FDNY Fire Activity - 2022

August, 2022 Fire Activity:

Staten Island:
8/20 - 3rd Alarm - Box 4141
8/21 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1905
8/24 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0031

8/17 - 3rd Alarm - Box 9338
8/20 - 2nd Alarm - Box 5031
8/21 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2114

8/17 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0437
8/25 - 3rd Alarm - Box 8321

8/12 - 3rd Alarm - Box 0268
8/23 - 3rd Alarm - Box 0241

8/4 - 3rd Alarm - Box 2751
8/13 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2267
8/18 - 2nd Alarm - Box 3745

Total number of All Hands Fires - 163
Staten Island - 10
Queens - 38
Manhattan - 22
Brooklyn - 57
Bronx - 36
Staten Island (4141) 80-84 Pitney Ave (Charleston)
E-164 L-84 B-23

Staten Island (1905) 198 Kirshon Ave (Bulls Head)
E-166 L-86 B-22

Staten Island (31) 100 Stuyvesant Pl (ST George)
E-155 L-78 B-21

Queens (9338) 111-06 Roosevelt Ave (North Corona)
E-289 L-138 B-52

Queens (5021) 169-12 104th Ave (Jamaica)
E-275 L-133 B-50

Queens (2114) 86-08 Sutter Ave (Ozone Park)
E-285 L-142 B-39

Manhattan (437) 313 East 6th St (Ukraine Village)
E-33 L-9 B-6

Manhattan (8321) 114 Recovery Rd (Randalls Island)
E-83 L-29 B-12

Brooklyn (268) 236 Montorse Ave (East Williamsburg)
E-237 L-108 B-35

Brooklyn (241) 499 Grand St (Williamsburg)
E-216 L-108 B-35

Bronx (2267) 413 East 152nd St (Melrose)
Sq-41 L-55 B-14

Bronx (3745) 3410 Corlear Ave (Kingsbridge)
E-81 L-46 B-27
September, 2022 Fire Activity:

Staten Island:
9/1 - 4th Alarm - Box 3197
9/18 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0349

9/23 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1322
9/30 - 2nd Alarm - Box 4442

9/1 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0334
9/13 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0415
9/27 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1683

9/1 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0613
9/13 - 4th Alarm - Box 0820
9/26 - 3rd Alarm - Box 0165

9/13 - 2nd Alarm - Box 3358

Total number of All Hands Fires - 147
Staten Island - 6
Queens - 44
Manhattan - 18
Brooklyn - 58
Bronx - 21
Staten Island (3197) 3579 Victory Blvd (Travis)

Sq-8 L-86 B-22

Staten Island (349) 208 Bement Ave (West New Brighton)

E-156 L-79 B-22

Queens (1322) 2A & 4 Beach 85th St (Hammels)

E-266 L-121 B-47

Queens (5021) 169-12 104th Ave (Jamaica)

E-275 L-133 B-50

Queens (2114) 86-08 Sutter Ave (Ozone Park)

E-285 L-142 B-39

Queens (4442) 40-34 Main St (Flushing)

E-273 L-129 B-52

Manhattan (334) 105 Wooster St (SoHo)

E-24 L-20 B-2

Manhattan (415) 13 Ave D (Alphabet City)

E-28 L-11 B-4

Manhattan (1683) 860 Riverside Dr (Washington Heights)

E-84 L-34 B-13

Brooklyn (613) 487 Carlton Ave (Fort Greene)

E-219 L-105 B-57

Brooklyn (820) 1100-1104 Halsey St (Bushwick)

Sq-252 L-176 B-37

Brooklyn (165) 23-31 Beadel St (East Williamsburg)

E-229 L-146 B-35

Bronx (3358) 2490 Davidson Ave (Fordham Heights)

E-75 L-33 B-27
Now the Official Numbers from Retired FDNY Dispatcher Herb Eysser:

Month of September, 2022:

