Nov 29, 2007
Since there seems to be alot of members who're up on there history.  Where was Squad#2 located, was it discontinued or form a new company and what was it function??
Squad 2 was quartered with Engine 73 on Prospect Ave & E 152 St. It fell victim to the budget crisis in 1975.
Speaking of Squad companies . . . John Calderone will issue a new book:  "New York City Squad Company Apparatus" in May.  It will be $34.95.  You can order it from  Fire Apparatus Journal, PO Box 141295, Staten Island NY 10314.  It starts with the first Flying Squad in 1918, and continues thru the bread truck era, and on to the current seven squad companies and haz-mat tenders.
Since there seems to be alot of members who're up on there history.  Where was Squad#2 located, was it discontinued or form a new company and what was it function??
It was with Bronx Engine 73 at 655 Prospect Avenue from August 1, 1955 to May 1, 1976.
Squad 2..  I have shirts around that still say squad 2 on them. 
The old man worked squad 2 during the 1970's prior to it closing down.
Capt, as best as I can do, Sqd 1 was with E59 in Harlem. It was moved over to the Bronx around 1974 to E45. Sqd 2 was with E73 in the Bronx. Sqds 3 and 4 were in Brooklyn. Somebody from Brooklyn will have to tell us where. Sqd 5 was in the Bronx with E41. I think it was E41-2 before it became Sqd 5. Sqd 6 was in Manhattan with E22. In 1972 it was put together with TCU 712 to form L59. Now there where other squads but that was before my time. Some one else will have to fill in the rest. 
I don't the years, but the squads only went on 10-75's after midnight.  So anytime you had a run, it's was a job..
Tommy, were they only staffed during the midnight ( 12x8 ) , so the manpower was around after the TCU's went end of tour??
I believe Squad 3 in Brooklyn was either at E 230 or E 217.  I also believe Squad 4 was at Engine 283.
Tommy, were they only staffed during the midnight ( 12x8 ) , so the manpower was around after the TCU's went end of tour??

If my memory of Paul Hashagens class serves me well, I recall that the TCU's  (Tactical Control Units) established in 1969 only operated from the hours of 2:30 pm to 12:30 am. When the first Squads were made in 1955 (1 in April, 2 in August, and 3 and 4 in November) they were assigned 25 firemen and four officers and responded 24 hours a day as manpower units. As far as the way they operated when the TCU's were formed, I'm not too sure! SQDBOSS, I welcome any corrections! :)
The Squads of yesterday operated primarly in a "support" function that you see todays Rescues and Squads operate without the additional training.  Due to the heavy call/work volume; a BC/DC was fortunate to have a Rescue or Squad assigned.  If you think about it, they got to see and do alot do to there assignment.
I have a few old WNYF magazines; in the "taking up" & the "In Memoriam" sections thay list the last assignment of the member. They are all pretty much self explanatory for me however, I've noticed an assignment abbreviation that has baffled me for years. What does L.S.S stand for? ???
The simplest explanation of "LSS" I could find is permanent light service...basically a desk job if I'm not mistaken.
LSS = Limited Service Squad. It is a duty status for members on long term light duty. members assigned to LSS are usually on their way to retire with a disability.