News of Members

Great news!

Congratulations to the Bendick Family!

Congratulations Grandpa John.
fltpara16 said:
Congratulations to the Bendick family! I am learning first hand the grandchildren are great!

  And Steve, we sure hope everything is going good with your granddaughter too.

  I know one thing, "they sure are lucky to have Grandpa's like you guys". Grandpa's Steve E. ""fltpara16", John B. "jbendick", Steve D. "svd385", John D. "johnd248", Eugene D. "efd274", Kevin D. "kfd274" and Elwood E. "CFDMarshall"
Congrats JBendick, Looks like you may need to get that surplus school bus you have always wanted! As for my little buddy in Norwich, the name is Elwood ERVIN, not Erwin!
CFDMarshal said:
Congrats JBendick, Looks like you may need to get that surplus school bus you have always wanted! As for my little buddy in Norwich, the name is Elwood ERVIN, not Erwin!

  Who says he's your buddy ???
nfd2004 said:
fltpara16 said:
Congratulations to the Bendick family! I am learning first hand the grandchildren are great!

  And Steve, we sure hope everything is going good with your granddaughter too.

  I know one thing, "they sure are lucky to have Grandpa's like you guys". Grandpa's Steve E. ""fltpara16", John B. "jbendick", Steve D. "svd385", John D. "johnd248", and Erwin E. "CFDMarshall"

  Yes John, sorry. I remember you telling me you were a grandfather. And I've known you for a very long time since back in the 70s. I know your a Great Grandpa too. I'll bet my last dime on that.

  Sorry for forgetting you and I added you to the Grandpa list.

  Uncle Wilfred
nfd2004 said:
fltpara16 said:
Congratulations to the Bendick family! I am learning first hand the grandchildren are great!

  And Steve, we sure hope everything is going good with your granddaughter too.

  I know one thing, "they sure are lucky to have Grandpa's like you guys". Grandpa's Steve E. ""fltpara16", John B. "jbendick", Steve D. "svd385", John D. "johnd248", and Erwin E. "CFDMarshall"

Willy D

efd274 has two grandaughters  :) and kfd274 has three grandsons  8)

Happy New Year
As for CFD Marshal, the easiest way to remember his name is to call him the REVEREND! Preach on Rev! 8)
nfd2004 said:
fltpara16 said:
Congratulations to the Bendick family! I am learning first hand the grandchildren are great!

  I know one thing, "they sure are lucky to have Grandpa's like you guys". Grandpa's Steve E. ""fltpara16", John B. "jbendick", Steve D. "svd385", John D. "johnd248", Eugene D. "efd274", Kevin D. "kfd274" and Ervin E. "CFDMarshall"

Our LATEST Grandpa List:
  1) Grandpa Steve E., "fltpara16"
  2)Grandpa John B., "jbendick"
  3)Grandpa Steve D., "svd385"
  4)Grandpa John D., "johnd248"
  5)Grandpa Ervin E., "CFDMarshall".
  6)Grandpa Eugene D., "efd274"
  7)Grandpa Kevin D., "kfd274"
  8)Grandpa Ray B., "raybrag"
  9)Grandpa Tom E., "guitarman314"
  10)Grandpa "3511"
  11)Grandpa Dean D., "vbcapt"
  12)Grandpa "Disp51"
  13)Grandpa Jack K., "68jk09"

  If you currently are a Grandpa or become one, you should be on our list too. And if you are a GrandMA, we'll set up a list for you too. As we saw on that you tube video, grand kids are a Special Group of people. And as Good Grandparents, "so are you". 

  Here you go GrandMa and GrandPa, I found this just for you.


1.  Grandpa of three.
2.  Great-Grandpa of one.

And I still think I'm young.  :eek: ::) 8)
nfd2004 said:
CFDMarshal said:
Congrats JBendick, Looks like you may need to get that surplus school bus you have always wanted! As for my little buddy in Norwich, the name is Elwood ERVIN, not Erwin!

  Who says he's your buddy ???

He did when he was doing 30 mph on the expressway trying not to pee his pants and the Rev and chinamen were having a discussion! Ask the Gasman!!!!
Grandpa Ray, we added you to our list. Thank you. But at being a "young" Great Grandpa, that may take a little more convincing. Maybe you're pretty young compared to "mikeindabronx" and "Johnny D" on here but the rest of us are all kids compared to that. It's just that like them, we collect our social security checks too.

And how about that "G-man". I think he's mentioned about being a Grandpa too. Didn't they also mention that in the Fire Buffs story of the Sunday New York Times.

  And "AuxWarYearsCapt", Doug, is there another story about the fire buffs coming out on Sunday 1/11 ? Can somebody pass it on if they do ?