9/1 - Staten Island - 4th Alarm - 3579 Victory Blvd - 1BK Food Market
9/1 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 487 Carlton Ave - 31 BK Residential
9/1 - Manhattan - 2nd Alarm - 11 Wooster St - 6BK Converted Residential
9/13 - Manhattan - 2nd Alarm - 13 Avenue D - 6BK Mixed Occupancy
9/13 - Brooklyn - 4th Alarm - 1100 Halsey St - 2 FR Residential Row of Frames
9/13 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 2490 Davidson Ave - 6BK Residential
9/18 - Staten Island - 2nd Alarm - 208 Bement Ave - 2 1/2 FR Residential
9/23 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 360 Beach 85th St - 4 Vacant Private Houses
9/26 - Brooklyn - 3rd Alarm - 31 Beadel St - 1BK Commerical
9/27 - Manhattan - 2nd Alarm - 860 Riverside Dr - 7BK Residential
9/30 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 40-34 Main St - 2BK Commerical
TOTAL - 11

Number of Greater Alarms For The Month Of September, 2022
Manhattan - 3
Brooklyn - 3
Queens - 2
Staten Island -2
Bronx - 1
TOTAL - 11
October, 2022 Fire Activity:

Staten Island:
No Multiple Alarm Activity

10/5 - 2nd Alarm - Box 9876
10/8 - 4th Alarm - Box 4047
10/18 - 4th Alarm - Box 7272
10/19 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1210

10/18 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1726
10/29 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0784

10/4 - 3rd Alarm - Box 3299
10/4 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0446
10/17 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0208
10/26 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2935

10/9 - 2nd Alarm - Box 4548
10/13 - 2nd Alarm - Box 3187
10/22 - 2nd Alarm - Box 4079
10/23 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2751
10/28 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2170
10/30 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2821

Total number of All Hands Fires - 161
Staten Island - 9
Queens - 38
Manhattan - 28
Brooklyn - 40
Bronx - 46
Queens (9876) 163-18 Jamaica Ave (Jamaica)
E-298 L-127 B-50

Queens (4047) 1686 Gates Ave (Ridgewood)
E-277 L-112 B-28

Queens (7272) 47-46B 30th St (Hunters Point)
E-259 L-128 B-45

Queens (1270) 461 Beach 44th St (Edgemere)
E-265 L-121 B-47

Manhattan (1726) 220 Audubon Ave (Washington Heights)
E-93 L-45 B-13

Manhattan (784) 515 West 42nd St (Hells Kitchen)
E-34 L-21 B-7

Brooklyn (3299) 3790 Nostrand Ave (Sheepshead Bay)
E-321 L-169 B-33

Brooklyn (446) 84 Front St (Dumbo)
E-205 L-118 B-31

Brooklyn (208) 381 Berry St (Williamsburg)
E-221 L-104 B-35

Brooklyn (2935) 1417 Ave J (Midwood)
E-250 L-122 Act. 156 B-33

Bronx (4548) 94 Schofield St (City Island)
E-70 L-53 B-20

Bronx (3187) 2371 Exterior St (Fordham Heights)
E-43 L-59 B-19

Bronx (4079) 151 Prentiss Ave (Throgs Neck)
E-72 L-47 B-20

Bronx (2751) 1316 Morris Ave (Concourse Village)
E-42 L-44 B-17

Bronx (2170) 352 East 141 St (Mott Haven)
Sq-41 L-17 B-14

Bronx (2821) 2165 Quimby Ave (Unionport)
E-64 L-47 B-20
Now the Official Numbers from Retired FDNY Dispatcher Herb Eysser for the Month of October, 2022

