They were they’re for a while and it seemed like nothing was going on” droppping it down means can you keep just 1 engine and 1 truck or recommend a signal because they have other calls in those units areas that need responding to.
'Nothing Going On' ... is another Overused, Inaccurate, and sort of Lame Phrase.
If you are in a Large OMD in just about anywhere in this Vast City, you can Bet there's Stuff 'Going On...'.
It May Not be Fire or EMS, but be assured, there's Stuff, Going On. A more accurate, efficient term is -
'We have No Condition' or We are using xx & xx, Investigating....'
Disp. should ask - 'What are you using' or, 'Can you Release any Units'..
.In this particular instance it sounds like Btn. was initially using 2&2 w/3* Engine Standing Fast. (Not FAST )
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