PRAY FOR OUR BROTHER IN BLUE....  www.nydailynews.com/new-york/cops-dragged-cars-brooklyn-staten-island-incidents-article-1.3219552 ...... Once again why was this 15 year old w/a lengthy record walking free ?

68jk09 said:
PRAY FOR OUR BROTHER IN BLUE....  www.nydailynews.com/new-york/cops-dragged-cars-brooklyn-staten-island-incidents-article-1.3219552 ...... Once again why was this 15 year old w/a lengthy record walking free ?

Dragged TWO BLOCKS ! ! !

A 15 (only Fifteen) Years Old, ALREADY with a lengthy record. Allowed to walk the streets.

It was only a few months ago when a FDNY/Medic was run over and killed by a similar criminal who was roaming the streets after being convicted 30 (THIRTY) other times.

Each one of these incidents involving parents of young children. What does it take to put these Ruthless, Career Criminals away ?

At this point, all the good people can do is pray for the full recovery of this police officer. But to fully recover from a serious head injury is a difficult thing to do.

I only wish that I could be the judge deciding this 15 year olds future. I'd have no problem making sure he doesn't walk any streets anymore.
CONGRATULATIONS DETECTIVE....  http://nypost.com/2017/06/09/cop-who-survived-terrorists-hatchet-attack-makes-detective/
On the DISCOVERY CHANNEL:    http://bronx.news12.com/story/36306987/legendary-south-bronx-detective-gets-tv-show
guitarman314 said:
On the DISCOVERY CHANNEL:    http://bronx.news12.com/story/36306987/legendary-south-bronx-detective-gets-tv-show

The show is EXCELLENT. If you haven't seen it, Friedman describes details of what happened and that story is acted out. Anybody who was there to see it will relate to the environment that existed at that time.

I might have been pulled over by this Anti Crime cop myself. I guess I was the kind of individual that just didn't seem to fit in with the surrounding area.

I NEVER took offense to ever being stopped or checked out by them. I was GLAD THEY WERE THERE. I think after awhile they might have even recognized a few of us as frequent visitors and just some CRAZY FOOLS from the suburbs who are here to chase fire trucks. They probably tried to keep an eye on us for our own safety when they could. To make sure we got to go home alive.

Anyway here's a couple of you tube videos in which some of his stories are told.


BROTHERS..Please take time to remember this & say a Prayer for an NYPD Officer who made the Supreme Sacrifice he was Off Duty& protecting his own Family this evening 36 years ago on 12-16-81 ...... www.odmp.org/officer/1034-police-officer-anthony-j-abruzzo-jr .....Tony Continued REST IN PEACE....as you look down from your Sector in Heaven w/Poppa Joe who you gave your life protecting & who joined you only a few short years ago after the many additional years you gave him on earth you see that Barbara although still grieving & Never Forgetting that night is Healthy & today surrounded by Family & Friends...You will never be forgotten & are a Legend in our neighborhood....We Salute you...... (following is a NY Times article from 1983)... www.nytimes.com/1983/05/18/nyregion/about-new-york.html .......the three perps were captured 6 months later & all sentenced to 25 to life...one died in jail in March 2014 the other two remain in jail today.

RIP Officer Abruzzo.  God bless your family always - and during this Christmas season.
God Bless Those Who Serve and, Those Who Mourn.

Rest In Peace Officer Tony Abruzzo, 'Heaven-Sector' in Good Hands. God Bless Your Wonderful Family, this
Holiday Season & Always.
Two Officers Are the NYPD's 'Never Forget' Squad
CHANGES...    http://breaking911.com/breaking-massive-nypd-shakeup-underway-top-chiefs-fired/