Engine 218 1970 WNYF
A story to go with this forgotten WNYF picture:
- Brooklyn Box 75-708 Bushwick Avenue opp Varet Street
- This job was handled by an All-Hands - even with block of inoperative hydrants
- Squad 3 - manpower company only unit - not SOC - no pumper - see rig below
- Engine 218 had 4003 runs in 1970 and ranked 42nd in NYC in runs that year
- This job was one of Squad 3's 9334 runs in 1970 - 2nd busiest squad company in city - Sq 4 turned out 9791 times
- 1969 Mack CF pumper - still "new" after 3108 runs in 1969 - see rig below
- E 218's MPO dressed in typical chauffer uniform of the day - blue uniform cap (usually without cap badge), short blue civilian jacket (often old military), unknown pants
- Auxiliary Sq 3 FF - yellow helmet
- Squad going to work w/o masks
- Group of kids watching the job w/o cell phones
- Photo by Alex Donchin - noted fire buff, fire photographer and FDNY Auxiliary Captain
Squad 3
Engine 218
Alex Donchin book