FDNY Firefighter Open Competitive/ Promotional Exams

Feb 27, 2015
Exam 4044: Firefighter (Open Competitive): Application Period 3/6/24-5/21/24

Exam 4528: Firefighter (Promotional): Application Period 11/1/23-11/21/23


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DCAS discovered that the wrong weighting formula was used for seniority and awards, resulting in the inaccuracy of the list results. They have recalculated the list with the correct formula for weighting (MC test= 50%, Seniority and Awards= 50%). The new list will be available in the coming days.

Exam No. 0569, Promotion to Lieutenant (Fire). At FDNY's request, DCAS performed an additional review of
scores and discovered that the published list was in fact, inaccurate.
You will also receive a notification from DCAS addressing this issue, please check your OASys dashboard for this and any other communications regarding this exam.
DO 128... 10-28-23....

communication from DCAS regarding the error in the original established list and a new score (found on your OASys dashboard).
Once both the FDNY and DCAS review is complete, members will be notified via Department Order.
We understand the frustration and resulting stress upon members who studied diligently for this promotion. Thank you to all the members who have assisted the Office of Uniformed Personnel in this process. Members should continue to share inaccuracies in their score with the FDNY Office of Personnel.
It has been made clear to DCAS that this is our top priority and that we expect them to address our concerns until they are resolved. Additional updates will be shared via Department Order.


This examination is open to each employee of the New York City Fire Department who on the first date of the multiple-choice test:
1. is employed in the non-competitive title of Fire Cadet; or
2. holds a permanent (not provisional) competitive appointment or appears on a Preferred List (see Note, below)
for the title of Emergency Medical Specialist - EMT, Emergency Medical Specialist- Paramedic, Supervising Emergency Medical Service Specialist, Fire Protection Inspector, Associate Fire Protection Inspector, Fire Alarm Dispatcher, or Supervising Fire Alarm Dispatcher; and
3. is not otherwise ineligible.
(Note: A "Preferred List" is a civil service list which is only for certain former permanent employees of the eligible title who have rehiring rights.)
The admission of employees in the titles of Emergency Medical Specialist - EMT, Emergency Medical Specialist - Paramedic, Supervising Emergency Medical Service Specialist, Fire Protection Inspector, Associate Fire Protection Inspector, Fire Alarm Dispatcher, and Supervising Fire Alarm Dispatcher is on a collateral basis and applies to this examination only. It is not considered precedent for future examinations.
This examination is also open to employees who were appointed to an eligible title pursuant to New York State Civil Service Law, section 55-a, and who meet all other eligibility requirements.
If you do not know if you are eligible, check with your agency's personnel office. You may be given the test before we verify your eligibility. You are responsible for determining whether or not you meet the eligibility requirements for
Exam No. 4528 - Page 2
this examination prior to submitting your application. If it is determined prior to the test date that you are not eligible to participate in this examination, you will not receive an Admission Notice to take the multiple-choice test, you will not be permitted into the test site, and your application fee will not be refunded. If it is determined after the test date that you are not eligible to participate in this examination, your application fee will not be refunded and you will not receive a score.
Age Requirement:
You must be at least 171⁄2 years of age by the end of the application period and, except as noted below, you must not have reached your 29th birthday by the beginning of the application period to be eligible to take this examination. However, you must have reached your 21st birthday to be eligible for promotion to Firefighter.
Exceptions to the Age Requirement: All persons who were engaged in military duty as defined in Section 243 of the New York State Military Law may deduct from their actual age the length of time spent in such military duty up to a maximum deduction of six years, or had not passed their 29th birthday on or before December 31, 2019; and would have otherwise been eligible to file an application for a promotion exam as a member of the emergency medical services bureau of the Fire Department of New York.
In order to be eligible for promotion, you must have completed your probationary period in the competitive eligible title as indicated in the above "Eligibility To Take Examination" section, and you must be permanently employed in the eligible title or your name must appear on a Preferred List for the eligible title at the time of promotion. Additionally, you must have served permanently in the eligible title for at least four years, unless your probationary period in that eligible title has been waived pursuant to Rule 5.2.4 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of New York. Time served prior to a break in service of more than one year will not be credited toward meeting this requirement.
From the non-competitive title of Fire Cadet: At the time of promotion, you must be employed in the title of Fire Cadet and you must have satisfactorily completed the Fire Cadet Program.
Additionally, you must, at the time of consideration for promotion, meet all the qualification requirements for your competitive eligible title (Emergency Medical Specialist–EMT, Emergency Medical Specialist–Paramedic, Supervising Emergency Medical Service Specialist, Fire Protection Inspector, Associate Fire Protection Inspector, Fire Alarm Dispatcher, or Supervising Fire Alarm Dispatcher) including, but not limited to, possession of all required certifications for that compettitive eligible title. After promotion, you will be required to possess, as a minimum, a Certified First Responder Certification with Defibrillation (CFR-D), which must be maintained for the duration of employment.
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"...After promotion, you will be required to possess, as a minimum, a Certified First Responder Certification with Defibrillation (CFR-D), which must be maintained for the duration of employment."