10/4 - Brooklyn - 3rd Alarm - 3790 Nostrand Ave - 1Bk row of stores
10/5 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 163-18 Jamaica Ave - 7Bk commercial
10/8 - Queens - 4th Alarm - 1686 Gates Ave - 3Bk residential
10/9 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 94 Scofield St (City Island) - 2 1/2 frame residential
10/13 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 2371 Exterior St - junkyard
10/14 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 84 Front St - 12 Bk residential manhole w/extension to building
10/16 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 381 Berry St - 6 Bk mixed occupancy
10/18 - Queens - 4th Alarm - 47-46B 30th St - 1 Bk commercial
10/18 - Manhattan - 2nd Alarm - 220 Audubon Ave - 6 Bk residential
10/19 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 461 Beach 44th St - 2 frame residential
10/22 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 151 Prentiss Ave - 2 frame residential
10/23 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 1316 Morris Ave - 6 Bk residential
10/26 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 1470 Avenue J - 3 Bk building under construction
10/28 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 352 East 141 St - 6 Bk residential
10/29 - Manhattan - 2nd Alarm - 515 West 42 St - Homeless Encampment on railroad tracks under 5 story Bk hotel
10/30 - Bronx - 2 Alarm - 2165 Quimby Ave - 2 Bk residential
TOTAL - 16

Number of Greater Alarms For The Month Of October, 2022
Manhattan - 2
Brooklyn - 4
Queens - 4
Staten Island - 0
Bronx - 6
TOTAL - 16
November, 2022 Fire Activity:

Staten Island:
11/28 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0461

11/18 - 2nd Alarm - Box 7936
11/22 - 2nd Alarm - Box 5126
11/28 - 3rd Alarm - Box 7186
11/30 - 3rd Alarm - Box 4204

11/5 - 3rd Alarm - Box 0877

11/9 - 3rd Alarm - Box 1527
11/19 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2059

11/3 - 2nd Alarm - Box 3080
11/8 - 2nd Alarm - Box 4758
11/9 - 2nd Alarm - Box 3386
11/15 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2736
11/22 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2562
11/23 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2421

Total number of ALL Hands Fires - 144
Staten Island - 7
Queens - 33
Manhattan - 28
Brooklyn - 50
Bronx - 26
Staten Island (461) 180 Park Hill Ave (Park Hill)
E-160 L-77 B-21

Queens (7936) 83-12 Broadway (Elmhurst)
E-287 L-136 B-46

Queens (5126) 69-35 Myrtle Ave (Glendale)
E-319 L-135 B-28

Queens (7186) 38-21 23rd St (Dutch Kills)
E-260 L-116 B-45

Queens (4204) 67-30 & 32 Metropolitan Ave (Ridgewood)
E-319 L-140 B-28

Manhattan (877) 429 East 52nd St (Midtown East)
E-8 L-2 B-8

Brooklyn (1527) 222 East 8th St (Kensington)
E-281 L-148 B-48

Brooklyn (2059) 488 Cresent St (East New York)
E-236 L-107 B-39

Bronx (3080) 1480 Rosedale Ave (Van Nest)
E-90 L-41 B-18

Bronx (4758) 1520 Sedgwick Ave (Morris Heights)
E-68 L-49 B-13

Bronx (3386) 2775 Kingsbridge Terr (Kingsbridge Heights)
E-79 L-37 B-27

Bronx (2736) 1414 Bryant Ave (Charlotte Gardens)
E-82 L-31 B-3

Bronx (2562) 3482 Park Ave (Morrisania)
E-71 L-19 B-26

Bronx (2421) 746 Manida St (Hunts Point)
E-73 L-48 B-3
Now the Official Numbers from Retired FDNY Dispatcher Herb Eysser.

