I would like to Thank Everyone who contributed to "My Younger Buff Stories". It has now passed the 10,000 mark for views. It would be Number 1 on this site, except for that "Dang" - "FDNY New Rigs" Thread.
I would Espically like to Thank, "r1smokeater" for his recent photos of the old Foam Units, and the two videos he submitted, one of Capt Ron Carritue - "The Bushwick Fire Storm Years", and the other, "Bronx, NYC".
Also: "FD347" for his Great Photos of "The Boro of Fire", Brooklyn Fire Communication Office
"RDM258" for giving us the preview of the 1972 Documentary "The Bronx is Burning"
"VBCapt" for giving us those Great Photos of Brooklyns Great Fire at Knickerbocker and Bleeker.
"*******" - for the stories he gave us as the Captain of Engine 82 from 1973 - 1976. He was one of the key players that was fighting those fires.
For those that sent the "PMs" or "Posted" kind words about the Thread, I greatly appreciate it. But besides the above, there were many more that helped make this a success.
I can"t forget both "guitarman314" and "johnd248" for their contributions. And for all the others that took the time to tell their stories or comments, you all played apart in this. "Thank You".
There"s one more very important person. Mr "tbendick", without him, we wouldn"t even have this site.