Date: 03-08-23
Time: 0050hrs
Location: 671 Bronx River Road
Description: Heavy fire in a 6-story OMD
0050hrs- Numerous calls for fire, people trapped multiple floors.
E313. 307, Squad 11, 312; L-73, 75, R-1, Safety, B-2
0054hrs- B-2 req. FAST due to calls.
0054hrs- E313 on location with fire showing 2nd floor.
0054hrs- B-2 transmitting 10-30 (All Hands)
All-Hands: E-314, L-70FAST
0100hrs- Dispatch still receiving numerous calls for people trapped.
0101hrs- B-2 transmitting 2nd Alarm, no water on fire ATT. Fire 1st floor of a 7-story OMD.
2nd Alarm: E-306, 304, L-74
0108hrs- B-2 rpts fire apartment is Apt. 1K extending to 2K, Companies working their way inside, (1) line hitting the fire from the exterior.
0109hrs- YPD Medical Bus (METU) to the scene.
0109hrs- B-2 req. 2nd Alarm units to the front of the building with hose and tools.
0117hrs- PD assisting with evacuations, still numerous calls.
0117hrs- B-2 transmitting 3rd Alarm
3rd Alarm: E-310, 303, L-71
0118hrs- B-2 rpts fire K/D in 1K and 2K, co's still attempting searches and evacuation. Dispatch still receiving reports of people trapped.
0120hrs- M/A Engine and Truck to Stations 3 and 12.
0123hrs- B-2 req E-310 to respond north on Bronx River Road and feed Squad 11.
0127hrs- B-2 req L-71 to rear of building on Crescent Place.
0128hrs- Car 2 on location assuming command, B-2 Operations
0131hrs- Relocating L-72 to Station 4.
0132hrs- Numerous people on fire escapes.
0134hrs- 4th Alarm transmitted, units on the 4th Alarm to Crescent Place.
4th Alarm: E-309, L-72
0144hrs- M/A New Rochelle E-22, Eastchester L-17 at Station 12; Greenville Squad 15 and Mount Vernon L-62 at Station 3.
0146hrs- Car 4 rpts 7-story ordinary- Exposure #1 parking lot, 2 floors above street level. #2 parking lot, #3 is street (Crescent Place), #4 driveway. Heavy fire now on 3rd floor extending to the 4th floor. ACW, conducting PAR at this time.
0149hrs- M/A Fairview L-1 to Station 13, Hartsdale E-170 to Station 1.
0150hrs- Car 3 advising for residents to evacuate out the rear of the building.
0201hrs- Car 3 S/C closest mutual aid Engine and Truck to the Crescent Place side of the building, report to the front of the building with manpower.
S/C: E-308, Hartsdale E-170, Fairview L-1
0210hrs- Car 3 S/C Engine and Truck mutual aid to the scene.
S/C: Larchmont E-33, Eastchester TL-17
0213hrs- Car 3 rpts still have heavy fire conditions, (2) lines in operation in front of the building. Fire extending to the roof. (1) victim out a 4th floor window being removed ATT. Still have multiple civilians on the fire escapes.
0215hrs- M/A Engine and Truck to cover Station 13 and Station 1.
M/A: White Plains E-66, L-6
0219hrs- Car 3 rpts conducting 2nd PAR
0221hrs- Yonkers L-77 in service with recall members at Station 12.
0227hrs- M/A New Rochelle for a Mask Service Unit. NRFD MSU 3 enroute.
0228hrs- CMD req, Eastchester L-17 to the front of the building, will be assisting with a trench cut. New Rochelle E-22 at Springer and Crescent.
0232hrs- Car 2 S/C L-77 to the scene.
0234hrs- YPD Car 14 rpts patient count is (4)- (1) black tag, (3) green tag- all transported.
0235hrs- M/A additional Engine and Truck to cover Station 12.
0243hrs- Car 3 rpts fire in the cockloft, heavy fire through the roof. Multiple companies attempting trench cuts. (2) LSO exterior. ACW.
0246hrs- M/A Pelham E-5 and Scarsdale L-28 to Station 12.
