SOME BADGE INFO FROM A COLLECTOR SITE..... I am not sure if the New York State portion refers to only Police or FD also.... QUOTE.... Laws governing the sale of badges vary.

Federal law makes it illegal to possess a current-issue federal badge, unless it was issued to someone as a member of that specific service, such as the FBI or Secret Service.

While most states, including Pennsylvania, do not have laws governing the sale of state and local badges, a few do:

? Texas bans selling Department of Public Safety or Texas Ranger badges.

? Florida allows only active or retired police officers to buy badges.

? New York state law prohibits selling a New York badge to a state resident, whether online or in person.....UNQUOTE.

Read more:    http://triblive.com/state/pennsylvania/5019469-74/badge-police-badges#ixzz2lc6AqjjU
FDNY Unit location chart from the period when the short lived Fire Commissioner Howard "Howeird" Safir concocted the shortlived re-numbering of the Divisions...eliminating some for a period of time.......      http://www.ebay.com/itm/1990s-FDNY-Unit-Location-Chart-Framed-Firefighter-New-York/251401003017?_trksid=p2045573.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D18472%26meid%3D3386656482809140092%26pid%3D100033%26prg%3D8385%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D221334816718%26
April 1941 WNYF... very rare.... ....... in the small photo of the arson article it mentions arson Fires being set in "perambulators" in the public hallways....this was a term for an old time baby carriage... years ago in the basement level of the group of early low rise projects "Williamsburg Houses"  http://www.nyc-architecture.com/WBG/wbg034.htm built around 1936 to 1938 in Williamsburg BKLYN each bldg had a room for baby carriage storage....the door would be labeled "Perambulator Room" always sounded pretty ominous if you did not know what it meant ....... www.ebay.com/itm/APRIL-1941-WNYF-WITH-NEW-YORK-FIREMEN-NYC-FIRE-DEPT-MAGAZINE-2ND-YEAR-/261375250570?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cdb2dd08a

68jk09 said:

Chief I saw it being used at the Floyd Bennett Field multiple in Dec 1968 my father took me over with a big pot of coffee it was a cold night and they had 2 1/2" lines on them unattended just drowning the old EM club .


  • On a windy Monday, December 9, 1968, a fire at Floyd Bennett Field destroyed Building 67..jpg
    On a windy Monday, December 9, 1968, a fire at Floyd Bennett Field destroyed Building 67..jpg
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