Gentlemen and ladies, may i first please offer my apologies for not being active messages wise in recent times.
Many topics have been covered, the KME engines are proving thier worth, and why wouldnt they? The LAcoFD has used the. At firehouses in south central LA for years, theses guys and gals see in excess of 5,000 a year!!
I have however, been following fire activity in my absence, and the trend continues.
My research is an 'in your face' reality collation of engines, primarily, and trucks that still see fire.
This may not be in thier own first due district, as i think it is niaive of us to think such companies and firehouses exist, in truth, they do not.
But conversely, the fdny has a small handfull of engines and trucks that still see the red devil regularly, not because of thier first sue district, but more so by the area they are in. So.. Here is the top four engines for fire, whether first second or third, and trucks, since April. This does not include queens.
Busiest engines for fire;
E332(by a long way)
If your in the job and want to see fire as a truckie. The. Here are the trucks that see fire a lot..
L175 (by a long way)
If you want a firehouse that has a high fire/to call ratio for fires, then E332/L175 is the house to be at, these guys are not busy for runs, but they do indeed hold thier own on that front, but this firehouse is the one to be at for working fires and to see the red devil, and it is not marginally, it is by a long way.
Respect to,all as always