1/10/24 Manhattan Collapse Box 197

Jan 20, 2014
Location: 188 Grand St

Wall Collapse

E-44 w/ 2nd Piece
L-132(Soc Support)
L-16 w/ R.C 1
Soc Logistics
Soc Compressor
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Location: 188 Grand St

Wall Collapse

E-44 w/ 2nd Piece
L-7(Soc Support)
L-132 w/ R.C 2
L-16 w/ R.C 1
Soc Logistics
Soc Compressor
DIV. 1 ??
Yes, strange though @ 15:40 D1: we're going to hold 1 Engine & 1 Truck
Well they used Rescue Squad and the units to check they dropped down to 1&1 waiting buildings and went AHUC

FDNY Manhattan All Hands Box 0197 Partial Wall Collapse of Building Under Construction Major Matrix
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When D-1 told MD that units are wrapping up, MD asked for a final signal on the box, D-1 said 10-75 - No additional units, D-1 was then told to call MD. after a min. dispatcher came up on the air and announced the All Hands - Under Control.
This question is in the weeds I admit, but I know there are people on here with first hand knowledge so I'll try: can you give a 10-75 as a final signal? My understanding has been that 10-75 is a request for resources, nothing more nothing less. On the other hand, the final signal describes the resources used (i.e. all hands, 2&2, 1&1, etc.) as well as the nature of the emergency, right? Could that be what MD was relaying to D1?

Some background discussion in the Q&A section here: https://www.nycfire.net/forums/threads/real-meaning-of-all-hands.64379/#
Note a few things about this building. NOTE the STARS located on the front wall of the building. These STARS A NOT FOR DECORATION, the STARS are at the end of threaded RODS that have been applied to keep the brick wall from Bulging/Bellying out. The rod and stars are there because the wall is in trouble, and in danger of collapse. The heavy rain of the last few days does not help but this wall, and almost certainly the wall that collapsed have been bad for years. I worked in this are a Firefighter, before my promotion, these buildings are OLD and the vehicle traffic on these streets is very heavy. The vibrations of years of traffic does have an effect on brick walls. F.D.N.Y. Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn (Now Retired) who was and is one of the great experts on Building Construction in the Fire Service once said a "building lasts about a as long as a human life, 80 or 90 years." After that time the building is in danger of Collapse unless Very Major Reconstruction is done to totally renew and strengthen the building.
When you are using all the unit assigned on a full 1st Alarm or USED all the units assigned on the full 1st alarm it is or was an "ALL HANDS"
A 10-75 is a "REQUEST" for a Full 1st Alarm Assignment. If they arrive and are all put to work or all were at work "Then it is a 75 = All Hands"
Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
Note a few things about this building. NOTE the STARS located on the front wall of the building. These STARS A NOT FOR DECORATION, the STARS are at the end of threaded RODS that have been applied to keep the brick wall from Bulging/Bellying out. The rod and stars are there because the wall is in trouble, and in danger of collapse. The heavy rain of the last few days does not help but this wall, and almost certainly the wall that collapsed have been bad for years. I worked in this are a Firefighter, before my promotion, these buildings are OLD and the vehicle traffic on these streets is very heavy. The vibrations of years of traffic does have an effect on brick walls. F.D.N.Y. Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn (Now Retired) who was and is one of the great experts on Building Construction in the Fire Service once said a "building lasts about a as long as a human life, 80 or 90 years." After that time the building is in danger of Collapse unless Very Major Reconstruction is done to totally renew and strengthen the building.
When you are using all the unit assigned on a full 1st Alarm or USED all the units assigned on the full 1st alarm it is or was an "ALL HANDS"
A 10-75 is a "REQUEST" for a Full 1st Alarm Assignment. If they arrive and are all put to work or all were at work "Then it is a 75 = All Hands"
Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
Thank you Captain - well said
Note a few things about this building. NOTE the STARS located on the front wall of the building. These STARS A NOT FOR DECORATION, the STARS are at the end of threaded RODS that have been applied to keep the brick wall from Bulging/Bellying out. The rod and stars are there because the wall is in trouble, and in danger of collapse. The heavy rain of the last few days does not help but this wall, and almost certainly the wall that collapsed have been bad for years. I worked in this are a Firefighter, before my promotion, these buildings are OLD and the vehicle traffic on these streets is very heavy. The vibrations of years of traffic does have an effect on brick walls. F.D.N.Y. Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn (Now Retired) who was and is one of the great experts on Building Construction in the Fire Service once said a "building lasts about a as long as a human life, 80 or 90 years." After that time the building is in danger of Collapse unless Very Major Reconstruction is done to totally renew and strengthen the building.
When you are using all the unit assigned on a full 1st Alarm or USED all the units assigned on the full 1st alarm it is or was an "ALL HANDS"
A 10-75 is a "REQUEST" for a Full 1st Alarm Assignment. If they arrive and are all put to work or all were at work "Then it is a 75 = All Hands"
Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
Thanks, Captain R. https://abc7ny.com/little-italy-building-collapse-emergency-demolition-188-grand-street/14316359/
Reports are that wood floor joists were cut and removed illegally.
I know this is an old-law tenement constructed of wood and masonry. In the case of the Bronx collapse on Billingsley in December, aren't those NLT's constructed with steel beams at each corner?