motorcycle club in attendance appearing in there best leathers .

Everyone is dressed appropriately . It reflects all the souls lost that day .

I overhear a museum employee whispering into his radio that a family member has asked to visit the OCME area . I understand what that means , and it does effect my mood .

I respect some family members have objected to the remains being placed here .

I personally after viewing the museum can think of no better
resting place until
They can be properly identified .

There are pictures of all the fallen , I look and find the photo of Walwyn Wellington Stuart JR . A former undercover in Manhattan North who left to join the Port Authority Police . I recall the conversation years ago with him when he spoke of leaving the NYPD for greener pastures and ironically a safer working environment .

It will take us 2 and half hours to view the displays . There is so much to comment on . The shield of PAPD Capt Kathy Mazza is on display . Much of the blue lettering is gone , Its shape is twisted . A civilian would have to read the text next to it to understand this was once a Police Shield .

I look at it and understand I FEEL how violently she perished .

You think perhaps you?ve seen every photo of that day . There are horrific images

Multiple souls leaping from the towers . Photos I?ve never seen before and I wish now . I hadn?t .

I wish there was more dedicated to the NYPD on display , But I?m sure the folks at the FDNY , PAPD and Cantor Fitzgerald would think the same concerning there organizations

There is no major display dedicated to Americas Mayor nor should there be .

I walked away feeling those who created this memorial did there very best .

A job well done .

Yes there is a Gift Shop as the New York Post reported this morning . They called it a Little Shop Of Horrors . However it?s the same gift shop items that have been on sale for years at the 9-11 Store near liberty street .
In a perfect world there would be no gift shop , in that same perfect world the Towers would still be standing .

There is no right or wrong answer to this , I would prefer to see a young person skateboarding by me wearing a 9-11 Shirt rather then one that puts money in the pockets of his favorite rapper or sports star.

If a young man visits this museum and his parent buys him a PD or FD item as a memento, that perhaps inspires him to enter the public service someday .

Then so be it .

The important thing is to monitor where the funds go and to insure they are used ONLY to maintain this place of honor .and insure no one forgets what happen on that day .

I was like most of us , Just went to work that day ran toward trouble .And returned each tour for months . What I touched what I inhaled time will tell what effect it will have on all of us .

I never was flown to flip a coin at a football game or got a free trip to Disney .

And you know what I?m proud that I didn?t .

You wont find a picture of me inside this memorial , my name is not etched anywhere . Nor should it be .

But you'll feel as if your part of every display

It is a tribute to all that WE did , It?s a part of each and everyone of us that served .

Once again A JOB WELL DONE past & present. ............UNQUOTE....WELL SAID BROTHER...NEVER FORGET! ..NEVER FORGIVE!

thanks jack for your post of david hanschuh daily news photographer and Engine co. 217
Site's admin policy prohibits me from expressing my true feelings on the individual who did this :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :( :( :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

It is with regret that we inform you of the passing of Carol Cannizzaro. Mrs.Cannizzaro was the mother of Brian (L-101), who was lost on 9/11. For those that would like to show your respects to the family, the wake will be held on Monday 7/14 from 7-9pm, and Tuesday from 2-4, and 7-9pm. It is at the Rice Funeral Home, 30 Nelson Avenue, SINY 10308. The funeral mass is Wednesday 7/16 at St. Sylvester's, 845 Targee Street - time TBA. In addition to Brian, her husband Sam is retired from the FDNY.  Active members please wear Class A's when attending.

EXCLUSIVE: IRS fails to inform 9/11 victims of tax breaks, leaving many first responders without refunds
DAN FRIEDMAN Today, 02:30 AM

DAVID KARP/APVictims of 9/11 are eligible to big tax breaks, but many are unaware because the IRS has not updated its public guidance.
Victims of the 9/11 attacks and their families are entitled to big tax breaks, but many are missing out because the IRS isn?t telling them about the benefit.

Under a law passed months after the attacks, disability income resulting from terrorism is not taxable.

That means thousands of cops, firefighters and other first responders sickened after working at the site, and the families of those who?ve died, can claim $10,000, or the last three years of taxes the victim paid, whichever amount is larger.

But the IRS never updated its public guidance to advertise the benefit. Tax preparers, firms, ? including New York City?s own insurance manager ? and individual filers were left unaware.

One ailing former first responder who asked not to be named told the Daily News that his tax preparer, after failing to find agency information on the break, declined to request the refund for his client.