Month of November, 2022:

11/3 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 1480 Rosedale Ave - 2 Frame, vacant residential
11/5 - Manhattan - 3rd Alarm - 429 East 52nd St - 37 Brick, residential
11/8 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 1520 Sedgewick Ave - 18 Brick, residential
11/9 - Brooklyn - 3rd Alarm - 222 East 8th St - 7 Brick, residential
11/9 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 2775 Kingsbridge Terrace - 6 Brick, residential
11/15 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 1414 Bryant Ave - 3 Brick, residential
11/18 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 83-17 Broadway - 2 Brick, commercial
11/19 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 499 Crescent St - 2 1/2 Frame, residential
11/22 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 69-35 Myrtle Ave - 2 Brick, mixed occupancy
11/22 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 3482 Park Ave - 2 Brick, church
11/23 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 746 Manida St - 2 Brick, residential
11/28 - Queens - 3rd Alarm - 38-21 23rd St - 1 Brick, commercial
11/28 - Staten Island - 2nd Alarm - 180 Park Hill Ave - 7 Brick, residential
11/30 - Queens - 3rd Alarm - 67-30 Metropolitan Ave - 1 Brick, commercial

Number of Greater Alarms for the Month of November, 2022.
Bronx - 6
Queens - 4
Brooklyn - 2
Manhattan - 1
Staten Island - 1
TOTAL - 14
Not sure if this is the right thread, but does anyone have the updated spreadsheet of first due/total all hands or greater that usually makes its way around? This is the first year I haven’t seen one. Thanks
Not sure if this is the right thread, but does anyone have the updated spreadsheet of first due/total all hands or greater that usually makes its way around? This is the first year I haven’t seen one. Thanks
I take care of that. Year isn't over yet, but there will be one.
December, 2022 Fire Activity:

Firefighter William Moon II of Rescue Co 2 on December 16, 2022
May FF William Moon II - REST IN PEACE

Staten Island:
No Multiple Alarm Activity

12/5 - 2nd Alarm - Box1134
12/19- 2nd Alarm - Box 5549
12/21 - 2nd Alarm - Box 6215
12/24 - 3rd Alarm - Box 5348
12/25 - 2nd Alarm - Box 6986
12/26 - 3rd Alarm - Box 8916
12/28 - 3rd Alarm - Box 1288

12/2 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1359
12/3 - 5th Alarm - Box 1595
12/21 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1476

12/13 - 3rd Alarm - Box 3810
12/16 - 4th Alarm - Box 1550
12/24 - 2nd Alarm - Box 0940
12/26 - 2nd Alarm - Box 4168
12/28 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1089
12/31 - 2nd Alarm - Box 4142
12/31 - 2nd Alarm - Box 1784

12/6 - 2nd Alarm - Box 3144
12/8 - 3rd Alarm - Box 2742
12/16 - 2nd Alarm - Box 2702

Total number of All Hands Fires - 190
Staten Island - 10
Queens -39
Manhattan - 31
Brooklyn - 65
Bronx - 45
Queens (1134) 120 Beach 19th St (Far Rockaways)
E-264 L-134 B-47

