No matter what field you are in, it will pull in several types of people. I separate them by saying the good, the bad, and the ugly. Let is be a civic group, a religious group, a governmental agency, or a fire department. When something happens good or bad the media may jumps on the story. If its bad, the media will play it up hoping to get a really nasty ugly angle to the incident. Always looking for the new outrageous headline! On the other hand, if the event or incident is good we are luckily to ready about it once if at all.
I am sorry to say in today's world this happens too often. The bad or ugly story gets repeated and repeated, but not the positive story. We will never stop the greed from people who are looking for something for nothing, nor we may never find out the real truth why the money was taken and if was not to help someone else who really cares because its gone. Maybe we can put some energy in to helping the culprit and make sure this does not happen again to another organization. Do we still have any Robin Hoods among us today?
In this thread is mentioned Aviation VFD in Bronx, NY. Yes there were problems at the end of the lifespan but in previous years do we even think and thank there previous members for all the good that they did for the residents of the community they served. I can tell you first handed that they saves a lot of lives and property over the years. They did not have a big fancy fire house or band new rigs. Like many other VFD's it was all hand-me-down's from other departments. So what happened, new members joined & took control of the organization. Policies changed and problems were created. When the problems got out of hand FDNY ordered them to shut down. Are you aware that there are 9 other VFD's in NYC?
None of us are 100% perfect and I don't thing we all live in glass houses so lest all be careful of the stones that we throw.
I think enough has been said, let's put this thread to bed.