I know some captains who wanted to maintain their CFR-D certification upon promotion to B.C. and were told they couldn't.
Apparently this is a change.
DCAS botched 2 FDNY promotional lists, firefighters say
Agency admits to flubbing scores on lieutenant’s exam
Firefighters at the scene of a 3-alarm fire on 1471 Watson Ave. in the Bronx’s Soundview neighborhood in August. The FDNY, firefighters and their unions have chastised the city’s Department of Citywide Administrative Services for its mishandling of the December 2022 promotion exam to fire lieutenant.
Firefighters at the scene of a 3-alarm fire on 1471 Watson Ave. in the Bronx’s Soundview neighborhood in August. The FDNY, firefighters and their unions have chastised the city’s Department of Citywide Administrative Services for its mishandling of the December 2022 promotion exam to fire lieutenant.
Posted Friday, November 17, 2023 9:36 pm
The FDNY, firefighters and their unions have sounded alarms about the results of a promotional exam they say were twice botched by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services.

DCAS released the hiring list from the promotional exam to firefighter lieutenant on Sept. 24 and firefighters immediately complained to both DCAS and the FDNY about how the agency calculated test-takers' seniority and merit awards into their final scores.

After the promotion list from the December 2022 exam was posted, the department requested that DCAS check the results. DCAS then “performed an additional review of scores and discovered that the published list was in fact, inaccurate,” according to an Oct. 12 FDNY order.

“DCAS discovered that the wrong weighting formula was used for seniority and awards, resulting in inaccuracy. They have recalculated the list with the correct formula for weighting,” such that seniority and award points and test scores contribute equally to final exam scores, according to the order from department officials.

DCAS took down its list soon after putting it up and posted the updated list Oct. 15.

But firefighters responded by filing even more complaints with the FDNY, DCAS and their unions, calling attention to what they said were remaining errors and confusion with the curve and grading system DCAS used to generate the second list.

“They changed the whole way that they weighed the test,” firefighter Patrick Finegan, one of the 1,677 names on the updated list generated by DCAS told The Chief this week.

‘We just want transparency”

Finegan said DCAS officials have not thoroughly addressed concerns raised about the second list and have failed to explain to firefighters how it generated those results. Both the Uniformed Fire Officers Association and the Uniformed Firefighters Association have rebuked DCAS for bungling the two promotional lists and for lacking transparency.

In a message to its members in early November, the UFOA said that it had made “several inquiries” about the grading of the second exam but added that the union has been “unable to get definitive details about the grading system used.” The union said that it appears DCAS curved the Oct. 15 list to reduce the value of an incorrect answer below one. This would mean that a firefighter who got 30 or more incorrect answers on the 100-question test would be able to achieve a passing score of 70 due solely to the curve.

“This is a significant concern to the UFOA and its members,” the union’s message said. “We believe that promotion exams with standard grading procedures are imperative in maintaining the merit-based promotion.”

The lowest score on the updated list is a 73.0, three above the passing cutoff, and Finegan says that his position was vastly different on the two lists that DCAS posted.

“It’s all over the place and we don’t know why they scored it the way they did,” Finegan, who’s also the Manhattan trustee for the UFA, said. “We just want transparency.”