0251hrs- Car 3 removing all members from the building and going to exterior operations. L-70 setting up a ladder pipe on Bronx River Road proper, exposure #1 side. TL-71 setting up in rear.
0253hrs- YFD Squad 21 in service with recall members at Station 4, E-300 to Station 14.
0318hrs- YPD req. DPW with salt for icing conditions.
0319hrs- Car 3 rpts all members removed from the building and accounted for. Rehab unit responding.
0334hrs- (3) master streams in operation, heavy fire through the roof.
0358hrs- YFD E-316 in service at Station 8.
0400hrs- Safety Officer req. (4) additional EMS units to stage at Bronx River Road X Ryer Ave.
0405hrs- Car 3 rpts (3) master streams in operation in front, (2) in rear. Setting up L-73 in front with L-70.
0413hrs- E-316 relocated to Station 9.
0423hrs- Car 3 rpts master streams still in operation. Heavy fire still through the roof, burning toward the south wing. Setting up additional master streams. ACW.
0440hrs- Safety req. (1) additional EMS unit.
0445hrs- Car 3 rpts conditions remain unchanged, (1) company making it's way to the 5th floor.
0529hrs- Car 3 rpts (1) master stream in operation in front, all other shut down. (3) companies in the building on 6th floor.
0545hrs- Car 3 rpts (5) master streams in operation on south side of building. (5) companies in side the north wing top floor making progress.
0629hrs- Car 3 rpts all master streams shut down in front, still operating in rear. Secondary searches underway on north side.
0639hrs- Req. PD in front for residents trying to reenter the building.
0651hrs- Car 3 rpts (1) master stream in operation in rear. Companies unable to make entry into south side of building. Visible fire from the roof is extinguished. ACW.
0712hrs- Car 3 rpts all visible fire is extinguished. All exterior lines shut down to allow building to drain. Co's opening up pockets of fire in the north end.
0713hrs- Car 3 rpts beginning to release M/A companies from scene.
0726hrs- Fire is under control.
Time: 0050hrs
Location: 671 Bronx River Road
Description: Heavy fire in a 6-story OMD
0050hrs- Numerous calls for fire, people trapped multiple floors.
E313. 307, Squad 11, 312; L-73, 75, R-1, Safety, B-2
0054hrs- B-2 req. FAST due to calls.
0054hrs- E313 on location with fire showing 2nd floor.
0054hrs- B-2 transmitting 10-30 (All Hands)
All-Hands: E-314, L-70FAST
0100hrs- Dispatch still receiving numerous calls for people trapped.
0101hrs- B-2 transmitting 2nd Alarm, no water on fire ATT. Fire 1st floor of a 7-story OMD.
2nd Alarm: E-306, 304, L-74
0108hrs- B-2 rpts fire apartment is Apt. 1K extending to 2K, Companies working their way inside, (1) line hitting the fire from the exterior.
0109hrs- YPD Medical Bus (METU) to the scene.
0109hrs- B-2 req. 2nd Alarm units to the front of the building with hose and tools.
0117hrs- PD assisting with evacuations, still numerous calls.
0117hrs- B-2 transmitting 3rd Alarm
3rd Alarm: E-310, 303, L-71
0118hrs- B-2 rpts fire K/D in 1K and 2K, co's still attempting searches and evacuation. Dispatch still receiving reports of people trapped.
0120hrs- M/A Engine and Truck to Stations 3 and 12.
0123hrs- B-2 req E-310 to respond north on Bronx River Road and feed Squad 11.
0127hrs- B-2 req L-71 to rear of building on Crescent Place.
0128hrs- Car 2 on location assuming command, B-2 Operations
0131hrs- Relocating L-72 to Station 4.
0132hrs- Numerous people on fire escapes.
0134hrs- 4th Alarm transmitted, units on the 4th Alarm to Crescent Place.
4th Alarm: E-309, L-72
0144hrs- M/A New Rochelle E-22, Eastchester L-17 at Station 12; Greenville Squad 15 and Mount Vernon L-62 at Station 3.
