If you go back in time, most ladder companies had their own firehouses including many that had a solid wall between the engine & truck side and separate housewatch desks: 1(w/E7-1 & 7-2), 2*, 3, 4, 5*, 6, 7, 8*, 9*, 10, 11, 12, 13*, 14, 15, 17*, 18, 19, 20*, 21*, 22*, 23, 24, 25(w/E74), 26*, 27(next to E46), 28*, 30, 34(w/E84), 35*, 38(w/E88) 39, 40, 41(w/E90), 42(next to E73), 43(w/E91-1 & 91-2) 44(w/E92)), 45(w/E93-1 & 93-2), 46(w/E81), 47(next to E64), 49(on Nelson Ave. directly behind E68), 77(w/E153), 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 118(365 Jay St. w/R-2), 122(next to E220), 123, 124(w/E271), 125, 126, 127(w/E275, 298 & 299), 131(w/E279), 132(w/E280), 134(w/E264 & 328), 136(w/E287), 140(w/E291), 142(w/E285), 144(w/E295), 146(w/E229), 147(w/E281), 148(w/E282), 149(w/E284). [* means double company]