DCAS, in a statement, did not address the concerns raised by Finegan and the UFOA regarding the Oct. 15 list. The agency admitted, however, that the initial list mistakenly made test-takers' scores count for 85 percent of their grade with seniority and merit awards only counting for 15 percent, a far cry from the 50-50 split that is DCAS’ usual means of scoring.

“DCAS ensures that all exam administration is a fair and transparent process for all candidates,” Anessa Hodgson, a DCAS spokesperson, said in a statement. “After initially publishing the eligible list for Exam No. 0569, we recognized an error in the scoring calculations. To quickly address this issue, we removed the incorrect scores and recalculated the exams based on the scoring guidelines outlined in our Notice of Examination.”

FDNY still reviewing the list

Andy Ansbro, the UFA’s president, blasted the hiring agency.

“The inability of DCAS to be transparent about the grading of the recent FDNY Lieutenant Promotional Exam raises serious concerns that bring into question the validity of the list, and the fairness of the process,” the union president said in a statement. “For the firefighter that has devoted countless hours studying to make themselves a better firefighter and eventually a better officer, they deserve to know that their preparation and commitment alone will be the basis of their position on the promotional list."

The FDNY, in a follow-up order Oct. 26, said that it had been working on a quality assurance review that had already identified one error that DCAS corrected. The department said that members should continue to share inaccuracies with the department and that more updates would be shared in future orders.

The FDNY, however, has not raised the issue in any department orders posted since and did not respond to a request for updates.

Finegan said that firefighters across the department are still hoping for some communication from DCAS that will better explain the new list. “DCAS has basically ghosted everyone,” he said. “There’s no information at all about this and firefighters are definitely frustrated.”

Firefighters who earn promotion from the DCAS list will be in line for a sizable raise, better health-care benefits and improved retirement contributions. But Finegan said that the benefits to the promotion extend beyond those perks.

“It's the privilege of being a leader of men and of other firefighters,” he said. “It's a prestigious way to advance your career.”



Somethings never change. This type of error is nothing new in FDNY promotional exams and also for New Firefighter Exams. I have been a member in the FDNY for over 50 years in some form or another and the "City" still cannot get exams right. I spent 18 months waiting on a Battalion Chief's promotion list, back in 1999 and 2000, with no Battalion Chief's promotions happening at all and still do not have any complete answer of why.
QUESTION Does anyone have the date for the Open Examination for FDNY Firefighter or even for the Filing date?
Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
Somethings never change. This type of error is nothing new in FDNY promotional exams and also for New Firefighter Exams. I have been a member in the FDNY for over 50 years in some form or another and the "City" still cannot get exams right. I spent 18 months waiting on a Battalion Chief's promotion list, back in 1999 and 2000, with no Battalion Chief's promotions happening at all and still do not have any complete answer of why.
QUESTION Does anyone have the date for the Open Examination for FDNY Firefighter or even for the Filing date?
Captain Bob Rainey FDNY Engine 26 retired
Filing: 3/6/24-5/21/24
Exam: 5/13/24
Looks like the OC exam won't be administered until the fall now....https://www.nyc.gov/assets/dcas/downloads/pdf/exam-schedules/dcas-annual-examination-schedule-fy2024-application-period-order.pdf

Application period 6/24/24
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^^^^^ Another crock of shit.... when no one shows up then it's a problem ...until then stop coddling those who don't want it ...stop the bullshit.

Some of the members here know that many years ago, after scoring high enough throughout the entire testing process, I LOST OUT ON THE JOB to becoming a career firefighter.

As it turned out, I ended up in a different place as a career firefighter, and everything worked out okay.

My brother, who took the same test, was eventually hired there, two years later.
However, throughout his entire career, every single promotion exam was challenged.
It was NOT based on qualifications, but on specific types of profile.
Yes , their agenda is so obvious. Not enough candidates to meet their DEI goals. So delay test and surge their recruitment efforts to meet their agenda. The sad part is that they are out to destroy FDNY much like they did NYPD. NYPD was the greatest police department in the country - it is no longer that. NYPD had the best cops and the best detectives in the world. Generally speaking, not anymore. Sadly that appears to be the future of FDNY as well. More and more people will be coming on the job that will not have the abilities to do the job, the desire to live the job, or the courage to make a move when faced with dangerous situations.