LAD*118 MACK....  https://www.ebay.com/itm/FDNY-Fire-Apparatus-Slide-L-118-MACK-C/332869104841?hash=item4d808b74c9:g:DxgAAOSwRhFb4QoO
ALARM BOX...CORONA AVE & 103 ST.......    https://www.ebay.com/itm/ORIGINAL-FDNY-New-York-City-Fire-Department-Cast-Iron-ALARM-BOX-with-key/183531095293?hash=item2abb4e44fd:g:4EkAAOSwo1lb6IeW
HELMET ..FF R. LAN??...    https://www.ebay.com/itm/ORIGINAL-VINTAGE-FDNY-NYFD-LEATHER-CAIRNS-FIRE-HELMET/132868902321?hash=item1eef9a8db1:g:I1gAAOSwMQ1b~Gg4
Pre 1960 ENG*75 Front.....  https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-VINTAGE-FIRE-DEPARTMENT-HELMET-SHIELDS-BY-CAIRNS-BRO-3-DAY-RETURN/202518017944?_trkparms=aid%3D888007%26algo%3DDISC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131227121020%26meid%3D4998e8190dc84f60b0d901bba1189de9%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26sd%3D192741122698%26itm%3D202518017944&_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982
I am thinking that the info in this ebay post is not entirely correct.......the paper article relates to a Boston incident .....Boston did & still does make their own Fronts they never bought them from Cairns.... the Cairns Front pictured i think is from a FF assigned to the old FDNY Community & News Service aka "CANS" which was quartered at the old "Pier A" at the Battery (along with Marine*1 ...the Tender Smoke & the UFA Supply Store & "The Farm".)...CANS was staffed by a FF & an Officer & responded to Fires in one of the two Stretch Carryall's the FDNY had (the other being SQ*3 late '60s / early '70s)..... CANS would provide Laision with News Teams on the scene & also at times transport residents from a Fire scene to a lodging site..... www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Leather-CAIRNS-Fireman-Helmet-Hat-Badge-Shield-Boston-WNAC-News-Radio/143036391368?hash=item214da21fc8:g:RJQAAOSwGPNcA6J4

Pull Box Door....  https://www.ebay.com/itm/FDNY-OBrien-Door/323591128760?hash=item4b5788c6b8:g:koAAAOSw~vNcDYm3
Note the Air Horn positioned to blow into the Officers right ear......  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fire-Apparatus-Slide-Baltimore-City-Fire-Dept-Md-American-LaFrance-Truck-SLT-21/132883348365?hash=item1ef076fb8d:g:nU0AAOSwC9hcDbT7
J.M.GROGAN's HELMET......  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fdny-Helmet-Marine-9/254040840237?hash=item3b2603982d:g:UngAAOSwT2Bb9bpM
BN*46 PATCH FROM 1994 WHEN THE 46 WAS #1 IN NYC ("THE BIG APPLE") IN BOTH RUNS & HOURS.... www.ebay.com/itm/New-York-City-Fire-Dept-Battalion-46-Patch/233076029118?hash=item364469f6be:g:vPMAAOSwqKNcKnx1
Boss.....  This Batt 46 patch is either incorrect or the patch was done between 1984 thru 1989 when Batt 59 was reestablished  in 319
AuxWarYearsCapt said:
Boss.....  This Batt 46 patch is either incorrect or the patch was done between 1984 thru 1989 when Batt 59 was reestablished  in 319
1994 was the year the 46 was # 1....i did not notice that 319 was not on the patch ......292 & R*4 were in BN*49 at that time.
Thank you Chief...  l thought l was going nuts.
When Batt 46 did the tee shirts all the present 46 units are on it
GMAN....take a look at  this....  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Old-Postman-Hat-Badge-Brooklyn-New-York-From-Post-Office/382724910216?hash=item591c2eac88:g:TmUAAOSwDsZcOP9F
LAD*137 HELMET.....  https://www.ebay.com/itm/FDNY-fire-helmet/233094801087?hash=item36458866bf:g:UfUAAOSwj9JcPRkD