  Reverend CFD....anybody who was sitting in that car that night listening to the Rev CFDMarshall preach the word and a Gasman who thought he was from China would have a problem too with trying to drive over 30 mph on the expressway and hoping not to pee pee in their pants. I just wish that was posted on you tube so it could be on here. 
Thats not pee pee .... It's misdirected laugh tears that just happen to run don your legs...  ::)
Willy .....both threads are great ... ... all the great contribution's by the posters in "My Younger Buff Years" as well as the posts by mack in the the "FH History" threads are preserving some FDNY History that should be kept alive & passed on. 
nfd2004 said:
I, "NFD2004", knew I was in trouble when "mack" started posting that thread called; "FDNY and NYC Firehouses". It is very quickly approaching that 200,000 view mark. It may even reach that by the time I finish typing this.

I rode the top spot with over 200,000 views for a very long time with the "My Younger Buffing Days" thread. Also in the "History" Section. But that may be coming to an end soon. The Top Spot may soon go to the "FDNY and NYC Firehouses" thread.

I can not deny the fact that the "NYC Firehouse" thread has really been great. I probably clicked on it over 1,000 times myself. It has the entire company history, rig shots, youtube videos, photos of the firehouses then and now, etc. Details of each firehouse and the company given. It really is great. And where the members added their own stories and facts, it has made it even more impressive. I don't know where anybody could find such a collection. Maybe the FDNY Mand Library that's about it.

  I don't mind taking second place to this thread. It deserves to be Number 1.

  Thanks "mack" for all the effort and work you have put into it. I consider it an irreplaceable Collectors Item.

  I say that all in fun of course. Actually "mack" has many friends on here, including myself.

  A little history of our own here. Shortly after "My Younger Buff Years" had started, "mack" contacted me to say that he could relate to some of the stories being told of the FDNY War Years as a buff also. Only instead of buffing the South Bronx and Harlem, he was familiar with the Coney Island area around that same time period. I told him that I had remembered hearing all the jobs then on streets like Mermaid Ave and Neptune Ave. Plenty of work there too.

  He told me that his father was a FDNY member there. I told him that my father was also a firefighter, but in Bridgeport, Ct. We talked about how lucky we were to grow up with fathers like that.

  Then we talked about going to catholic schools as kids. We talked about how tough those nuns were and if we messed up they weren't afraid to take action against us. Then we also talked about how we got no mercy once our parents found out about it. We just seemed to have a lot in common as younger guys. Of course now we also know that there are others on here as well with very similar stories.

  On one of the recent Get Together's, it turns out that the hotel many of us was staying at was just around the corner from where "mack" actually grew up while he was in that catholic school. So we got to see the Ole' Homestead in that Brooklyn neighborhood.

  If I remember correctly, "mack" once started a contest when "My Younger Buff Years" would hit the 200,000th view. I don't remember who won that but I think the prize might have been a T-shirt or a gift from . But "mack" was the one that came up with that idea.

  A few years ago, "mack" gave me a personnel invitation to see many of the tourist attractions and military memorials in the DC area. He also gave me a personnel tour of the Fairfax County Fire Department where he is a member, and set up a tour for me of their very modern 911 Dispatch Center. He even let me stay at his house during that time but I've never been able to repay him back. I was supposed to get a tour of the Pentagon one time, but that didn't really work out too well as some here know. 

  At least for me, because of the "My Younger Buff Years", I was able to meet not only "mack", but guys from Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, as well as the Five Boros of New York City. Even from as far away as Ireland. Like "mack" and myself, they all have the same interest and we've all become buddies. They are buffs, active firefighters, retired firefighters, and dispatchers. From Chief Officers to Probies.

  Now as many of us would be considered somewhat senior citizens, many of the younger members seem to be getting more involved. Those younger members on here need to keep that "FDNY and NYC Firehouses" and "My Younger Buff Years" threads alive for future generations to follow. Those stories and photos can NEVER be replaced again. And maybe when the "FDNY and NYC Firehouses" reaches 300,000 views, we can have another contest. Maybe a worthwhile prize like $300 or a gift certificate for Willy's favorite - "300 Micky Ds BIG MACs".
As I sit here on this very cold, windy Friday night with the temperature going down to 7 degrees in a place called "Connecticut", I follow up on the jobs the FDNY had, and what else is new on this site. I come across a thread about a fire on Bedford Park Blvd. Even though I'm from Connecticut, I know where Bedford Park Blvd in the Bronx is. But there's also a discussion about growing up there and drinking a few too many beers, and spending a lot of dimes trying to call a girlfriend. There's mention of a place called "Madden's" and another place called "Kerrigan's & Raftery's".

  So after plowing another couple of inches of snow today from my driveway, I'm a bit tired of it and looking for some excitement. Well when a guy is almost 66 years old, I guess on a Friday night in Connecticut, this is about the most excitement he can find. It's called "Growing up in the Bronx".

But for those guys who grew up in the Bronx like "fdce54", "3511', "svd385", "G-man", "Atlas", and "mikeindabronx", THIS ONE'S FOR YOU.