At its busiest time the assignment for 2323 was 50-1,50-2,73,19,42,B55,D6. The box, blocks, were mostly 6 story tenements and H types with a few 2 story frames, very heavily populated. Dispatcher would just come on the air and say "50 start out for gasoline alley." One July month, probably 1971, we (50) had 17 jobs, all hands or higher at that one box, 2323. They (whoever they were) used to break our balls and every night around 0300 2323 would come in, a 9-2. Remember one summer night we arrived at the 0300 9-2 and all of a sudden one of the rigs started to lean on their siren. We all joined in with our sirens and air horns for about a whole minute. We must have woken up every one within a block of the box, that was the last night we got the 0300 box, they got the message. That was the box where one day after a job and we were putting the line back an older Hispanic man was standing there. I said to him "why are you letting them burn you out like this?" He looked at me, smiled, and said "we are going to get new Garden type apartments." I understand he was right, but so many years later that he never saw them.