?He didn?t want to get involved,? the responder said.

Even operators on the agency?s own hotline aren?t trained to flag the benefit.

Daniel Acker/Bloomberg Thousands of cops, firefighters and other first responders sickened after working at the site, and the families of those who"ve died, can claim $10,000, or the last three years of taxes the victim paid.
Chris Gifford, 59, a retired NYPD cop battling kidney cancer linked to days he spent manning a post by Ground Zero, said a hotline operator this spring told him she couldn?t help him seek the refund.

?She said, ?We can?t give out that information,?? Gifford said.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, whose office learned of the benefit from an ailing recovery worker, thought she?d got somewhere in April when IRS head John Koskinen told her the agency would update its guidance.

Three months later, it hasn?t.

Gillibrand?s office is still helping refund seekers who have been rebuffed by the IRS and is pushing for swifter action.

Gillibrand spoke on the phone Friday with Koskinen. He pledged immediate action to address the issue, her office said.

BETH A. KEISER/AFP/Getty Images Advocates for victims still fear lower- level officials will drag their feet until next year, leaving those who are eligible at risk of losing out.
?The senator appreciates the commissioner?s personal commitment to resolving this issue quickly,? said Gillibrand spokesman Glen Caplin.

But advocates for victims still fear lower-level officials will drag their feet until next year, leaving those who are eligible at risk of losing out. Victims have to file for refunds within three years of diagnosis, and families of those who died must file within three years of the date of death.

?The IRS needs to update their publications as soon as possible or disabled 9/11 responders and survivors will lose another year of this tax relief, as will the families of those who died from their 9/11 injury,? said Ben Chevat, who heads 9/11 Healthwatch, a nonprofit monitoring benefit programs for attack victims.

Two victims who asked not be named said the IRS initially rejected their refund claims. They received tax relief after Gillibrand?s office intervened.

Jennifer McNamara, the widow of FDNY lieutenant John who died five years ago of colon cancer that doctors linked to his work at Ground Zero, is among those won?t receive a refund because they didn?t know to ask.

?It?s really a shame and it should be an embarrassment to our government that they allow it to happen,? she said.

McNamara, a lawyer who advises other victim?s families, counts herself ?very well-informed? on benefits related to the attack.

?But I never knew about this,? she said.

As a result McNamara missed her window to seek a refund.

?I was told I was pretty much out of luck,? she said.
PRESS CONFERENCE    .....  Congressman Peter King & Bruce Blakeman (NY-4)
to discuss Kathleen Rice's participation in fundraiser with Radical Imam, Unindicted Co-Conspirator in World Trade Center bombing

Congressman Peter King and Bruce Blakeman, the Republican, Conservative & Independence nominee for United States Congress in New York's 4th Congressional District, will hold a press conference TOMORROW (Saturday, October 25) at 12:15pm next to the Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall New York City subway station to discuss Democrat nominee Kathleen Rice's participation in a forum with a radical imam and unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing.

WHO:      Congressman Peter King (NY-3)
                Bruce Blakeman, Republican-Conservative-Independence nominee for                                                            Congress (NY-4)
                Families of 9-11 victims

WHEN:    TOMORROW - Saturday, October 25, 2014

WHERE:  Next to Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall Subway Stop
                  Lower Manhattan
According to the New York Observer, "Ms. Rice [would speak] alongside Imam Siraj Wahhaj of the Muslim Alliance of North America. Mr. Wahhaj was named in court papers as an unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.  A number of members of Wahhaj?s mosque were indicted for the bombing ? and he testified in support of each of them. Similarly, he referred to an imprisoned terrorist, Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman ? the notorious anti-American blind sheikh as 'a respected scholar.' One would imagine those credentials will not be mentioned as he sits with Rice on the podium or for photo-ops."

Only after being called out by neighbors and the media late on Friday for this poor decision to participate in a forum with a radical imam did Democrat congressional nominee and Nassau District Attorney pull out.

The World Trade Center is sacred ground to Blakeman; his nephew, Senior Court Officer Tommy Jurgens was killed in the September 11, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers while voluntarily rushing to the scene to rescue the victims trapped in the towers.

Congressman Peter King is former Chairman and a current member of the House Committee on Homeland Security.

***This information is for planning purposes only, and the subject and content contained herein are EMBARGOED until the date and time of the announcement.***