0146hrs- Car 4 rpts 7-story ordinary- Exposure #1 parking lot, 2 floors above street level. #2 parking lot, #3 is street (Crescent Place), #4 driveway. Heavy fire now on 3rd floor extending to the 4th floor. ACW, conducting PAR at this time.
0149hrs- M/A Fairview L-1 to Station 13, Hartsdale E-170 to Station 1.
0150hrs- Car 3 advising for residents to evacuate out the rear of the building.
0201hrs- Car 3 S/C closest mutual aid Engine and Truck to the Crescent Place side of the building, report to the front of the building with manpower.
S/C: E-308, Hartsdale E-170, Fairview L-1
0210hrs- Car 3 S/C Engine and Truck mutual aid to the scene.
S/C: Larchmont E-33, Eastchester TL-17
0213hrs- Car 3 rpts still have heavy fire conditions, (2) lines in operation in front of the building. Fire extending to the roof. (1) victim out a 4th floor window being removed ATT. Still have multiple civilians on the fire escapes.
0215hrs- M/A Engine and Truck to cover Station 13 and Station 1.
M/A: White Plains E-66, L-6
0219hrs- Car 3 rpts conducting 2nd PAR
0221hrs- Yonkers L-77 in service with recall members at Station 12.
0227hrs- M/A New Rochelle for a Mask Service Unit. NRFD MSU 3 enroute.
0228hrs- CMD req, Eastchester L-17 to the front of the building, will be assisting with a trench cut. New Rochelle E-22 at Springer and Crescent.
0232hrs- Car 2 S/C L-77 to the scene.
0234hrs- YPD Car 14 rpts patient count is (4)- (1) black tag, (3) green tag- all transported.
0235hrs- M/A additional Engine and Truck to cover Station 12.
0243hrs- Car 3 rpts fire in the cockloft, heavy fire through the roof. Multiple companies attempting trench cuts. (2) LSO exterior. ACW.
0246hrs- M/A Pelham E-5 and Scarsdale L-28 to Station 12.
0251hrs- Car 3 removing all members from the building and going to exterior operations. L-70 setting up a ladder pipe on Bronx River Road proper, exposure #1 side. TL-71 setting up in rear.
0253hrs- YFD Squad 21 in service with recall members at Station 4, E-300 to Station 14.
0318hrs- YPD req. DPW with salt for icing conditions.
0319hrs- Car 3 rpts all members removed from the building and accounted for. Rehab unit responding.
0334hrs- (3) master streams in operation, heavy fire through the roof.
0358hrs- YFD E-316 in service at Station 8.
0400hrs- Safety Officer req. (4) additional EMS units to stage at Bronx River Road X Ryer Ave.
0405hrs- Car 3 rpts (3) master streams in operation in front, (2) in rear. Setting up L-73 in front with L-70.
0413hrs- E-316 relocated to Station 9.
0423hrs- Car 3 rpts master streams still in operation. Heavy fire still through the roof, burning toward the south wing. Setting up additional master streams. ACW.
0440hrs- Safety req. (1) additional EMS unit.
0445hrs- Car 3 rpts conditions remain unchanged, (1) company making it's way to the 5th floor.
0529hrs- Car 3 rpts (1) master stream in operation in front, all other shut down. (3) companies in the building on 6th floor.
0545hrs- Car 3 rpts (5) master streams in operation on south side of building. (5) companies in side the north wing top floor making progress.
0629hrs- Car 3 rpts all master streams shut down in front, still operating in rear. Secondary searches underway on north side.
0639hrs- Req. PD in front for residents trying to reenter the building.
0651hrs- Car 3 rpts (1) master stream in operation in rear. Companies unable to make entry into south side of building. Visible fire from the roof is extinguished. ACW.
0712hrs- Car 3 rpts all visible fire is extinguished. All exterior lines shut down to allow building to drain. Co's opening up pockets of fire in the north end.
0713hrs- Car 3 rpts beginning to release M/A companies from scene.
0726hrs- Fire is under control.
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