FDNY Auxiliary?

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Don't get me wrong, I love this department and not everyone had the additude problems. I have alot of good memories and good times. My heart breaks every time I remember 9-11 and all the good people that were lost that terrible day.

I remember when I was with E10 and we (The capt and another FF and Myself) to a trip to the hardware stor for some tools. I used to operate with a scanner (radio Shack) and as we were in the store the was a call that went over PAPD radio about a fire in the 78th floor maintainance closet. I notified the Captain (Who didn't have the PA Radio with him) we began to listen to the Radio and were able to obtain forward intel on the Box before the job went tover officialy. we were dispatched aprox 3-4 minutes after getting the foward intel.

I ask, if a schmuck like me was able to create forward security for inter/agency communications before 9-11 why in the hell were'nt first responders given this opurtunity before and after 9-11.

To this day there is no real time cross/Intell other than EMS/PD but that only seem to occur when theres an "85."  FDNY Personel seem to be still stuck on continuing to monitoring their own boro frequency.

Totally un-acceptable

Paul /Sentinel
Apr 9, 2007
Sentinel said:
if a schmuck like me

You got that right guy. There's a major reason that we only listen to the boro we're working. Do you know why? tell your story walking, cause no one is listening.


And what reason would that be?

Cause the TV in the Housewatch is to loud?

See... I can say I'm a schmuck cause I at least know my place within the system. You on the other have only demonstrated the worst of the job thats if you're really on the job to begin with (Which i'm starting to really have doubt about it.

Do you even know your boro frequency? probally not. But then again I doubt you're the real thing because I really don't think the brothers would put up with your crap to long especially the senior members who probally have you pick up the "Emergency Broom" when you're playing scrabble at the mess table.

TI-FF ? Couldn't be a real hero so he resorts to being a clear zero
Great war stratigy, Jerky.

The people are real lucky to have you responding to their crisis.

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