Queens (5549) 91-17 216th (Queens Village)
E-304 L-162 B-53

Queens (6215) 147-14 23rd Ave (Whitestone)
E-295 L-144 B-52

Queens (5348) 111-10 209th Pl (Queens Village)
E-304 L-162 B-54

Queens (6986) 215-05 43rd Ave (Bayside)
E-306 L-167 B-53

Queens (8916) 128-31 & 37 146th St (South Jamaica)
E-302 L-155 B-51

Queens (1288) 327 Beach 68th St (Arverne)
E-265 L-121 B-47

Manhattan (1359) 52 St Nicholas Ave (Harlem)
E-58 L-26 B-16

Manhattan (1595) 617 West 141 St (Hamilton Heights)
E-84 L-34 B-16

Manhattan (1476) 233 West 125th St (Central Harlem)
E-37 L-40 B-12

Brooklyn (3810) 700 Columbia St (Red Hook)
E-279 L-131 B-32

Brooklyn (1550) 80 Clarkson Ave (Prospect Lefferts Garden)
E-236 L-107 B-39

Brooklyn (940) 227 Putnam Ave (Bed-Sty)
E-235 L-111 B-57

Brooklyn (4168) 2017 East 63rd St (Mill Basin)
E-323 L-159 B-58

Brooklyn (1089) 647 Flatbush Ave (Prospect Lefferts Gardens)
E-249 L-113 B-41

Brooklyn (1784) 287 Arlington Ave (East New York)
E-332 L-175 B-44

Brooklyn (4172) 2330 East 69th St (Bergan Beach)
E-323 L-159 B-58

Bronx (3144) 519 East 180th St (Belmont)
E-88 L-38 B-18

Bronx (2742) 352 Franklin Ave (Morrisania)
E-82 L-31 B-26

Bronx (2702) 1243 Tinton Ave (Morrisania)
E-82 L-31 B-26
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Thank you very much for sharing this every month for many years, really appreciate it.

(Now we need someone to do the math with a subtotal for 2022..)
Thank you very much for sharing this every month for many years, really appreciate it.

(Now we need someone to do the math with a subtotal for 2022..)

"DJ Nat", we usually get that out around the end of January or mid February.

The total figures presented for the year 2021 are in the last few replies for "FDNY Fire Activity - 2021"

Example - www.nycfire.net/forums/threads/fdny-fire-activity-2021.64583/ starting on page 5 for 2021's results
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Now the Official Numbers from Retired FDNY Dispatcher Herb Eysser.

Month of December, 2022.

12/2 - Manhattan - 2nd Alarm - 52 St Nicholas Ave - 5 Bk Residential
12/3 - Manhattan - 5th Alarm - 617 West 141 St - 6 Bk Residential
12/5 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 120 Beach 19th St - 27 Bk Residential
12/6 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 519 East 180 St - 1 Bk Taxpayer
12/8 - Bronx - 3rd Alarm - 1352 Franklin Ave - 3 Bk Residential
12/13 - Brooklyn - 3rd Alarm - 700 Columbia St - 1 Metal NYPD Evidence Warehouse
12/16 - Bronx - 2nd Alarm - 1243 Tinton Ave - 2 Fr Residential
12/16 - Brooklyn - 4th Alarm - 80 Clarkson Ave - 6 Bk Residential
12/19 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 91-17 216 St - 2 1/2 Residential
12/21 - Manhattan - 2nd Alarm - 233 West 125th St - 27 story Residential
12/21 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 147-14 23 Ave - 2 Bk Residential
12/24 - Queens - 3rd Alarm - 111-10 209 Pl - 2 1/2 Bk Residential
12/24 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 227 Putnam Ave - 4 Fr Residential
12/25 - Queens - 2nd Alarm - 2nd Alarm - 215-05 43 Ave - 2 1/2 Bk Residential
12/26 - Brooklyn - 3rd Alarm - 2017 East 63 St - 2 1/2 Fr Residential
12/26 - Queens - 3rd Alarm - 128-31 146 St - 2 1/2 Fr Residential
12/28 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 643 Flatbush Ave - 4 Bk Vacant Residential
!2/28 - Queens - 3rd Alarm - 3-27 Beach 68 St - 2 1/2 Fr Residential
12/31 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 287 Arlington Ave - 4 Bk Residential
12/31 - Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm - 2300 East 69 St - 2 Bk Commercial

TOTAL - 20 Greater Alarms for the month of December, 2022
Queens - 7
Brooklyn - 7
Bronx - 3
Manhattan - 3
Staten Island - 0
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More from Retired FDNY Dispatcher Herbie Eysser.

FDNY - Greater Alarms by Year:
2019 - 158
2020 - 148
2021 - 186
2022 - 198

Number of Greater Alarms by Division Response District:
Division 7 - 32
Division 15 - 30
Division 8 - 26
Division 14 - 25
Division 6 - 25
Division 13 - 22
Division 11 -20
Division 3 - 10
Division 1 - 8
TOTAL - 198

Thanks Herbie
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