4/8/22 Bronx 10-75 Box 2724

Jan 20, 2014
Fire Location: 104 Elliot Pl

B-17 gave the 10-75

Fire in a 6 story MD

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Correct address is 104 Eliot Place - Box 2724
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Units responding advised to use caution, reports of somebody killed someone at the location.

B-17 has a 10-45 code 4, requesting EMS & PD

Enter address...104 Elliot Place, Bronx, NY...around the corner from where I worked in high school, the Walton Kosher Delicatessen and Restaurant...and btw, 5 story building.
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So t123ken, has anyone weighed in? And who is the “we” in disagree?
If you walk into the throat of the building, up the steps, and through the front door you are on the 1st floor. Above that are floors 2 through 5. The street/sidewalk level is the "ground floor" or basement. As an officer (retired) working in that area and having fires in those buildings, my description would be 5 story MD. If I entered he building through the front door, walked up one flight of stairs, and called for a line, I would say
"start a line 2nd floor". The building has a store on the ground floor, the Walton Ave side. I had a fire (similar building) and my description was "5 story MD, fire in a store on the ground floor". The area from 169 st to 170 st between the Concourse and Jerome Ave, East Clarke Pl, Marcy Pl, and Elliot Pl was and still is a busy area for fires.
The "we" is you and I.
Seeing Turk's reply i can see where you're coming from, but these photos from the 1940s and 1980s make me think it's a six story building no matter how people describe it:


Maybe it's like the brownstones in Brooklyn where there's disagreement as to what's the first floor, basement, cellar, or parlor floor. Units in brownstone areas often refer to each of these levels differently.
Let's agree to disagree.
Many older buildings in the city were designed like this in order to avoid having to install an elevator. An elevator is required if the building is over 5 stories

Elevator required. Section BC 3002.4 requires buildings five stories or more in height to have at least one elevator that provides access to all floors, regardless of the building’s occupancy classification. However, other provisions in the 2014 NYC Construction Codes, such as sections BC 1104.4 and 1107.7.1, may require an elevator for the purposes of providing an accessible route regardless of the building’s overall height.

1356 Walton Ave. is around the corner from the fire building.
This is the same type of building as 104 Elliot Pl and is also classified as 5 stories and does not require an elevator. It is considered a multi family walk up

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