It's been awhile since we heard a little music from those "Days of Doo Wop".
Some of the guys that I know who roamed the streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island or the Bronx, during those days are here with us today. Guys like; "memorymaster", "manhattan", "fdce54", "68JK09", "Parkave32", "mikeindabronx", "mack", "69mets", "JOR176", "svd385", "Atlas", and of course "guitarman354". I'm sure I forgot a few, and I sure didn't mean to do that.
Well, as most of us know who were around then, "the boys from New York City just kind of stood out among the crowd". Many Doo Wop singers came from there. Sometimes on a Saturday the DJ known as "Murray the K" would have his Rock and Roll Revue's at the famous Brooklyn Fox Theater. The AM radio stations from NYC such as WNBC, and WABC, would be tuned in by us in the Tri state area to hear our favorite DJs like Cousin Brucie and Wolfman Jack play our favorite Doo Wop music.
Sometimes these NYC guys I mentioned would drive along the Avenue in their shiny custom cars they had. Maybe take their girlfriend on a date to see a movie at the Drive in Theater. Sometimes, those guys were hoping to see more than just the movie though !!!!!
Anyway, those NYC guys were a Classic group. They still are today. Just that what hair they have left has probably turned grey or white. They may not be as skinny as they were then. And they probably just walk a little slower today. The drive in movies are all gone now. But one thing that is NOT gone is the great memories and the great Doo Wop music they all once listened and danced to.
So what better Doo Wop song to listen to than a song written just about these guys. It was released in 1965 and sung by a group called "The Ad Libs". The song is called "The Boy from NYC" and it was all about them. The words to the song actually tell the story much better than I can. So listen close. And for "The Boys from NYC", this one's for you..........