Aug 29, 2008
baileyjeff said:
I am more so thinking fdny cutting fire companies again.
I highly doubt that and I'm sure expenditures due the "virus" will be refunded by the Federal Government.


Sep 30, 2011
baileyjeff said:
So COVID is going to really hurt the FDNY revenue. How can the FDNY save money?

FEMA will write a check when it?s over for all expenses that were related to the virus. Overtime, extra units, supplies will all be reimbursed
Jun 15, 2012
BCR said:
baileyjeff said:
So COVID is going to really hurt the FDNY revenue. How can the FDNY save money?

FEMA will write a check when it?s over for all expenses that were related to the virus. Overtime, extra units, supplies will all be reimbursed
Jun 15, 2012
  IAFF Official James Brinkley MSNBC Interview:
May 6, 2010
This POS A WIPE warren wilhelm should just pack his bags & go hide somewhere......totally useless & off base all the time......It is sad when little handy cummo (another loser) has to take the reins & try & run the City ........ de Blasio?s senior staff in near revolt over his coronavirus response
By Julia Marsh and Nolan HicksMarch 20, 2020 | 5:51pm | Updated
Enlarge ImageMayor de Blasio hits gym

Bill de Blasio headed to the gym on Monday amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Paul Martinka

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When Mayor de Blasio dragged aides and members of his NYPD security detail to his Brooklyn YMCA Monday morning amidst the coronavirus outbreak, fellow fitness enthusiasts were coughing and sneezing ? and a mentally ill person was walking around touching the equipment, a gym source said.

?It?s crazy that he made his staff and detail come with him to the gym and expose them like that,? the source said.

But the incident is just one example of the mayor?s disregard for the health of his staff during the crisis, multiple sources told The Post.

There?s also growing frustration from senior aides, who fault the mayor for dithering instead of making decisions, micromanaging instead of leading, and insisting he knows best instead of listening to others, three sources said.

?Thank god for Cuomo,? is a common refrain among the mayor?s staff, made only partly in jest, sources said.

That?s because Gov. Andrew Cuomo has taken the lead on the city?s COVID-19 response ? canceling the St. Patrick?s Day Parade, shutting down large venues including Broadway, and even pushing the mayor to close public schools.

But instead of the big picture, the head of the City that Never Sleeps has insisted on proofing all public materials about the city?s COVID-19 response from press releases to ad campaigns, one source said.


Bad rep: De Blasio enjoys one last workout before Cuomo shuts down NY gyms
?Instead of micromanaging his team he should be leading right now,? the source said.

And the mayor has tossed aside advice from staffers along the way. Staff repeatedly warned the mayor that prematurely announcing a possible shelter-in-place order Tuesday would cause unnecessary panic.

?He can?t handle the word ?No,? and it runs people down,? the source said.

?He is dismissive of everyone?s opinion around him,? added a second source.

?It?s very much his way or the highway in moments of crisis and he thinks he knows best,? the second source noted.

De Blasio described what a shelter-in-place order would look like for New York City at a City Hall press briefing and even refused to rule out a ban on travel out of the Big Apple.

Hours later Cuomo went on NY1 to reprimand the mayor.

?There?s not going to be any, ?You must stay in your house,? rule,? Cuomo said, calling the mayor?s remarks ?counterproductive.? The governor explained that he wanted to craft a statewide plan before shutting down non-essential business in the Big Apple.

Enlarge ImageDe Blasio staffer Emma Wolfe
De Blasio staffer Emma WolfeGregory P. Mango
The governor eventually announced a statewide lockdown Friday, three days later.

Tensions are also frayed between de Blasio and many of his longtime aides.

But his chief of staff Emma Wolfe enjoys a better relationship with the Mayor.

?She is pushing back a lot harder than she normally does with him,? the second source said.

?Emma is an operative to the core and she has a relationship with the governor?s office. They respect her game and her political mind. She is able to forecast in terms of moves the governor?s office is going to make well before the mayor.

?She sees the need to be decisive in a moment like this and he doesn?t so she?s pushed him to get there,? the second source added.

The Post previously reported tensions between the mayor and senior health department officials including the city?s top doctor, Commissioner Oxiris Barbot.

A third source said de Blasio isn?t delegating decisions, which is why so many major announcements have had to be made by the governor.

The staff is ?endlessly frustrated? by the mayor?s disregard for their health and micromanagement, the third source confirmed.

Enlarge ImageEmpty, closed Broadway theaters on West 45th Street amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Empty, closed Broadway theaters on West 45th Street amid the coronavirus outbreak.Taidgh Barron/NY Post
?He is a monster to deal with right now,? the second source explained.

?He?s incredibly condescending. He thinks he has a pulse on the emotions and feelings and concerns of everyday New Yorkers better than his staff, which is remarkable for a guy who lives in a mansion on the Upper East Side,? the source said.

Asked for comment, Freddi Goldstein, the mayor?s press secretary, said ?this is an unprecedented crisis.?

?We are talking about massive decisions every day like closing schools for 1.1 million kids and closing businesses that give people their livelihoods. None of this is easy. The mayor gives every member of the team a chance to deliberate, but in the end only he can make decisions like this on behalf of 8.6 million New Yorkers,? Goldstein said.
May 6, 2010
Jan 20, 2014
One post not FDNY related in regards to this

City of New Haven Fire Fighters are at an all time low with the N-95 mask

Seeking donations for anyone and anywhere who have extra mask

Here?s a news clip showing that it doesn?t matter the age donations can come from anyone

*Don?t mind the ?Dad? in the video think they found him on the city?s green hanging with the homeless posting about Fires in the 5 boroughs*

Feb 9, 2018
Signal (Brad) you gotta be proud of Christian - not many young guys would think of others like that in these times - glad to hear that he is beating leukemia - best wishes for Christian and your family.
Jun 22, 2007

I'm going to pass the story around too.

We are certainly glad to hear that future firefighter Christian is now cancer free. I hope I get to meet him someday too. 
Jun 22, 2007
Christian, I sure hope Santa Clause is watching and he remembers what you did for the guys on the job in New Haven, Ct. next Christmas.

By the way Christian, I like that New Haven Sweat shirt and hat you're wearing too.

Christian, "you already know this" - BUT for everybody else here, the New Haven Fire Dept is the busiest fire department in the entire State of Connecticut in both Fire and EMS incidents, including 10-75s (signal 73s as NHFD says it) or greater.

Christian, I hope you can meet my buddies Gracin Bendick and maybe his cousin Ryan, some day after this COVID19 thing is over. They want to be a firefighter too just like I wanted to when I was a young guy. Maybe we can meet up and get ourselves some pizza and ice cream.

Actually, now that I'm an OLD Guy, I still sometimes wish I could ride those rigs and put some water on the fire like I used to.

I'm going to see if your dad will post just a couple more pictures for you to see here. If he does, "I think you and some of the guys here will like them".

Uncle Willy D
Jun 22, 2007
Signal73 said:
Willy D asked me to post these

From Top to Bottom photo:

1) Old Man Willy D still thinks he's OTJ

2) Gracin Bendick, (Tommy Bendick's son) future firefighter

3) Gracin and Cousin Ryan, future firefighters

4) 4 or 5 year old "Wanna Be Probie" Firefighter/Chaffer - Willy D
Feb 27, 2015
mikeindabronx said:

I know my station is closer to 30%. We got four members back from the suspended Medic Basic class, but we are still very short handed. Unlimited mandations, three 14 hour days in the last four. Yesterday I did 23 runs in 14 hours, today 11 in 8. Also, yesterday we had 6,406 EMS calls or one every 13 seconds. The busiest day in EMS since 9/11, some are even saying that we did more than 9/11 (which I doubt).
Jun 22, 2007
Lebby said:
mikeindabronx said:

I know my station is closer to 30%. We got four members back from the suspended Medic Basic class, but we are still very short handed. Unlimited mandations, three 14 hour days in the last four. Yesterday I did 23 runs in 14 hours, today 11 in 8. Also, yesterday we had 6,406 EMS calls or one every 13 seconds. The busiest day in EMS since 9/11, some are even saying that we did more than 9/11 (which I doubt).

Philip, "Lebby" we certainly commend you and all your co-workers for the difficult and dangerous job that you guys are doing. This being a time in history that none of us have ever seen or been through before.

You guys, as well as EMS workers throughout the entire country are out there on the frontlines doing it. We ALL need you and none of us really know when this will end. You are out there putting your own lives, as well as your families lives in danger.

I think it's pretty safe to say that EVERYBODY in this ENTIRE COUNTRY appreciates the job that people like you do. If there is ANYTHING that we as citizens can do to help, please let us know. One thing that I know we can all do is keep you guys in our prayers for a safe return home.

As this goes on, many of us are learning just how important some jobs really are. All while some who may not be working need to continue to survive while being confined to their homes.
Feb 27, 2015
Busiest week in FDNY EMS' history
Tuesday: 6,406
Wednesday: 6,550
Thursday: 7,111

Starting Sunday, mutual aide will start enhancing our units. Rumor is up to 250 buses from as far away as Vermont